Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's Casey's Fault!!!

And he admits it. In a way, but not really.

First, we're sorry to have been offline thorough much hilarity. We will attempt to look back and comment on some of what's transpired recently as we have the opportunity. Sadly, a grim family duty has been distracting us from commenting and at times even following things recently. Fortunately we are now, as Casey might say it, "back in the game."

We were immediately drawn to the minor discourse between himself and "Mike Gambino" on his "Casey Serin Daily Miracles" Facebook page. We'll dispense with the fact that Mike Gambino appears to be a tard, but instead focus on the good stuff.

Mike notes that:
"It's easy to decide we are victims of something else in the world, a lot tougher to take responsibility and be free of victimhood."
Casey responds that:
"This course teaches you to take responsibility for EVERYTHING that you perceive. The good, the bad and the ugly. Everything in my life is my fault! haha. Love it."
We find the subtle difference between the two somewhat illuminating as to what is or isn't going on in the mind of our boi wonder (or should that be "wondering boi?")

Mike speaks of "taking responsibility" which we think most intelligent readers would presume to be somehow related not only to assigning blame, but also to accepting the consequences and dealing with them. Casey wants to merely state that the blame is his, then having done this to move on and forget about it, because after all he's going to find some miracles to make things right or maybe not even make things right at all, because that's really not his problem.

And that's the way things are back here at FalseCasey HQ, where two months later there's still not much new in the Caseyverse.


Sweet Cashback said...


palestine4ever said...

Say what you will about the tenets of Personal Sovereignty but at least it's an ethos.

Anonymous said...

Oh and also, Dude, it's not "Gypsy." I believe the preferred nomenclature is "band of like minded criminal enterprise supporting skeeves with no moral compass or respect for the law of their adopted country, please.

palestine4ever said...

Funny thing is, this personal sovereignty/redemption movement bullshit actually evolved out of those lovely Posse Comitatus types.

It's gone way beyond that now but c'mon, Donnie, are we really going to split hairs here? They were threatening castration! And also, you know, the cucumber... keeping it within... using it for... that's not legal either.

KiwiDingo said...

Casey's ramblings all sound a bit too nihilistic for me. I look around the room and see a house that is warm in the winter and children that give me little biscuits. That's really important.

Will the Serin family home be up for sale soon? Will that mean an open home people can go to. Given that CaseyHaterism is one religion we can all agree on I think everyone should make the pilgrimage to the house.

PS: Hi palestine4ever

palestine4ever said...

I am disappoint in this blog.

Anonymous said...

False Casey, are you going to weigh in on the deed transfer from Serin parental units to Casey K Serin, non-strawman?

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that the island website no longer has the countdown timer on it. And no island background. Just a little icon with a SerinUS piece of text on it.

Does that mean the island scheme has finally sunk? :-)