Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Millionaire By Christmas: 0% Success

Earlier today we sent the following email to TrueCasey:
From: FalseCasey
To: TrueCasey
Subject: Merry Christmas!

Are you a millionaire yet?

We were just wondering.

False Casey
No response has been received. We will update if that situation changes.

And that's the situation at FalseCasey HQ, where this latest CaseyFail™ is now official.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Going to wrap up here for now

We may post from time to time, and certainly will be back within seconds if Flippy chooses to return, but for now there doesn't seem to be much to say about the subject and we should return to normal business. The contents of this blog will remain indefinitely.

We believe that TrueCasey will return, probably within six months. Feel free to put down your predictions below if you wish.

It is likely he will find something that will allow him to get out of his parents' place and as soon as that happens, he'll be online again. It's his pattern and short of being thrown in jail, nothing will change that fact.

For now, all his blogs are closed, his videos gone, his talkcasts removed and even his photos no longer available. If anybody is in the Sacramento area and tracks him down, let us know.

And that's the view from FalseCasey HQ, where we thank you all for giving us this brief opportunity to inform and entertain.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Official TalkCast Thread

Going to open up this thread for comments on and during the TalkCast.

Feel free to have your say here.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Final TalkCast! Tomorrow! (Thursday)

Our friend BTC informs us that due to popular demand he has decided to host a final 'cast of the Casey saga before the dim-witted flipper flips the switch and disappears into the ether again.

Thursday, October 30, 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern)

It is neither a Haterz or a Supporterz 'cast. It is open to anybody who wants to say hello, goodbye or make a few comments. BTC is going to keep things short, reasonably friendly and not let anybody drone on. Comments will be open and he says he'll go as long as people want to.

As always, we will be listening anonymously, but will reserve our comments to this space. An open comments thread will be made available shortly before the talkcast starts.

TrueCasey Pulls the Plug

Well, It seems that TrueCasey is pulling the plug. We believe it's the bottom of his latest manic/depressive cycle and he'll eventually reconsider, but financially it'll be tough for him, as we know this will mean moving home, and it's been pretty reliably stated that he won't have any internet or blogging access if that happens. He will probably need to get some sort of a real job, whatever he can qualify for.

He also will probably have to deal with whatever food mommy can put on the table. There is likely to be a major belt-tightening in the Serin household and visits to Whole Paycheck just aren't going to be part of the deal.

In fact, there could be a perfect storm of disaster for the Serin household. His mom works for the local school district at a time when major education cutbacks are a virtual certainty. Nigel has reported that TrueCasey's dad also works for the state, in some kind of engineering capacity. While school districts and the state tend not to lay people off completely during crisis, they often cut back hours and pay less at least temporarily.

Add to the possibility of diminished household earnings the additional burden of TrueCasey and his $65,000 in debt. We note that in this regard, TrueCasey is lucky that his debt is on business cards. Personal cards must charge a minimum of 4% of the balance, which would be about $2,600 per month! Only his brother's car-rehabbing business is not dependent on the state budget, but could be impacted by recession as well. (Possibly to the better though, smart used-car guys can do well when times are bad!) And of course, it's unlikely that his parents would be able to refinance their house at this point to pay off the high-interest debt. Even if there is equity in the house, there's unlikely to be enough, and financing is rough. Maybe next year.

Things for TrueCasey certainly look bad right now. He has been warned many times over the years, and has continued to believe that the OPM is endless. Now he has hit the logical conclusion that one arrives at when starting from that premise. Inevitably, he has retreated into religion, conspiracy theories and all sorts of other odd beliefs to convince himself that:

1. It doesn't matter
2. It wasn't his fault
3. It'll still be allgood

It's a sad but predictable end. We cannot be joyful, but we can be satisfied that it's likely over and from this maybe a better Casey will emerge. Maybe his family will toss aside their religious convictions and Soviet-era distrust of mental health professionals and get him the help he needs. Maybe somebody else will. We wish him well, but doubt the next few years will be fun for him.

As an aside: We note that TrueCasey states he's given up on finishing the book.

Sort of odd, considering that CHJTS stated just a few days ago that "I have read Casey's e-book and I will tell you it is a nearly complete guide of foreclosure, exit strategies, and common sense advice on what to do. Yes it is rough around the edges (lots of edges), but with some massaging, proof reading, and editing, it will be a hit and will be an extremely resourceful guide to anyone and everyone needing assistance with foreclosure problems."

Sounds like he was reading something that the author states was never written. Nice going CHJTS!

And that's the way it is from FalseCasey HQ, where we believe that despite today's bummer of a closing hour, a temporary bottom has been put in and there's a month or two of gains to come for those who can position themselves carefully.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

TrueCasey is Succeeding! (At becoming irrelevant)

We note that TrueCasey may be achieving his first and possibly only success.

He is successfully getting rid of the haterz™. Of course, the cost is that he is getting rid of pretty much any audience he ever had or ever will have.

100% Success!!!

Sadly for TrueCasey, and happily for the rest of us, there is only a small audience for the type of bizarre content he is passing on. And since he is not creating anything new, just passing along stuff that is available for free elsewhere, he won't generate any money by doing it.

Soon enough, he'll be forced to return home. Forget the dumb ideas about living in vans, being a "perpetual traveler" or any other such crap. Those solutions require a lot of smarts (if only streetsmarts) which TrueCasey lacks. And his stated inability to deal with any lack of normal creature comforts clearly disqualifies him from living this life, no matter how much he might talk of it.

His choice will be to go home and live with his parents' rules. No semi-vegan living at somebody else's expense. No more of mom doing his chores for him, or paying his sister to clean his toilet.

TrueCasey will fade away. Made irrelevant by his own failure to work at being relevant and his more and more desperate efforts to find something "special" for him to do that will allow him to somehow be different, unique, better or more successful than others, with little to no effort required.

Like many such scoundrels, he has no retreated into convincing himself that it doesn't matter. The world will soon end and his God will save him. Like the hero of The Tartar Steppe (which we refered to a few days ago), TrueCasey will probably spend much of his life waiting for the event that could prove his worth, but will probably never happen.

In the meantime, unless he decides to live in society as a productive member of society, his only value will be as a source of entertainment for some and a warning to others.

And that's the view from FalseCasey HQ, where tomorrow's stock market isn't looking much better, but the hope for a turnaround Tuesday is always there.

Monday, October 27, 2008

TrueCasey has Become Boring

Apparently he's recorded about half a dozen podcasts, most of which are actually rebroadcasts of somebody else's podcasts, which he probably appropriated without permission, but it's OK because he's part of their cause, etc...

Most of it is more of the conspiracy "troother" crap that he's been pushing lately. Having failed to monetize his lack of real-estate experience with an online community, he's now planning to monetize his lack of any kind of survival experience into a survivalist community. Unfortunately, as his own actions suggest, there's plenty of this out there already and plenty of guys with knowledge doing survival stuff. Everything from "" to "Armchair Survivalist" already exists for the individuals who care to indulge in this. How a guy who can't survive without organic produce from Whole Paycheck is going to provide anything of use to anybody is beyond our comprehension, but that much is true for just about everything TrueCasey has ever done.

We think TrueCasey is getting close to the end. His shiny penny stock has moved up closer to two cents than one cent where it was a week ago, but he's still hopelessly screwed on this one after the taxes come due. He has made no progress on any sort of product that can be sold or offered to anybody who will pay for it. He most certainly doesn't have other income streams because people don't hire people who live in motels and blog about their colons. He'll have no choice but to move home, and has made it clear that "home" now equals "get a job and contribute your fair share, and by the way, eat our food or figure out how to pay for your own..."

Ultimately, we believe that TrueCasey really believes he is interesting and has something interesting to say. He has often commented on his "need to tell his story," but fails to recognize that anything interesting about his story ended over a year ago. The only thing that keeps him in the spotlight is his willingness to be a clown and to be hated. Take away the hate, as he has, and replace an open forum with a moderated and podcasted one, and there's no longer anybody interested. We certainly can't be bothered to listen to his inane ramblings.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey World Headquarters where we're getting a slow start to the week, but at least we're awake which is more than we can say for TrueCasey.

Friday, October 24, 2008

TrueCasey "Sink or Swim" Coming to Close

Our friend WeWantTheFunk has again written a beautiful analysis of the TrueCasey situation. We are reliably informed that he has given us permission to reproduce it here.

Let's evaluate the highlights in Casey's progress towards his 30-day goal, shall we?

Oct 4: Sink-Or-Swim declared.

Casey has $1000 in credit left, $300 in PayPal, $100 cash, and owes $65,000 on his cards.
Originally Posted By: FlippyHowever, my best shot right now is to parlay my foreclosure experience from the last 2 years into a profitable Foreclosure Help business through selling ebooks/info-products, referring services, etc. It fits into my goal of building passive income and I’m passionate about helping people.
30 days? Letsdoit! Itsallgood!

Oct 6: 7ForeclosureMistakes ebook ready for download.

Casey eventually gives up and just lets anyone download it for free. It's basically a laughable POS that's two years out of date and terribly written besides. He wants everyone else to proof and edit it for him for free.

Oct 7: Casey gets serious about earning money by putting up his Truth page.

Later changed to "Conspiracy," then "Conspiracy" with "and truth" cleverly concealed in the background. Black helicopters fail to swirl around and drop money on his motel room, but someone has to be a non-brainwashed news source, and it may as well be Casey. Responsibility lies heavy upon his shoulders.

Oct 8: Casey tweaks the sidebar, blogs about it.

Somehow, it generates no passive income. Casey is baffled.

Oct 10: Fraudcast! Barbeque!

Casey and Christsdummy do a talkcast on the eve of the Goldspring barbeque. Eager supporters fail to rush to the coffeehouse to press money into his hands.

The next day, Casey ambles off to Virginia City to avoid eating at a barbeque hosted by Goldspring. Transportation and lodging fail to be eclipsed by the income generated. GSPG continues to tank in the following weeks, despite having painted most of their equipment purple.

Oct 14: Ebook Rought Draft Placeholder Preorder goes on sale!

The end result of months of work and a $65,000 investment of OPM is quickly leaked, and Haterz™ laugh themselves paralytic. $50 buys you a 19-page pamphlet that lacks a single word about avoiding foreclosure. It could easily be condensed to six pages. Most of it a sales pitch trying to convince the gullible to support his future endeavours. Casey is very proud of the cover, but apparently has never heard of a Photoshop layer mask, as the seascape just fades into the house and makes the whole thing look stupid. Casey claims to sell one at $50; at that rate, it will take him only two months to pay for one month at his present burn rate. No further sales materialize, and Casey later publicly doubts that he will work on it any more. 0% success for Casey.

He also feels overwhelmed. In other news, life is hard.

Oct 16: Talkcast the second

Surprisingly, the next talkcast still fails to make him any money. He defends his ebook, and claims (in a conversation with me) that he doesn't care if it gets leaked because people who want to support him will still buy it. No one stands up.

Comments on TC are disabled, and he blogs into a howling vacuum.

Oct 20-21: Truther and other drivel

Truthiness as an income generation tool has yet to prove itself, as Casey pontificates about Obama, survivalism, and blogging; strangely enough, no one pays him to do it.

Comments are turned back on, but only happy, positive, supportive things that tell him how brilliant he is will be allowed. Comments stating otherwise are deleted, unless they are couched in acrostics.

Oct 24: Hallelujah!

Casey seeks income at a 3-day church conference. Though he witnesses other miracles, God fails to provide. Perhaps his faith is not strong enough. He claims that the $89 fee was paid months ago, and his only costs have been food. He will return to Sacramento on Saturday, the 25th, leaving him approximately ten days to get his Foreclosure Help business to generate sufficient passive income to pay for another month in the motel plus gas and living expenses. He had better find some more church conferences to attend, more truthiness to blog about, and hold more talkcasts if he expects to do all that and pay off his credit cards Anytime Soon™.

Score as of Oct 24: Ebooks sold: 1 Info products sold: 0 Referrals to services: 0 Passive income: 0 People helped: 0


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TrueCasey is a Loon

If you haven't been over to TrueCasey's blog, don't bother.

He's spent his last two posts passing on information about the coming new world order, "fake" money, 911 conspiracies, etc. Much of the material he passes on for "education" is racist, anti-semetic and arguably un-American. We choose not to partake.

Now, we will be the first to note that the current international monetary and fiscal systems are hardly sound, and a return to sanity will be painful. But TrueCasey has jumped off into the deep end.

However, we note that this is consistent with TrueCasey's behavior. We have noted in the past that he has always looked for a way to rationalize his behavior, and even more so, has looked for reasons why his dumb behavior is actually "right" and will be redeemed in the end. He continues that now, going to even more ridiculous extremes. His new gurus are the survivalists and troothers. His new rationale for running up debt and failing to acquire a life is that it doesn't matter, the system is going to collapse and it'll all be worthless. Naturally, he never stops to think that even if bad things come to pass, having worked for a while will allow him to stockpile food or whatever, or buy gold coins, or do whatever else he needs to do to be prepared.

We suggest that TrueCasey read a book called The Tartar Steppe, which is also addressed in Taleb's masterpiece The Black Swan. Without giving it all away, it centers on the life of a young military commander, sent to a remote outpost to prepare for the invasion of the Tartars. He wastes his entire life there, waiting for an invasion that only comes when he is on his deathbed and unable to share in the glory.

We think TrueCasey could learn from this. His newfound gurus have been shouting similar slogans for a hundred years. They have been shouting about the invalidity of the currency since FDR, and arguing about it longer than that. They said similar things about JFK as they are now saying about Obama.

Someday, in some ways, they will probably be right. All monetary regimes eventually collapse, and the dollar will too. But anybody who is betting that they know when it will happen is seriously deluding themselves. It makes for nice idle discussion, and certainly is always the kind of thing that's worth bearing in mind, but if you live your life waiting for it, the odds are good that you'll end up like young Giovanni Drogo in The Tartar Steppe -- wasting your life waiting for an event that will most likely never come.

Or, as our dear friend Tony Dwyer of FTN Midwest Securities once famously noted "The sun is certain to go dark someday, but it makes for a pretty bad trade."

But TrueCasey cannot understand this. He has eschewed education, analayis and understanding in favor of quick answers and rationalization of the things he's already done, always easily available from videos and blogs on the internet.

Which is why he fails.

And that's the view from a temporary FalseCasey HQ away from home, where we have a fantastic view of the City and the bay.

Feel free to discuss

Monday, October 20, 2008

Casey doesn't want the hate

TrueCasey doesn't want any hate anymore

About Casey Serin & Don’t Hate… Support and Appreciate! - 20Oct08

After a little break I wrote two new pages:

About Casey Serin


Don’t Hate… Support and Appreciate!

Comments enabled. Login not required but encouraged. Moderation is on.

Unless it’s “loving, supportive or constructive”, I don’t want to hear it!!

We’ll see how it goes.

An experiment.

Thank you.

We think the experiment will fail, of course, just like everything else the little twit has ever done. If you read through the comments you'll find him even more detached from reality than usual: he doesn't need to pay back his debt because it wasn't "real money;" He doesn't want deadlines, the book will be done when it's done, this despite his various "30-day challenges" and other self-imposed deadlines, not to mention the fact that he's running out of cash corporate credit; we need to get ready to live off the land, etc.

Anyway, he's still an idiot, and we aren't even going to bother posting over there, except maybe the occasional (certain to be moderated) mention of his sweetie Tanja.

Except that maybe posting is worth it. He's going to do at least some of the modding himself, meaning that even if the hate doesn't become public, at least he'll get to read it.

Whatever. Fuck him.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey HQ, where we're caught a bit behind on the TrueCasey saga due to work stuff that's come up, and are now watching stupid criminals on TruTV. Someday we'll watch Casey on that show...

As always, open comments.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Open thread for comments

Not a whole lot new today. TrueCasey has decided to take revenge on the haterz and shut off comments.

And hits to his page have declined by about 99%, according to sitemeter.

Not much new to say. We'll eventually listen to his talkcast and say something, but in the meantime free free to comment on his latest announcement which basically says that he is looking for a haterz-free environment and shutting off all comments.

And feel free to consider:

Current Day TrueCasey stats -
Previous Seven Days TC stats -

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The E-Book, Reviewed

TrueCasey has again moved the goalposts.

A week ago he was planning to write a book with the "mission of helping people." Now he's a community-builder for cash.

All this comes out in his magnum opus. We have received a copy and it is pure drivel, as we had expected. We will not violate his copyright, but will review this piece of garbage, in a manner consistent with fair use law.

He starts out the book telling us of "The Secret Plan, Exposed. The secret plan is simple: "I want to build a community. A place where you, me and people who need help can connect confidentially and privately and provide support for each other...

"So I'm talking about a membership site!"

He goes on to babble on about how brilliant the idea was, then spends about eight pages detailing his history and the history of him coming up with this brilliant idea and who his target market is and how he really wants to help people.

He eventually provides us a link to his "story" in the form of the public archive of all the old IAFF posts, which he apparently does not realize is quite easy to find already from links in Caseypedia. He spends four pages reproducing his first post.

Then there's a page and a half explaining that this "book" is really just a rough draft, thanking people for supporting his cause, making excuses for the fact that after several months of purported "work" all he has produced is a link to his old blog, and promising that anybody who bought the thing will get free upgrades in the future, if and when they are ever produced.

Of course, the whole thing is in a large font with wide margins and lots of white space, which is the only way he could stretch it to 19 pages. It's also full of typical Casey misspellings and poor grammar, as if anybody expected otherwise.

That's it. 19 pages including the cover and a page of disclaimers. It's not even really a book, it's just an advertising pamphlet including a link to his archive, which is available free to anybody who wants to search for it. Actual useful content for somebody who is in foreclosure? Zero pages. For $49.95.

We think TrueCasey really has gone crazy. Other than that, we will withhold comment at this time because frankly we're not even sure where to start.

And that's the picture from FalseCasey HQ, where the DOW has re-re-re-reversed itself and is now up 236.

TrueCasey's ebook is published


We admit it has been interesting to watch TrueCasey's antics in recent weeks, as he flailed his way from Salt Lake City back to his home, then into a cheap motel room where -- god forbid! -- he does not have the maid service that he is accustomed to.

And he has now reportedly published a "draft" copy of his e-book, which he expects his supporters to pay almost $50 to own. He justifies this by saying that they will not just be purchasing an unfocused and unfinished book but also supporting his unfocused and unfinished "vision," whatever that may be.

Today he also says that his next step is to rid himself of haterz™ and he is wondering how to accomplish that.

We have a recommendation to him. It is the same recommendation we make when we are confronted with a CEO who blames all his company's problems on "the short sellers" and wonders how to get rid of them. We always tell them to stop wasting time bashing the shorts and instead focus on running the business. Running the business well, of course, will tend to push the stock price up and nothing makes the shorts cover faster than a company that is executing well and delivering positive price moves.

So our recommendation to TrueCasey is simple: Start executing. When you say, "I'm going to have an e-book out there by midnight," deliver an actual e-book. Not a half-assed "rough draft" that you put out there only to satisfy your own need to "check off" the item as done, delcare success and move on. The world does not accept half-assed efforts or "check mark" success. Deliver! If you deliver, the haterz™ will go away. Some of them may even turn to suporterz™.

If you continue to fail, people will continue to criticize.

The choice is yours.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters where the DOW has managed to pull off a reversal of more than 300 points right now.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Last week we were indisposed and unavailable to comment, but we noticed something interesting.

An individual calling herself (or himself) "Tanja" posted twice on the TrueCasey blog.

The first post was made by "Casey's Special Friend" and read:

KC, I cant believe you are wasting your time with all this dermo when u need 2 be spending your time making $$$.

No more wonderful nights 4 u.

- Tanja
Our ex-Soviet associate informs us that "dermo" is a poor transliteration of the Russian word for "shit." Tanja, of course, is a Russian name.

The second post was later in the day and was rapidly deleted. However, one of our sources at CaseyHaterz™ has provided us with a screen shot that circulated amongst some haterz™ during the next day:

Again, the word "dermo" is used. This time the poster refers to herself as "Tanja KC's Sweet Shlyooha." The final word, we are told, being the Russian for "slut" or "whore."

We obviously have no idea if this person is really affiliated with TrueCasey. We certainly doubt that it is actually TrueCasey's "special friend." The use of the word "idito" (misspelling of "idiot," borrowed from TrueCasey and common amongst haterz™ these days), suggests a haterz™ affiliation. We do not know if "Tanja" is a real name or if this is a real photo. But the fact that the post was deleted so quickly suggests that somebody came close to the mark, if only by bringing up TrueCasey's relationships at all.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters where the market is having one of its best days ever and we are selling.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TrueCasey in Utah, and a Special Photo

TrueCasey continues starving himself in Salt Lake City, courtesy of Nigel, WWTF and BTC. We continue to be skeptical of his motivations and liklihood of success, whatever that means to him.

Some photos of his antics have begun to leak out, largely courtesy of BTC and WWTF.

We find this one fairly hysterical:

Apparently the lady was encountered at the top of the Snowbird resort at 11,000', which seems to us like an odd place to be turning tricks. Of course, TrueCasey strikes us as an odd person to be soliciting.

However, the following picture does not appear to have been published anywhere else yet. We cannot reveal from where it came, but the list of possible contributors is obviously no more than four persons long. It purports to show the inside of BTC's ski locker at Snowbird. We find it interesting, to say the least.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we are wondering why there are no skis in there.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

TrueCasey in Utah???

So it seems that our old adversary TrueCasey has escaped to Salt Lake City where he is bonding with Nigel, as well as our old friends WWTF and BTC.

We have corresponded with BTC, and are surprised to find that he is part of this hairbrained scheme to bring TrueCasey to Utah. While his posts suggest he was perhaps not an integral part of the decisionmaking, we nonetheless find it disturbing that anybody would have fronted the money for this. Let's face it, TrueCasey is a bum, moving from one motel room to the next, who just happened to have gotten a nice opportunity to spend some time in a motel room further away from his mother than normal. This is nothing different from his ancient Lake Tahoe escape and will yield no more results.

Most likely all we will see from this will be a number of trolls, dozens of troll pictures, and eventually the inevitable refrain from Nigel that TrueCasey turned out to be a bum, wasn't interested in learning a thing about rehabbing, and probably some revelation about TrueCasey's real diet.

And that's the view from FalseCasey HQ, where we are glad to find that TrueCasey is out of the state, but not all that crazy about the fact that he continues to be enabled.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Will TrueCasey Make it to HaterzCon West?

A number of major developments have taken place. TrueCasey was invited by Nigel earlier today and apparently agreed to show up. BTC, Nigel and Mr. Funk will fund the flight, though BTC later posted that he wishes he had not agreed to this some time back. TrueCasey agreed and plans to be on a flight in the morning.

However, there have been later developments:
  • We have become aware that TrueCasey has just read Mr. Funk’s open letter to him, which was published in this space some time back. Feel free to check out the original text as preserved on our massive servers.
  • TrueCasey has informed Mr. Funk that he is no longer able to respect him.
  • As an aside, we wonder why he thinks anybody would care about receiving respect from TrueCasey?
  • Apparently TrueCasey asked that Mr. Funk be excluded during a phone call with Nigel. Nigel provided assurances that Mr. Funk will be on his best behavior. Casey also expressed concern that we at FalseCasey might be in attendance. As we are not a single individual, it would be quite difficult for an individual "FalseCasey" to be there.
  • Finally, TrueCasey is scheduled on an 11:35 flight. This would require TrueCasey to be at the airport no later than 10:35, and really would need to be there earlier to be sure of making it through security and all the other hassles. This would entail him leaving home by 10:00 and presumably being awake by 9:00. No such thing has occured recently.

We believe it is unlikely that TrueCasey makes it to his flight.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, which appears to be in a third-world corrupt and cronyish country where the key to success is not hard work, but rather just being connected to the right corrupt officials.

A Tragedy in the GoldSpring World

Thanks to WWTF!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lots of Sound and Fury about Goldspring...

Signifying nothing!

OK, we exaggerate. It signifies that GSPG is a typical pump-and-dump penny stock, in which our old friend TrueCasey takes on the role of bagholder for the insiders.

Today we have seen the biggest one-day gain in gold EVER.

And GSPG down over 20%.

Why? Because for all the talk about 43-101s, estimates, plans, drilling, etc., GSPG still has nothing that rises to the level of "proven reserves." Note that their shareholder presentation yesterday carefully uses the word "resources," and in fact gets more specific in noting that they are speaking only of "indicated resources."

Note that under Canadian 43-101 rules, the following classifications of resources and reserves are used. In increasing order of "certainty" they are
  • Inferred Mineral Resource
  • Indicated Mineral Resource
  • Measured Mineral Resource
  • Probable Mineral Reserve
  • Proven Mineral Reserve
We are going to give GSPG the benefit of the doubt and assume that their "43-101" report actually follows the Canadian rules for such documents. GSPG of course is not a Canadian company, and is not legally required to comply with that standard or to issue this report at all. As far as US law is concerned, they could shit on a piece of paper and call it a 43-101 if they wish to.

Per the above cited standard anything called a "resource" is not yet shown to be economically viable. Most operating mines consist primarily of Proven Reserves, often with some Probable Reserves around the edges and lots of "resources" in the property surrounding the economically-viable mine.

If you check out the GSPG presentation as filed with the SEC, they very clearly avoid the use of "reserve." This is not surprising because the US definition of what constitutues a "reserve" is even tighter than the Canadian one and they clearly can't meet it at this time, if ever.

Indicated resources, of course, are just above the lowest classification available. A project consisting entirely of "indicated resources" is still extremely speculative and may never yield any economic results. So, when they say they have over $400m of "indicated resources" the liklihood is that they will never get anywhere near that much value from that piece of their property.

And what is their plan going forward? It's vague. Normally with indicated resources, your next step would be to do a feasability study, during which some of those "indicated resources" would get upgraded to "measured resources" and eventually might be categorized as "reserves" if the proposed project meets criteria for economic and legal viabilitye. That doesn't seem to be top on their list though.

Instead, they use most of the rest of the presentation talking about potential other areas for exploitation and very little about finishing the exploration and feasibility study in this one. They suggest that actual mining could start next summer. We thought they said it would be this summer some time back? I suppose they got distracted. Just like TrueCasey.

This is typical of a pump-and-dump company. Always something new out there worth exploring, but never anything completed. And always some new suckers to buy stock so they can pay the interest on their debt at 24% to "friendly lenders."

It strikes us this company is just a corporate version of TrueCasey. Lots of sound and fury signifying nothing, but a lot of entertainment for the otherwise uninvolved.

And that is the view from FalseCasey HQ, where hope is still not a viable investment strategy.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some insight into TrueCasey

One of our number had a good friend over last night. She brought another family member as well. This friend is always well-behaved, well-spoken, well-reasoned and easy to deal with. She has built her own business and manages on her own without family or spousal support. She is always a pleasure when we all meet her at FalseCasey group gatherings.

Her family member was the exact opposite. She was one of those people who had all the reasons she couldn't eat the food that had been prepared. She insisted on closing the patio door when everybody else was enjoying the evening breeze, on moving stuff around, and in telling everybody why they were wrong and she was right, even when the evidence suggested otherwise.

When she was not given immediate gratification, she became even more belligerent and demanding. When it was all over, she watched TVand didn't offer to help clean up.

In short, she was much like TrueCasey, except for one thing:

Our friend's daughter is four, and will most certainly grow out of this phase. TrueCasey is 26.

And that's the situation here at FalseCasey Headquarters, where we are still cleaning up the devastation left behind by a rambunctious four year-old.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

TrueCasey on Aussie TV

Our friends the Aussies have always struck as as somewhat odd.

Their decision to interview TrueCasey for even a few minutes confirms our previous thoughts about them.

In any case, FalseCasey reviewed the rather silly video, and found it to our liking. Most likely TrueCasey is not feelign the same way. In just the first 20 seconds they managed to sling out the phrases:
  • world's most hated blogger
  • financial ruin
  • celebrity for all the wrong reasons
  • dodgy deals

Then they interviewed TrueCasey who managed to do his usual thing, claiming that everybody was doing it, it was a grey area, etc. Finally he summed up his experience, saying "we can easily rationalize our decisions."

Just as FalseCasey can rationalize the decison to believe that TrueCasey is a nitwit.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we anxiously await the last episode of Ice Road Truckers tomorrow.

HaterzCon™ West Fall 2008

We are proud to announce that HaterzCon™ West for Fall 2008 has been scheduled. It will take place in Salt Lake City, a place famous for award-winning bloggers, on Friday, September 19th starting at around 7pm.

Confirmed attendees currently include BelowTheCrowd, WWTF and Nigel. A campaign has been started on CH.c to try to collect funding for a TrueCasey visit. BTC has announced that they are only seeking funds to pay for a flight. TrueCasey will be expected to find his own overnight accomodations or to sleep in somebody's trunk

We have been silent for the past few days because there has been little to say. TrueCasey continues to "work" online, showing his typical flea-style focus. He has also banned all comments to his blog - a move that has cost him most of his audience. There is little to comment on. This lull will most likely soon pass.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we are not shocked, but incredibly pissed off that more of our tax dollars will be spent to bail out the scum at Phony and Fraudy.

Friday, August 29, 2008

An Open Letter from WWTF to Casey Serin

Our old friend WeWantTheFunk has published this open letter to TrueCasey.

It is not for the sensitive or faint of heart.

It is not for anybody under 18.

We pass it along as a public service. And yes, we're wondering about him too...

Dear Mr Serin:

What with the collapse/incarceration/etc of the majority of the Truly Funny Old Guard, it seems that nobody of any import has truly stepped in to provide a thorough analysis of this phenomenon that is the Short Bus Entrepreneurial Pump-n-Dump Glee Club. Thus, I am briefly setting aside my catalogue of pornographic links to address the situation as it stands.

As concerns Casey Serin, the proprietor of, I have a simple and modest proposal, that will be revealed in the course of this discussion, and the remainder of this missive is directed towards him and him alone.

Mr. Serin, what you fail to understand is that we here at CHC do not in any way, shape, or form care about what you think about QUick & Effortless Easy Riches (QUEER), passive income, OPM, GSPG, or any of the rest of it. This site is primarily for the discussion of forced male sodomy, and not a single one of your posts on any blog or message board has touched on that subject in the least. Clearly, given your dawning new sexuality, this is a topic we need to discuss. What follows is my proposal to you where we can come to an equitable compromise.

You are still a young man in his mid-20s with the physique of a teenager in high school. This is excellent, as it provides us with a base sodomy demographic for you. I would venture to guess that you have been unwillingly sodomized somewhere between 7-9 times in your life so far. Your religious preferences are a great help here, as if you had attended an all-Catholic boy's school, your browneye would be so stretched as to be useless to me. It also helps that you're not one of those blubbery watersacks who managed to have his mother write him a note to weasel him out of the physical education requirement so that you can spend more time in the library reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and tee-heeing to yourself in wet expectation. 7-9 times, however, is perfect for my needs, as my Scandinavian sausage is well-equipped to handle that.

I'd like to take a moment to talk about my cock, if I may, to familiarize you with the events that are about to take place. It resembles nothing in shape so much as a fire extinguisher; a red cylinder with a circumference about equal to a petri dish and as long as a regulation yardstick, networked with throbbing veins big enough to drive a Matchbox car through, and topped by a nearly luminescent magnificent red head, as big as a mid-size cantaloupe and covered in skin the consistency of #4 grain sandpaper. I could fit your little sister's arm in my urethra.

So I'll come over to your house, introduce myself to your Mom and talk a little bit about what I'm going to do to your anus, lay down some tarps on the floor, and commence what will no doubt be the crowning achievement of your life, even better than wrapping the Highland property. I will sodomize you like God was riding on my shoulder whispering instructions into my ear, Casey, and this is how it'll be done.

When i was dating a girl who rather enjoyed being fisted, the first thing I learned was how to 'make the ducky,' or shape your hand into a position that could slip into the vagina with the least resistance. Then, when entrance had been achieved, the position of the hand was changed to a fist to offer more stimulus. Unfortunately, my young ass-toy, my cock cannot make the ducky. It's just going to have to use brute pelvic force to stretch your brown-walled turd canal to it's utmost. You may wish to practice in the intervening hours with King Cobra malt beverage bottles, just to reduce the intense, searing pain a notch or two.

There will be pain, however, and I am not cruel. I will provide you with a damp rag to clutch between your teeth, muffling the grunts and lamentations from your mouth.

One would think that my pleasure would be reduced from this measure, but I must confess that I find the sounds of your rupturing colon and the gases escaping sufficiently erotic to continue my explorations. Once my cock has reached its limit, buried deep inside you like Grant in Grant's Tomb, the true sex will begin. You and I will bond like few men can, and I may finally come to know your affection for fraud, which I have never indulged in and never will, and you will begin to know the blinding joy of forced male sodomy.

And, as few people know (well, actually, lawnmower man knows, as my pimp, and Tracy of course, and soemdood from that time in the bunker when we both thought we were going to die, and Nigel and btc of course know after the events surrounding the first time we got together last year, and of course TheDude, and serinitis, Orson Buggy, allthingsgood, and Dumbfounded know as valued johns, and as Benoit™ knows because he's from the future and I fucked him), my penis is covered in a number of barbs, much like a dog's, and during coitus, these prevent my unit from slipping out of the blood-lubricated hole and disrupting my tearing rhythm. Upon orgasm, as pints of spooge rocket out of my pee-hole, burning through whatever they encounter like that burny stuff in the Alien movies, the barbs withdraw and my flaccid member can resume its rightful place in my pants.

Unfortunately, Casey, once I had worked my monster cock all the way up your digestive system, your effeminate, almost hairless disgustingness would make it impossible for me to ever have an orgasm again, and my penis would be stuck running parallel to your spinal column for the forseeable future. Of course, I'd cut your arms and legs off to lighten the load a bit, and have Nigel bring over the Makita power sander so I wouldn't have to look at your foolish face with the first little wisps of a moustache growing (and I've heard hair grows after you die, so I bet that thing'll look REALLY BITCHIN once you're super dessicated) and I'd just have to wait for you to rot yourself off of my dick, as I'll be damned if we're gonna do any cutting in there. Needless to say, this does not appeal to me.

Sadly, however, I see no other options. Best tell your mom I'm on my way. I'd like peanut butter sandwiches and a tall, cool glass of milk to be waiting for me. It's gonna be a long day.


Friday's Update

Catching up:

  • The troubles over at CH.c yesterday have turned out to be a troll, and apparently a good one. Buzzsaw and CHJTS are acting like they weren't fooled, it doesn't matter and it just shows how silly the Haterz are. FalseCasey agrees that it doesn't matter, because none of this does, but it has turned out to be quite funny.
  • Akubi seems offended at not being allowed in on the joke. Chill girl.
  • Our friend and ally Dolph has announced that the troll will be his last involvement in this saga for a while. We are sad to hear this, but understand that reality must take precedence over this silliness.

Now on to the news of the day:

TrueCasey posted this morning, stating that he can now be watched live from 10-5 on his stream. This has predictably turned into a bit of a troll-fest which he is ignoring. Primarily the viewers are able to view TrueCasey googling information and summarizing or in some cases cut-and-pasting it directly in to his e-book. In response to a comment, he counters that this is "original information." Yes, originally available on Google.

We continue to be unsure of what value he believes he is adding here, but we are reminded that he has little to no concept of value, as evidenced by his vdubs purchase, to mention all of his house purchases.

To add to the pathetic image, he is sitting in a t-shirt with the word "sponsor" written on it in big block letters. I suppose he thinks somebody will pay to have their logo on his chest. We at FalseCasey would more likely pay him to take our logo off his chest and never affiliate himself with us than use him as an advertising mechanism.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we are still somewhat amazed by the rather historic events of the past 24 hours.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

We seem to have lost access...

Yes, the banning at CH.c has continued, and it appears that our access may have been a victim.

Today's Post: TrueCasey is a Professional Blogger

Oh please give us a break!

FalseCasey can scarcely believe the garbage that spews from TrueCasey's mouth.

Blogging is a job? In what universe?

One of our circle knows a lot of successful and well-read bloggers. We know of none who make enough off blogging to generate much of a living. Granted, TrueCasey has an odd idea of what "a good living" is, but even so...

We note as we review their sites, that almost all of those successful bloggers use the blog primarily as a mechanism for driving attention to a real business that generates the big bucks. That real business usually takes 8-10 hours per day of real work. The blogging is just advertising.

So what's TrueCasey going to advertise? Where will the real money come from?

We have no idea.

But we do know that there won't be enough money from his blog alone to pay for him to move out of his parents' house, pay for his own car and insurance, get health insurance and buy food to meet his bizarre dietary requirements, let alone to make a dent in his huge debt.

His blog will never be more than a hobby. We are older than he, but will most likely not live long enough for him to realize that.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we are somewhat captivated by history being made in Denver.

CH.c problems?

We remain priveleged to have access to the rantings of wannabe "innner circle jerkers" over on CH.c, but post there only with caution. Now it appears our access may soon be limited by the latest purges. Whenever TrueCasey reappears, another bitchfight breaks out in that supposed "community," with Tracy playing the role of the biggest and nastiest bitch. Apparently Dolph has already been banned in the latest fracas, the result of a dispute over speculation as to the cause of TrueCasey's disappearance.

Those who sided with Dolph, including BelowTheCrowd and LMM could possibly be next. If prior purges are anything to go by, our own access might be eliminated by those who claim that we "don't contribute enough."

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where TrueCasey is still noticably absent online.

Casey Looking for New Internetz

From TrueCasey's twitter this morning:

Some difficulties this morning... Should be able to get going within an hour or two

FalseCasey's Translation: My internet access at home has been cut off, so I have to find someplace with a free hotspot to blog from.

We may update our opinion on this matter, but for now, that's the picture from TrueCasey Headquarters, where we note a hurricane heading towards New Orleans, and GSPG not doing much.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CaseySphere Quote of the Day

Casey's just another word

for nothing left to lose.

- !?! on CH.c

TrueCasey MIA

There has been some discussion of the fact that TrueCasey disappeared after the koicast last night, never to reappear.

Some have speculated that his disappearance to a friends' house to watch Star Wars ended in a night of meth and gay sex.

While not discounting this possibility, we suspect the answer is simpler. He returned home to find that mama Serin discarded his laptop, disconnected his internet, and told him "not again under my roof."

Which, if true, would be the first time mama has shown any backbone in dealing with her boi-wonder.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we sadly note that GSPG staged a late-day low-volume reversal and closed pretty much even.

Feel Free to Comment Here

It has come to our attention that the bulk of Haterz™ over on CH.C have decided to boycott all the moron TrueCasey-owned or supported sites. We think this is a good move.

FalseCasey will post quick summaries and replies to all posts on the TrueCasey-owned properties. To avoid giving TrueCasey any direct traffic, we will obtain those posts using the FalseCasey RSS reader. All Haterz™ are welcome to post and discuss here.

A note about our policies: This place is a dictatorship and not a benevolent one. We don't like trolls, racism, sexism, and lots of other isms. We don't like assholes in general. We will feel free to delete your posts or ban your account for no reason other than that you fucking piss us off. We will offer no explanation. If you're not smart enough to understand where you might be crossing the line, don't post here. CHJTS, that means you and your butt-buddies Monica and Star. Feel free to post and we will be free to cut you off, just like CHJTS did to everybody on all his shark-casts.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters where the market is up and GSPG is down.

Casey in a Nutshell

Our acquaintence BelowTheCrowd penned this brilliant observation over at the private CaseyHaterz board, where we are priveleged to have access. We are blown away with the succinctness with which he has said what we tried to get at in our previous comment here.

As Edward Everett wrote to Abraham Lincoln the day after they both spoke at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery: "I should be glad, if I could flatter myself that I came as near to the central idea of the occasion, in two hours, as you did in two minutes."

He has no plans.

He learns nothing.

He has nothing to offer.

He couldn't tell us anything that was wrong with his "education."

He couldn't tell us one thing that he could have done differently to improve the outcome.

He couldn't tell us one thing that haterz recommended that might of resulted in a different outcome.

And he still claims that he'll have something useful to sell to people in financial distress?

He doesn't know why he failed, can't explain what to do differently next time, and expects to be lauded as a genius.

-BelowTheCrowd on CaseyHaterz

And we can only agree with WeWantTheFunk, who noted that

That is all anyone needs to know about Casey, right there.The problem is that the person that needs to know it most wouldn't understand what any of it means.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where things are pretty quiet and Law and Order is on.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A word about links

We will always link to TrueCasey's websites from words like idiot and moron.

We believe that will provide him with the kind of SEO he really deserves.

We will not otherwise mention his actual blog name.


Today's Post: Casey.TV Acquired!!

TrueCasey trumpets this on his blog as if acquiring an available domain name was somehow a triumph of great significance. No doubt he considered it a major accomplishement and as a result of his 100% success in that trivial pursuit, he allowed himself to goof off all day with his webcam.

We view this rather differently.

Several haterz™ confirmed that the going price for that domain name yesterday was $500. What this means is that idiot TrueCasey, who has no verifiable source of income other than his lucky penny stock, just blew more than a month's rent because CaseySerin.TV was not good enough for him.

TrueCasey has acquired and discarded numerous domain names recently. These include:


He seems to have convinced himself that lots of domain names pointing to him is a good thing. This belief is mostly shared by a variety of spammers and sploggers who hope to catch anybody who mistypes a url.

He also seems to believe that the more he tweaks and perfects the names, the more traffic he'll get. In fact he seems to be obsessed with the domain names, the comments on his blog sidebar and all sorts of other minutia.

We happen to be typing this in the bathtub this evening, and looking around, we see numerous imperfect names that certainly could be improved upon by a qualified marketing individual. After all, is the Dove we soaped our privates with a moment ago really a great brand name for a cleaning product? Doves and pigeons are fucking filthy creatures! What idiot thought of that name? How about the white roll of cellulose fiber just a few feet away from our heads? Charmin? What a dumb name. Somebody could have perfected it. And don't get us started on Q-tips as the name for something to wipe your ears with. or Aveeno as something to put on your skin to avoid sunburn and skin cancer.

Yet the marketing professionals at P&G, Unilever and J&J, each of whom knows more about branding that a million monkeys TrueCaseys in a million lifetimes will ever learn, somehow leave these names and their associated logos alone. And if you look them up on the web, you'll usually find one, and only one link to them.

Even out computer, whose marketers are possibly more web-saavy than those at the afformentioned companies seem to opt for a single point of web presence. To find out about our operating systems you can either go to or That's it. And the laptop itself can be found at Information about the processor is at That's the way they want it. They've built value around their brands, so they don't want to pollute them by switching things about, pointing all sorts of other domain names to them, or any of the other crap that TrueCasey excuses as "SEO," which in his alternate universe always seems to equate to "spamming."

Marketers develop brands, and then they run with them, push them, promote them, to the point where it doesn't matter that the name or phrase isn't perfect. Nobody thinks about it because "Dove" eventually does come to mean soap, "Q-tip" does mean the thing that you wipe your ear with, and Windows (now there's a really dumb name, when you think about it) does mean a crappy operating system that unfortunately you can't do without unless you're a linux-geek like Tavington, which we suspect is just a marketing name for somebody else too.

Getting that brand recognition requires work, persistence and perseverence. If you've got that, then slight variations to the name don't matter so much. But it can be so much easier and more fun to just keep changing names, changing directions, and calling it "SEO."

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where our private parts are well soaped, but our brain still requires a bit of mind-bleach after watching TrueCasey live last night.

So, What Does TrueCasey Have to Offer?

We here at FalseCasey spent wasted about an hour and a half listening to that idiot drone on for half the evening on Nigel's talkcast. And we noted on glaring discrepancy:

  • Casey says that he's going to write an e-book to help people in foreclosure, because he's been there and apparently believes he has valuable lessons for them. He tells us that the lessons are so valuable that people will actually pay to read them.
  • He also tells us that he really doesn't know if or how things might have worked out differently if he had taken some of the haterz™ advice way back when.
  • He then tells us that he also doesn't really know and doesn't care to talk about whether or not the advice he got from his guruz was any good. He says some of them entered into "grey areas" and some others were good. He doesn't care to tell us which is which.
  • Finally, he tells us that he's not going to worry about the past, he's going to look to the future, itsallgood.

So we wonder which it is?

Does Casey have some truly important lessons that somebody should want to pay for? If so, how come he can't name one thing he should have done differently or even speculate about how things might have turned out if he had actually done some of them. And how come he can't tell us which of the advice he received was wrong?

Or is Casey just going to pull together a bunch of public-domain information from the web, stick his name on it and hope it sells as a result of his own presumed notoriety?

We think the latter, and of course we think he'll fail. The only people who care about him anymore are all haterz and trolls. His inbound links from years gone by are going to be worthless. And since he's never saved a single house from foreclosure, he's not going to have much credibility.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, which we own debt-free.


Welcome to False Casey!

Are you unaware of the latest antics of our favorite murseboi, Casey Serin?

Do you sometimes doubt that TrueCasey isn't always all that truthful?

Come here for an alternate look at TrueCasey.

This blog will be updated sporadically.