We view this rather differently.
Several haterz™ confirmed that the going price for that domain name yesterday was $500. What this means is that idiot TrueCasey, who has no verifiable source of income other than his lucky penny stock, just blew more than a month's rent because CaseySerin.TV was not good enough for him.
TrueCasey has acquired and discarded numerous domain names recently. These include:
- ablebuyer.com
- escapemyhome.com
- escapemyhouse.com
- escapemyloan.com
- escapemyloans.com
- escapeyourhouse.com
- foreclosureactionplan.com
- homeshort.com
- houseshort.com
- kctheblogger.com
- millionairbychristmas.com
- millionairebychristmas.com
- serin.us
- billionairerace.com
- casey.tv
He seems to have convinced himself that lots of domain names pointing to him is a good thing. This belief is mostly shared by a variety of spammers and sploggers who hope to catch anybody who mistypes a url.
He also seems to believe that the more he tweaks and perfects the names, the more traffic he'll get. In fact he seems to be obsessed with the domain names, the comments on his blog sidebar and all sorts of other minutia.
We happen to be typing this in the bathtub this evening, and looking around, we see numerous imperfect names that certainly could be improved upon by a qualified marketing individual. After all, is the Dove we soaped our privates with a moment ago really a great brand name for a cleaning product? Doves and pigeons are fucking filthy creatures! What idiot thought of that name? How about the white roll of cellulose fiber just a few feet away from our heads? Charmin? What a dumb name. Somebody could have perfected it. And don't get us started on Q-tips as the name for something to wipe your ears with. or Aveeno as something to put on your skin to avoid sunburn and skin cancer.
Yet the marketing professionals at P&G, Unilever and J&J, each of whom knows more about branding that a million monkeys TrueCaseys in a million lifetimes will ever learn, somehow leave these names and their associated logos alone. And if you look them up on the web, you'll usually find one, and only one link to them.
Even out computer, whose marketers are possibly more web-saavy than those at the afformentioned companies seem to opt for a single point of web presence. To find out about our operating systems you can either go to Microsoft.com or Windows.com. That's it. And the laptop itself can be found at Dell.com. Information about the processor is at Intel.com. That's the way they want it. They've built value around their brands, so they don't want to pollute them by switching things about, pointing all sorts of other domain names to them, or any of the other crap that TrueCasey excuses as "SEO," which in his alternate universe always seems to equate to "spamming."
Marketers develop brands, and then they run with them, push them, promote them, to the point where it doesn't matter that the name or phrase isn't perfect. Nobody thinks about it because "Dove" eventually does come to mean soap, "Q-tip" does mean the thing that you wipe your ear with, and Windows (now there's a really dumb name, when you think about it) does mean a crappy operating system that unfortunately you can't do without unless you're a linux-geek like Tavington, which we suspect is just a marketing name for somebody else too.
Getting that brand recognition requires work, persistence and perseverence. If you've got that, then slight variations to the name don't matter so much. But it can be so much easier and more fun to just keep changing names, changing directions, and calling it "SEO."
And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where our private parts are well soaped, but our brain still requires a bit of mind-bleach after watching TrueCasey live last night.
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