Sunday, September 19, 2010

Some Mark Villasenor Archeology

Well, there's not much to say about Casey right now, except that once again the house is up for auction and there doesn't seem to be much that his mortgage eliminating scams can do about it. We'll have more about that after the auction that is scheduled tomorrow. Our friend James Marks has commented about it on his blog and we have little more to say.

But there's been some discussion of long-departed Mark Villasenor, aka LossMitPro, on the Campidiot Thread, and we thought we'd toss some extra information out there about his vexatious litigating ways.

As discussed in the thread, Mark at one point actually sued a nonprofit volunteer organization for violating his civil rights. It seems that the Stanislaus Wilderness Volunteers was incorporated as a nonprofit organization to coordinate the activities of volunteers working with the Forest Service in the Stanislaus National Forest. Mark was a member.

We've read through this and managed, through Mark's poor use of the legal language, to figure out what seems to have irked him. It appears that Villasenor didn't like the fact that the Forest Service was telling the SWV folks how they had to conduct themselves if they wanted to continue working with them. He determined that this was an inappropriate involvement in a private organization's affairs and thus, somehow, was a violation of his civil rights. So he sued the organization for essentially giving in to the Forest Service's demands.

We should mention that we're not unfamiliar with the FS people, or the sometimes unreasonable demands that they make of associated volunteer organizations. But for better or worse, there's no law requiring the FS or any other government agency to take volunteers at all, let alone to allow them to run things as they see fit. It seems that the FS took the position that "you can do things our way, or you can do things on your own without FS volunteer uniforms or any other trappings of officialdom."

Here in SoCal, one of our little Casey-hatin' band is in fact a volunteer with two such organizations, one of which is focused on Search and Rescue and the other of which helps rebuild and maintain trails. He's avoided joining any of the "official" Forest Service volunteer groups precisely because he doesn't want to be subject to as many of their rules. Of course, he also gives up the opportunity to participate in certain types of activities that are reserved for more "official" types and does so with the knowledge that the FS could at any time and for any reason decide that the volunteer efforts are no longer desired.

Mark seems particularly pissed off about the fact that one of his buddies was removed from the board of the SWV after repeatedly pissing off the local FS people and -- it seems -- insisting on a mode of operation that was contrary not only to the FS rules, but also to the rules established by the organization. He seems to have been the sort of guy we have encountered through participation on CERT activities in southern California: the kind of guy who wants everybody to be in uniform, who will have set up his own entire command structure outside that of the sponsoring agency, and who will make unreasonable demands not only on the other volunteers but on the sponsoring agency itself. You see these guys at quarterly LAFD drills. They're the ones with their own radios, helmets, rescue gear, etc. In fact, some of them show up with more thousands of dollars of their own gear, often more than the firefighter/trainers have! And they always want to jump in and tell everybody else how things need to be done.

The guy who sponsored our own CERT class was like that. He and his HAM radio club sponsored the class. He wanted to force all the participants into some additional training focused on use of radios in an emergency. He wanted to set up a local SAR team for callup during an emergency. For months after the class he pestered everybody who had attended (including those from outside his immediate area) about joining his private little group. He tried to set up an emergency chain of command that bypassed all local authorities. He declared himself the "commissioner" of the group and gave himself a "commissioner" email. (OK, it was a gmail account, but still...) He was quite clearly uninterested in participation by women or by those who saw their role in an emergency as being neighborhood points of contact and information rather than as active SAR types. Eventually he pissed off the LAFD folks to the point where he was "disinvited" from sponsoring any further CERT activities. Sounds like the same thing happened to Mark's buddy. Mark didn't like it.

Also, it seems that the SWV, in coordination with the FS, instituted a set of rules about use of dogs during volunteer activities that irked Mark. Again, he attributed this to FS meddling and his own organizations' unwillingness to be more independent.

How all this translates into a violation of Mark's civil rights is somewhat unclear to us.

It seems to us that this is essentially the problem with Mark, both during the Casey saga and apparently elsewhere in his life. Like many Americans (in fact, very much like Casey) he's decided that he deserves to have things both ways: he wants to be an official Forest Service volunteer, but somehow also wants to have the right to volunteer on his own terms and to be able to reject Forest Service rules when they don't suit him.

Back in the IAFF days he wanted to be a very public participant in what was a very public saga, yet felt that he was entitled to privacy in all matters other than those that he personally chose to discuss. He went so far as saying that his name could not be used because he hadn't actually provided it himself (rather, he provided "clues" that allowed anybody with Google and a brain to deduce his name in about 30 seconds). Some in the Caseysphere chose to accede to his demands either out of courtesy for a fellow Hater or out of fear of a BS lawsuit. We're sufficiently versed in law that we choose not to do so. His activities and history are not only relevant to the story, but they actually became a matter of public record, once he filed a lawsuit against Casey.

We could go on and on. But we got the documents and they are linked here, so feel free to read them for yourselves if you care to:

In any event, it seems that Mark decided to move on, and in fact started his own nonprofit volunteer organization focused on the use of dogs to help the disabled enjoy the wilderness. Good for him.

Hope this helps those of you who are still trying to get a full picture of the individuals Casey has associated with over the years.

And that's the view from FalseCasey HQ, where it's cold and foggy.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Am Fighting Foreclosure???

He's baaaaaack!

Our friend BTC has summed this up quite adroitly, and we have little to add:

The premise is completely untrue, which is 80-90% of the problem with everything since IAFF. IAFF was true in it's basic premise: he WAS facing foreclosure. Avoiding it, managing it stupidly, turning it into a silly game that gutted him, but unquestionably FACING it on multiple properties. How it all worked out was what kept people glued to it.

Foreclosure Help Book provided neither help nor a book. Escape My House had nothing to do with escaping any houses as he had none. Able Buyer is not able to buy anything. I Survived Foreclosure was true only in the very limited sense that Casey remained alive through the process. Millionaire By Christmas had nothing to do with becoming a millionaire, neither by Christmas nor any other time. My Foreclosure Story had no story to tell. Mortgage Elimination Man eliminated no mortgages and it's questionable whether the word "man" should apply to Casey in the first place. TrueCasey was anything but true. Island2012 has no island and no plan for getting one by 2012, or for that matter 2112.

Following in this grand tradition, I Am Fighting Foreclosure will not involve any kind of fighting, because that suggests actually doing something, which sounds suspiciously like work. We know what Casey thinks about that.

Difficult to disagree with that.

And that's the way things are here at FalseCasey HQ, where we're wondering if there'll ever be a summer.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lisa and Her Tits are Hiding

But not very well, as we'll discuss soon enough.

First an apology for our long absence and the dearth of posts in the month or two prior. Unfortunately, job troubles for one of us and a death in the family for another have kept us away from Casey and his idiocy for far too long. Not that we haven't been checking in from time to time, we just haven't had time for the detailed analysis and discussion for which our blog is famous. Rather than simply pass along headlines that have been generously made available by our friends at Camp Idiot, we have chosen silence. Now it is time for that silence to be broken.

LisaTits is back, though you would never know it if you were to Google her name, or at least the name we knew her by, which was Lisa Scifo, her married name.

The other day, she changed her name to Lisa Henry, or should we say she changed it back? It's obvious that Henry was her maiden name, a name she left behind when she married Matt Scifo and which she continued to use after he filed for divorce, they lost their house to foreclosure, etc. Knowing what she's up to now, Matt is probably quite happy to have his name back.

Her family should probably feel otherwise, as we will see later.

As documented over on Caseypedia, boyfriend and co-conspirator Mike Masterson has apparently moved the business in a new direction, which is the selling of "authorized user" spaces on unused credit cards. This is one of the older "credit repair" scams out there. For a fee, somebody will let you list yourself as an "authorized user" on their unused credit card account. You never get a card so you can never actually use the account, but it does show up on your credit record and in the past may have helped improve your score.

That is, until the credit industry figured this one out and instituted something called FICO '08, which initially planned to drop all "authorized users" from credit scoring entirely, and later restored them but to a much more limited degree designed only to enable members of the same household to share credit accounts and scores. A competing system called VantageScore has never considered "authorized users" to have credit accounts of their own. These days, anybody paying to be an "authorized user" of a stranger's credit card is in fact paying for nothing at all. Giving hundreds of dollars to the big-titted hustler and her chicken-incinerating co-conspirator is not likely to yield much.

The business must not be going all that well, because in addition to the "specials" linked above, the Executive Consultant Group LLC duo have also seen fit to offer a 10% off coupon, reproduced at the top of this communique. As one of the more astute commenters on CI noted: "Economy's so bad even the scammers are giving discounts."

Of course, it may even be worse than that. Remember how we said that Lisa's ex is probably glad to have his name back but her family might not feel the same way? It seems that by changing her name back, she's revealed all of them as well as Mike's family to public scrutiny. We won't get into the details because it has been so juicily and meticulously aired on CI and we prefer that you read it at the source, but it's great stuff. Among other things this information suggests pretty conclusively that the house where Casey's infamous "chicken incineration video" was shot probably did not belong to Lisa and Mike, rather it's Mike's sister's place and that in all likelihood her kids are the ones that Lisa claimed to be nannying in her Facebook profile some time back.

We also note that around the time of Lisa's name change, the company's crappy old website went blank and was replaced with the company blog from which the above coupon was copied. And not only one blog, but two, the second being merely a bad blogspot copy of the bad Wordpress blog that contains the original. It's so badly done we have to wonder if they actually hired Casey to do the work.

So there you have it. An amateurish attempt to hide from the editors of Caseypedia, the sleuths of CI and the mysterious denizens of CHC. Failed, naturally. But the attempt didn't just fail to address the bad publicity problem, as this piece, the comments on CI and the Caseypedia article will easily link Lisa Scifo, now Lisa Henry, Mike Masterson and the Executive Consultant Group LLC for the rest of eternity. The attempt has generated new interest by those parties who previously sought only to enjoy a quick intermission now and then courtesy of a photo of Lisa's funbags. As a result, both of their entire families have now been slimed as associates of their sleazy business.

There is only one right way to do business with Casey: not at all. There is only one right way to react to being outed: move on, forget it and do something else. Fighting it just makes it worse and scammers who don't crawl back under their rocks get what they deserve.

And that's the way things are here at FC HQ, where we're settling back in after too much time away.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Casey's Fault!!!

And he admits it. In a way, but not really.

First, we're sorry to have been offline thorough much hilarity. We will attempt to look back and comment on some of what's transpired recently as we have the opportunity. Sadly, a grim family duty has been distracting us from commenting and at times even following things recently. Fortunately we are now, as Casey might say it, "back in the game."

We were immediately drawn to the minor discourse between himself and "Mike Gambino" on his "Casey Serin Daily Miracles" Facebook page. We'll dispense with the fact that Mike Gambino appears to be a tard, but instead focus on the good stuff.

Mike notes that:
"It's easy to decide we are victims of something else in the world, a lot tougher to take responsibility and be free of victimhood."
Casey responds that:
"This course teaches you to take responsibility for EVERYTHING that you perceive. The good, the bad and the ugly. Everything in my life is my fault! haha. Love it."
We find the subtle difference between the two somewhat illuminating as to what is or isn't going on in the mind of our boi wonder (or should that be "wondering boi?")

Mike speaks of "taking responsibility" which we think most intelligent readers would presume to be somehow related not only to assigning blame, but also to accepting the consequences and dealing with them. Casey wants to merely state that the blame is his, then having done this to move on and forget about it, because after all he's going to find some miracles to make things right or maybe not even make things right at all, because that's really not his problem.

And that's the way things are back here at FalseCasey HQ, where two months later there's still not much new in the Caseyverse.

Friday, March 12, 2010

It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's... Mortgage Elimination Man!

Yes, it's Mortgatge Elimination Man! Strange visitor from a third world shithole who came to Sacramento with powers and abilities of loosing houses far greater than those of mortal men! Mortgage Elimination Man, who can wreck the value of anything he touches, bend (and sometimes break) contracts with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Casey Serin, mild-mannered occasional valet-parker for a semi-great Sacramento restaurant, fights a never-ending battle for scams, injustice and turning America into third-world nation.

And now, another exciting episode in the Adventures of Mortgage Elimination Man!

YES. He's Baaaaaack!

And by the look of things, he's now restyled himself as "Mortgage Elimination Man," more than likely hoping to sell some of the otherwise freely-available "advice" about Mortgage Elimination, a scam that apparently begins from the presumption that money is not real, therefore the mortgage never really existed, therefore, it can just be eliminated. We're not sure what the proponents of this system propose to do about returning the house to the original owner from whom it was purchased with money that isn't real, but that's the kind of question that only details guys like us would ever be concerned about. (In fact of the matter, we wouldn't be concerned because we'd never let ourselves get into that situation in the first place.)

According to posts forwarded to us primarily from his Facebook Wall (to which we have no access), he seems to be:

  1. Involved with Aaron Krowne, the current owner of the old IAFF site, and a true nutcase.
  2. Still interested in pursuing the Island idea, and apparently has one supporter who has similar goals. Funding pending.
  3. "Couch surfing" around Sacraemento, which we take to mean that he's not welcome at home, or at least not on terms that are acceptable to him.

There is also some evidence that he is planning to provide advice based on a "produce the note" strategy that has worked at times. If that's his plan, we have some bad news for him: First, most lenders have gotten much better about getting their ducks in a row, especially given the long current lead-times to foreclosure. Second many courts are denying that defense when it's clear that the problem is only a technical one, not a real question of note ownership. Third, and most important, we're moving to a new phase of the foreclosure crisis. When Casey lost his houses, the problem was in subprime. These were mostly crap loans given to crap buyers for crap houses and often the paperwork was crap. Today's foreclosures are much more focused on the prime interest-only or option-ARM loans that were typically better done, typically during a less frentic period in the market and were less likely to have been securitized, sold or reassigned, meaning the paperwork is in better shape. Finally, the word on this strategy is out there. Nobody needs to pay a lazy bum like Casey to "help" them with it.

But really, Casey's strategy is always the same, to the point where it's kind of boring:

  1. Make fool of self on blog
  2. ???????
  3. Riches and fame

Casey just hasn't figured out the second step yet.

We note that "" has recently been registered.
[Note: within a few hours of our observation the site came live. Casey is still an idiot.]

We also note that and have been taken, the latter and maybe both apparently by Haterz™. The Haterz™ blogs, of course, are sure to be more entertaining than the real thing.

And that's the breaking news from FalseCasey HQ, where things are otherwise quiet on a Friday night.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gone Again...

Since the bankruptcy, Casey's gone once again.

The Island2012 idiot website is still up there, but with no sign of life, just the clock ticking down to Casey's ultimate fail.

And no other news coming from anywhere else.

So, we don't have much to say and won't be posting much until there's anything new or different. If you know anything, let us know. Anybody been by the Serin compound lately?

That's all we know here at FalseCasey HQ, where it's cold and been raining.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thanks Son, We're Broke!

The details are in and it's clear that the Serin parental units have filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition and repayment plan, apparently to avoid foreclosure on their house, trampoline and Casey's guest cell in the basement.

Reading through the filings, it's tough to say how much of the amazing credit card debt is related to Casey, but we believe a significant proportion of it is. Obviously, we have no way of knowing whether it's that debt that pushed them over the edge, or whether it would have happened in any case. But its clear that a chapter in Casey and his family's life is now over. For now, the foreclosure proceedings against them have been stalled, maybe for long enough that his sister will be able to finish high school before they are forced to get out. Life will continue.

Sadly, life will also continue in a manner that allows Casey to mooch for the forseeable future, which is too bad.

The filings:

Bankruptcy filing and attachments

Repayment plan

Repayment order

And that's the way we are at FalseCasey HQ, where we still think it's better to rent right now.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Casa de-Serin Auction Tomorrow?

Somebody posting on Walrus's blog mentioned that the auction for the Serin castle will take place tomorrow. We have not been able to confirm this, but apparently the requirement to post a notice doesn't extend to the requirement that it be posted in a place that is internet-accessible. The only way to get such information seems to be to subscribe to a real-estate listing service, and we're not really willing to spend that kind of money just to find out.

Anybody in Sacramento willing to take a trip to the courthouse steps tomorrow to check it out and report for us?

We suspect that the auction won't actually happen. If the Serin's have a brain among them (which, we guess, they may not) and if they've managed to avoid any advice from their malignant son, they will file for bankruptcy immediately before the auction and hold off the proceedings. In foreclosure capitals like Sacramento that's taking more than a year to work through the system these days.

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where not much is going on.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It looks like the end is near for the Serin family's property-owning days. According to the Sacramento Court records, the Notice of Default on their property has been changed to a Notice of Trustee Sale. This typically means that sometime in the next month the guy in the funny hat outside the courthouse will auction off the Serin home, just as he did with one of Casey's properties way back when.

We're not sure what Casey will do then. There has been very little leaking out about this and his Facebook wall has been invisible for some time. There was some discussion in some circles about the fact that Casey's debt was at least 10% of his parents' obligation, and while there's no real corroborating evidence, that seems about right to us. How it might be impacted by a parental bankruptcy is unclear.

Prior to going blank on Facebook, Casey also alluded to possibly traveling and leaving the country for a while. He was discussing WWOOFing as one possibility of getting to the island of his dreams, and also mentioned something about some guy with big plans for an island resort in Fiji who was going to hire him into a great "opportunity." It's unclear if any of this came together.

What is clear is that the Serin parents will be renters for a long time to come, probably in a more modest home which won't have space for a moocher in his own bedroom. Casey's future looks like it'll involve sleeping on the sofa in some 2-bedroom condo where his parents and younger sister each get a room and he gets told that he can have his own space when he gets a job and pays for it.

For Casey this will be a major disaster. Sleeping on the sofa will mean rising at a normal hour with the rest of the family. It'll mean no late-nite blogging and Facebooking. It'll mean no getting high and acting stupid. And it's now winter, so sleeping in his vansion in the inaccessible snow-covered foothills will no longer be an option.

It sucks to be Casey's family in the best of times. While we have our quibbles with the way they've handled the boi, we do wish them well through their hard times. It sucks even more to be Casey though, but at this point we find it difficult to wish him anything but the roughest of times as he has clearly earned them.

Finally, we wonder how Casey missed the opportunity to start a blog about all this?

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where we're late but had to stick around long enough to pass this news along.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nothing New

We wish there were something to say, but there isn't. Casey has gone completely dark. Apparently he's not all that happy with the fact that his Facebook wall contents were leaking out even after he locked it down to "only friends," and has stopped posting anything of interest.

We have a tough time he's doing nothing, but we have no visibility as to what it is.

Anybody with an update, please let us know. If not, we'll keep on waiting. The boi just can't manage to avoid publicity, and we're sure he'll be back.

In other news, it seems that good ol' AngelTits herself has managed to sanitize her Google search records. We used to be ranked at #2, but she seems to have done some pretty miraculous sanitizing, eliminating both this blog and the Angel Lynn entry on CaseyPedia from any mention in the search results. In fact, it doesn't even come up if you Google "Angel Lynn Caseypedia." A bit thin-skinned are we?

There are some rumblings of a possible Haterzcon™ meetup in Utah in a couple of weeks, which usually just means BTC, Nigel and Funky get together for beers and act stupid. This wouldn't be surprising because BTC has been out there in January for the past two years and it seems to be a fairly normal occurance. However, we have no indication that Casey is planning to show up or that he would be welcome even if he could afford the bus fare to get there.

And that's the way we see it at the FalseCasey HQ, where the weather has been warm and so has the, um, "companionship."