Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nothing New

We wish there were something to say, but there isn't. Casey has gone completely dark. Apparently he's not all that happy with the fact that his Facebook wall contents were leaking out even after he locked it down to "only friends," and has stopped posting anything of interest.

We have a tough time he's doing nothing, but we have no visibility as to what it is.

Anybody with an update, please let us know. If not, we'll keep on waiting. The boi just can't manage to avoid publicity, and we're sure he'll be back.

In other news, it seems that good ol' AngelTits herself has managed to sanitize her Google search records. We used to be ranked at #2, but she seems to have done some pretty miraculous sanitizing, eliminating both this blog and the Angel Lynn entry on CaseyPedia from any mention in the search results. In fact, it doesn't even come up if you Google "Angel Lynn Caseypedia." A bit thin-skinned are we?

There are some rumblings of a possible Haterzcon™ meetup in Utah in a couple of weeks, which usually just means BTC, Nigel and Funky get together for beers and act stupid. This wouldn't be surprising because BTC has been out there in January for the past two years and it seems to be a fairly normal occurance. However, we have no indication that Casey is planning to show up or that he would be welcome even if he could afford the bus fare to get there.

And that's the way we see it at the FalseCasey HQ, where the weather has been warm and so has the, um, "companionship."


Mortgage Fraudster said...

I imagine it's somewhat difficult to update your Facebook page after your parents have forced you to sell your laptop for food money.

I'm also betting that neither the homeless shelter nor the local soup kitchen offer WiFi hotspots for the indigent family of fraudsters.

It's easy to laugh at this, after tons of people were telling Steve that the parents' kowtowing to Casey's every whim -- co-signing for the $65K credit lines comes to mind -- would ultimately cost them the house. Complete morons, these people. They deserve their fate.

Anonymous said...

Did one of the elder Serins lose their job? Cause if not the Serin homestead was a four income household when their NOD was filed, and the still couldn't come up with the money.

Nowhere Man said...

Do we know if the house was foreclosed because Dad Serin was as big a con artist as his son? Or because Casey's behavior and his mum's signing the company credit form left them on the hook and bankrupt?

Must be a real nice atmosphere over there if they are losing the house because of Casey!

We told you Steve - you should have kicked that POS in the head a long time ago.

False Casey said...

From what little we can tell, it appears that the parents either refinanced or added to their loan amount at various points, this in addition to the debt they cosigned for Casey.

It's quite likely that some of this financing was of the "interest only" variety and it probably reset higher in the past year.

Parents are both government employees and we've seen nothing indicating that either of them lost their jobs, but the reality of California is that both of them probably lost some income this year and have not had raises in some time.

They were never, to our knowledge, a four-income household, either when the NOD was filed or when the loans were taken off. Tim was off in the military and has not returned home. He's in school using his military savings and benfits. Good for him. Casey lived there at times, but has never had a real income beyond occasional odd jobs and has openly stated that his parents need to worry about their own (meaning his!) collateral damage themselves. Steve has also lived there at times and may have been there when the NOD was filed, but it's been several months since he started winding down the auto salvage business and planning to start in the Army, so again not much income available to support the parents. The youngest sister is in high school.

Bottom line is that they seem typical of so many others these days. They bought for the most payment they could afford at the time, never considering that a time would come when the payment would go up and the house would be unsellable.

Adding Casey's debt to that certainly didn't help, but we're guessing they'd be in this trouble regardless.


Unknown said...

Aleksey Serin made a "whopping" $55,000 income last year. That's before taxes. If anything, Anna Serin (who's not listed as a state employee, FWIW) probably makes slightly less.

All my own speculation here, but it was likely a 2-income household, with the kids not being responsible for their share of mortgage payments or anything. I'd estimate the total post-tax income between the parents was around $75,000... or $6,250/mo. They HELOC'd the house to the hilt, to the point were they owed $320K on a house they originally bought for $190K (I think).

None of them seem to be frugal or have any sense of saving money -- Casey's bizarre Whole Foods diet, Steve's car and jetski, Mom's willingly signing for Casey's credit line. So I agree, this was only a matter of time.

It *is* pretty hilarious that at the center of this is a balding homosexual with bipolar disorder. :-p

Anonymous said...

"Aleksey Serin made a "whopping" $55,000 income last year. That's before taxes. If anything, Anna Serin (who's not listed as a state employee, FWIW) probably makes slightly less."

That's it? And they have how many kids??

I make more than both of them put together. Quite a bit more actually. And I am younger and have no kids!

serinitis said...

Don't worry, Casey is like a daffodil. He will show up again in the spring with fresh blossoms of idiocy to delight us while he draws strength from whatever manure he finds.

WizardofIB said...

If anyone has been keeping track of the day-to-day happenings in FAIL-a-fornia, the Goobernator cut most (especially clerical) employees down to a four day work week, or every other Friday off. Basically as state employees, their income was cut by the very guy who is "crusading for the working man".

Not saying it is not their fault, just saying they were probably running razor thin margins before the cut and then the ARM adjusted and their pay got cut. Not only that, keeping a T1/3 Internet connection for your penniless blogger son isn't exactly as cheap as it used to be.

The Wiz

Anonymous said...

NTC TRUSTEES SALE filed 1-12-2010

Things are heating up again.

Mortgage Fraudster said...

Trustee's Sale?

So the Serins' former house will either be snatched up, or turn REO if no one's interested. Can't blame anyone for not being interested, since it'll probably takes weeks of disinfecting to get Casey's wheatgrass-with-a-side-of-shit stench out of the house.

Any way we can find out where the penniless family of failures has moved?

Mortgage Fraudster said...

Comment encouraging the FBI to arrest Casey K. Serin is successfully left at the NY Times, passing their moderation, in an article about financial malfeasance in America.