Thursday, November 29, 2012

Casey's Got A Job!

Casey's corpse-like boss at the
Dragonfly Ranch in Hawaii. His previous
boss was hotter and had a nicer set.
Looks like our boi is now the manager of the "Ohana" at the Dragonfly Ranch in Hawaii.

The information comes from their latest newsletter, noting that "Casey, a young man of Russian origin, has taken on the huge task of ever so tactfully managing the Dragonfly ohana team. I am grateful to him for his brilliant optimistic energy combined with his calm and steady Virgo dedication to excellence—with love and joy."

The newsletter also includes a very old picture of Casey, when he still had some hair and a stupid goatee. It describes him as "our new handsome manager."

"Ohana" is Hawaiian for "family," but apparently using the word in English isn't cool enough for the owner of this place, who chooses to insert a variety of Hawaiian words into things at various times when it sounds cooler. Not that this is a terribly bad idea. We think calling Casey a wahahe‘e sounds pretty cool too.

The corpse-like individual who owns this place has an odd idea of family though. "Ohana" are apparently people who pay her for the privilege of working there, as detailed in the "join us" page. The same page says that anybody lacking a sense or humor need not apply. Which may help explain Casey's position there as nothing more than a huge practical joke on all the other ohana members indentured servants and paying customers, who presumably all have a sense of humor about their fate being in his hands.

Casey can be seen in the background of some activity at the "ranch" that most likely involves semi-vegan food, smoking weed, cleansing or something of that nature. No clue who the other morons are.
It is not clear exactly what an "Ohana manager" does, but he's obviously a member of the owner's power team. It doesn't sound like he has to do much. The place's page is pretty clear on the fact that it's dirty, musty, full of bugs and not particularly well-cleaned. That sounds about right for Casey, but hard to see anybody paying him for "managing" this. Maybe he's just getting a free cot in the wilderness.

Certainly, he's also getting a lot of other things he's claimed to care for. The "ranch" website is peppered with new-age bullshit of the highest order, including Caseyesque terms like "holistic," "healing arts," "cleansing," "colonic," "positive energies," "manifesting," "eco-tourism" and a whole bunch more, but we have to stop before anybody gets ill.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey HQ, where we can shut the windows when it rains.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Yankee Jim" being evacuated

"Yankee Jim" aka Stephen P. Hunt
taught Casey to fail at
panning for gold.
In yet another example of how the fecal finger of Casey Serin works in mysterious ways, we have received news tonight that his former friend "Yankee Jim" (actually Stephen P. Hunt) is being evacuated this evening.

A fire has broken out northwest of Foresthill California and residents are being told to leave. Hunt was revealed to be Casey's associate when he filed a "proof of labor" with Placer County, indicating that his gold-panning claim had been worked by Serin, among others. This led to the revelation of his real name, dubious scammy history and address at 21821 Powerline Road, just northwest of Foresthill. (Oddly enough, we note that the Google Streetview van made a particular effort to go down that one stretch of road, getting only as far as Yankee Jim's place before turning back. It's almost as if somebody on the Google Maps team has been reading CaseyPedia. Hmmmmm....

It was at an undisclosed location not far from there that Casey camped in the woods, saw a "comet" while high as a kite one night, then decided to launch the Island2012 debacle. He launched the Island2012 blog using the free WiFi hotspot at the Foresthill Pizza Factory.

We've spent much time in that area, and are very experienced with wildfires. We can't possibly rejoice in this even if it's clear from the CaseyPedia research that Stephen P. Hunt and Lynne Hunt are complete scumbags. But nature has it's ways and we think it may just be trying to cleanse the area of any Serin residue. We wish the community the best.

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where we've survived Friday the 13th and Bastille Day without a scratch.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where are the Serins?

Previously, we were lead to be believe that they were renting a ramshackle house at 7613 Sullivan Drive, Antelope, California. Not exactly what one would think of as a classy neighborhood.

But recent Satellite evidence suggests that this may no longer be the case. This is the current "45 degree" Satellite imagery of that location, available on Google Maps:

The trampoline in the side yard is clear indication of Serination. (And may we say for the record that if we were about to lose our home, were forced to move to a shithole section of town, and were still supporting our looser™son, the trampoline would be the first thing we'd put up for sale on Craigslist.) Also in the side yard is a ramshackle shack, which we can only presume to have been the domicile of  noted fraudster Casey Serin. The black vehicle in the driveway is the one we believe to be mama Serin's Nissan Maxima. The blue pickup appears to be similar to the one that papa Serin used to drive.

There are also a bunch of what seem to be construction/contractor type vehicles parked around the house. Kind of odd, as none of the Serins are known to be in that business.

But, hold it, check the overhead satellite photo that appears to be newer:

Same location, different house. That explains a lot. Certainly explains all the contractor vehicles in the previous photo. That photo was probably taken just at the cusp of a major transition. Sadly, all the trees on the property were removed.

[As an aside, we note further evidence that the presence of Serins in your neighborhood is detrimental to just about everything about the place. Sometime between the previous photo and the current one, the neighbor directly to the south installed an above-ground pool. The coloration should be familiar.]

Street View confirms it.

That's a brand spanking new house, with a brand spanking new (not salvage!) BMW convertible in front of it. The side lot still has the shack on it, but has otherwise been cleared. The shack appears to be surrounded with painting materials/equipment and was probably used for storage or as office space during construction. By now, the shack is probably long-gone, as is the former semi-vegan inhabitant.

Our guess? The Serins were able to rent a teardown, probably another foreclosed property, on a month-to-month basis, with the knowledge that as soon as somebody bought it they would be out. Maybe they didn't even rent it. Casey was always good at finding places to squat semi-legally. Perhaps he convinced them to try one of those "Adverse Possession" scams and failed as usual. Maybe the "uncles" who were so happy to purchase their former home out of foreclosure and kick them out also owned this one for a time. In any case, somebody bought the place with intent to tear it down and build something else. They were out.

Where are they? We don't know. Casey's Facebook account is mostly private, but indicates he is in Hawaii. Perhaps he's finally WWOOFing it as he once dreamed of. Or maybe it's just pure BS designed to throw off the three of us who still care about him from realizing what happened.

In any case, it's clear that the Serins have again moved on, perhaps forced by their own actions to live as gypsies, moving from one dead-end house to another. A for Casey, only a trip to the valet-parking capital of downtown Sacramento is likely to reveal that reality. Too far for us.

All we can say is, GOTCHA!

Haha! Hahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

And that's the way it is here at FC HQ, where we somehow still are following this tragic mess.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NO DEAL!!! (Fifth anniversary edition)

"Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny"
- Bruce Springsteen

Erin Morgan aka prlinkbiz with noted criminal Casey SerinHard to believe, but it's been five years since Casey originated the innovative "NO DEAL!" maneuver in contract negotiations.

Reading through that original post, we are struck with how empty it all seems now. At the time it was so bizarre that it had us laughing out loud at the office as we read through the post and the hundreds of comments that followed. Today, jaded by the five years of Casey's ongoing insanity, we still find it amusing, but it's hardly as funny.

Still, it's nice to read through and see comments by some of our old friends like Stephanie J, ratlab, Ogg the Caveman and others who made the blog so interesting way back when.

It's also been interesting to do some research into the whereabouts of the three parties to the NoDeal-dom:

Casey, of course, we know all too much about. He's hiding out, presumably at his parents' new shithole in Antelope, just outside Sacremento. He doesn't appear to have any internet access or at the very least has been maintaining a low profile. The other events of the past five years of his life have been thoroughly documented and we won't bother to list them here.

Erin Morgan aka prlinkbiz with her associate Joy O'DayJoy O'Day pretty much disappeared. An online search suggests that she went back into the real estate biz. There is one YouTube video of a house that she was apparently trying to sell back in 2009 that lists her phone number. And if the music to go along with that video don't make you want to kill something, then you're a far better person than us.

We also turned up this wonder of a video, purporting to promote something called, which is a website selling something related to fitness. It's not really clear what it's selling, but there is a one-week free trial if anybody wants to sign up and find out. We don't care to provide Joy and her associates with so much as a throwaway email address.

Also, Joy's personal website is nothing more than a generic Arizona MLS search page, with the addition of a picture of a really hot woman who is clearly not Joy. The LLC that did business with Casey -- Tao Realty -- no longer appears to exist.

Erin Morgan, aka "prlinkbiz" has also disappeared off the face of the earth. We wouldn't be shocked if she switched back to her maiden name, or maybe remarried just to get away from the name she had. Because the happy truth is that the name "Erin Morgan" is completely trashed. Virtually everything you can pull up about her in a search is Casey-related, including lots of embarrassing photos, critical Caseypedia articles, nasty comments on EN, etc.

The website she had managed for Robert Kiyosaki, WorkingForRichDad, went dormant some time back. The other website she managed for Kiyosucki's wife,, has been folded into the greater Kiyosaki empire and no longer has unique content of its own. Erin's previous association with those sleazeballs presumably ended some time back.

Erin Morgan aka prlinkbiz with unidentified woman, possibly Kimber ChinThere was a No Limits Ladies website for a while, run by the third NLL, Kimber Chin. It no longer exists and instead forwards to Chin's freephotooftheday website. It is unclear why this one exists at all. Chin, like Casey, has also tried her hand at writing really bad e-books, the design of which could be mistaken for Marty Stewart's handiwork. Some believe that Chin is the woman who was photographed in some rather compromising situations with Erin. We aren't sure, but are reproducing one of these photos here, just in case you haven't seen it. Because we like publishing photos of Erin acting stupid.

It is this third and usually unmentioned NLL, the one who was not part of the NO DEAL with Casey, who remains visible. Perhaps that's fitting, as everybody else who has ever had anything to do with Casey has either voluntarily or involuntarily removed themselves from the internet. (OK, except for Nigel.)

At this point, the NO DEAL is irrelevant. Whatever story Casey may have had to sell five years ago is no longer worth much to him or to anybody who may think they have a claim on it. If a movie were to be made or a book written, it could be done easily using the vast quantity of public information available and without involving Casey at all. Realistically, that's not going to happen. What appeared at the time to be a hysterically funny comedy of errors worthy of treatment, is more rightly seen today as the opening act to ongoing national tragedy. Someday we may look back on this and it may seem funny again, but that day is probably far, far off in the future.

The validity of the "No Deal!" legal maneuver has yet to be tested in any court.

And that's the way things are at the mobile FC headquarters, which is currently buried in the snow.