Casey is not a millionaire.
And we are.
And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where we're comfy and cozy while Casey contemplates homelessnes and living in a van.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wrapping up for the year
We just finished off the last client job for this calendar year and will be taking a break. However, unlike certain valet-parker entrepreneurs in Sacramento, we expect to be back after the first of the year.
Casey, of course, has decided to quit his valet-parking job, in order to travel the world, work and live free in a bunch of "eco-villages" he believes exist and are waiting for him, and of course blog about it. He has no idea what he's in for if he actually decides to live on one of those organic farms around the world. First, he'll find it's hardly free to get there, the accommodations are probably not up to his standard (isn't this the guy who whined that his first hostel in Sydney wasn't good enough because he needed a private room?) the work is hard and lasts much of the day, and there's no internet, if there's even any electricity.
We can't wait to hear about it.
But for now, we're happy to note that Christmas on the west coast will start in just over two days, and Casey once again appears to be nowhere close to being a millionaire.
And that's the way things are at the FalseCasey HQ, where we've cashed the last check, opened a good bottle, and are relaxing for a change.
Casey, of course, has decided to quit his valet-parking job, in order to travel the world, work and live free in a bunch of "eco-villages" he believes exist and are waiting for him, and of course blog about it. He has no idea what he's in for if he actually decides to live on one of those organic farms around the world. First, he'll find it's hardly free to get there, the accommodations are probably not up to his standard (isn't this the guy who whined that his first hostel in Sydney wasn't good enough because he needed a private room?) the work is hard and lasts much of the day, and there's no internet, if there's even any electricity.
We can't wait to hear about it.
But for now, we're happy to note that Christmas on the west coast will start in just over two days, and Casey once again appears to be nowhere close to being a millionaire.
And that's the way things are at the FalseCasey HQ, where we've cashed the last check, opened a good bottle, and are relaxing for a change.
buying an island,
millionaire by christmas,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Breaking News: Casey Goes Dark (again)
Not sure what this means, but Casey's Facebook account has gone dark. His picture is missing and there have been no public updates.
We are not sure what this means, but prior experience indicates several possibilities:
1) He's pissed off at all the "negativity"
2) He's pissed somebody off and is trying trying to impress them with his ability to go offline.
3) Family have told him "go offline or move out."
In any event, it is extremely unlikely that he'll stay away for long.
And that's the way things are at the FalseCasey HQ, where we are thinking we should really get a new vehicle this month rather than next, while the sales tax is still deductible.
We are not sure what this means, but prior experience indicates several possibilities:
1) He's pissed off at all the "negativity"
2) He's pissed somebody off and is trying trying to impress them with his ability to go offline.
3) Family have told him "go offline or move out."
In any event, it is extremely unlikely that he'll stay away for long.
And that's the way things are at the FalseCasey HQ, where we are thinking we should really get a new vehicle this month rather than next, while the sales tax is still deductible.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Casey Gets Closure

You will of course recall that Casey's wife locked him out of their
But not our boi.
Casey has desperately continued to wear his wedding ring, "the ring of hope" he has called it (the Haterz™ have termed it "the ring of fail™") thus clearly tagging himself as hopelessly hung up and thus unattractive to anybody else who might come along. He's commented repeatedly about getting "the one" back. He started the stupid Millionaire By Christmas blog, which from its very inception seemed designed around the idea of finally making good and thus winning Galina back, as if she were somehow paying attention to his blogs anymore. He blamed his divorce on outsiders "meddling" as rationalization for having been a jerk and then continued to dream that once the outsiders were gone, he could have another chance.
But lately things have changed. It's not clear what's prompted this, but Casey has been talking about moving on and achieving the desired "closure," about two years late. In fact, it made the top of his Christmas Fantasies List for the month. We have an inkling that there may be some other female lurking in the background and that the "closure" was perhaps a result of Casey realizing that there is more than one

... closure received. It is FINAL.However, before moving on, Casey does have the opportunity to remind us what an artistic genius he is as well, and how great the future is for him. We find him continually tough to stomach:... there is a very profound meaning to all of the symbolism depicted. The time has come. I am moving on. Just like that.... I am just so glad I did not allow anuone to pressure me into moving on before I was ready. I stood my ground, did a good amount of grieving and healing, kept holding on just in case, did everything I felt led to do, kept the door open for a possible reconciliation up untill the last moment. Well the time has come. The meeting over delicious Swedish meatballs at Ikea provided the final confirmation.
... I would please ask my friends to be gentle with this area. I guess it IS all ultimately pretty funny but the wound is still healing. Thank u. This is the month to tie up all the loose ends and 2010??? I have NNNOOO IDEA what is coming next! The excitement and anticipation is becoming more intense with each day this month of December 2009We also can't quite understand the significance of Ikea in all this, though Casey does note that there is great significance to this photo. Did he and Galina buy some important piece of furniture there? Did they love the Swedish meatballs? Does she work there and he stalked her in order to have the conversation? Did he even meet with her, or was it a meeting with Galina's anonymous representative? Very confusing, even to those of us who have watched Casey for a while.... some pieces of art and personal expression need not an explanation nor reason. Only it's creator knows and feels the meaning.... I already AM an artist as I creatively live my life and express it through all kinds of ways -- from crafting business ventures to playfully blogging my lifestory, capturing the right moment via video/photography, etc. In which way do you express your creative artistic side?
It should be noted that Casey went to great lengths to make this photo as it is. We have obtained the satellite imagery of the West Sacramento Ikea store:

The entrance to the store is in the upper right and that is where most cars are parked. The sign is in the lower left adjacent to the lot that is furthest from the entrance, closest to the loading dock and probably used only by employees or maybe people living inconspicuously in their vans.
To get the photo, Casey would have needed to be somewhere in the red circle adjacent to the sign, as shown in this image. Not a place most people would be, and unless you worked in the store probably not even an area you would normally be particularly aware of. Casey of course has had his reasons for seeking out inconspicuous parking lots in the past year, but we seriously doubt he took this photo there because that's where he's been sleeping.
Casey thinks he's being all cool and artistic and stuff for hiding stupid meanings in bad photographs. We still think he's a jerk, though obviously now a jerk who has achieved closure. Someday maybe he'll achieve a 10 year-old's maturity level.
And that's the way things are here at FalseCasey HQ, where we are hung over.
casey serin,
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Serin Family

It is apparently related to some family photoshoot from a while back, which we are told also included some relatively normal images, or at least as normal as could be possible with Casey present.
Naturally, this image could not possibly come without some good -- and sometimes bad -- natured ribbing about the family, Casey, and everything else.
This was posted by an anonymous source:
And that's the way things are here at FalseCasey HQ, where it is raining by the beach, snowing in the mountains, and we are considering a return to our winter lair in short order.They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Serin Family.
The debts they aren’t counting,
From Casey’s blue-ball bouncing
They’re gonna get a trouncing.
The Serin Family.
0% Complete!
So get a looser’s™ murse on.
A blog you can converse on.
God must have put a curse on
The Serin Family.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Casey's Christmas Fantasies
We'd like to call these "wishes," as that would be more in the spirit of things, but really these are so absurd that even Walt Disney on acid would not have been able to come up with them.
In fact, even Casey can't seem to decide what they are. They started as "December Objectives" then "Christmas Wishes" and finally simply "For Christmas." As he notes below, tweaking is continuous but this is the latest snapshot forwarded to us by a fan:
We will dissect this statement for our readers who may be less familiar with Mr. Serin and his words than we are:
Closure/Reconciliation in a Key Emotional Area
OK, we all know what this one is about. He wants his ex-wife Galina to come back to him. This will allow him to close the book on that nasty divorce thing and and reconcile with her. What he doesn't realize is that he's already got closure, in the sense that she has permanently closed the door to him ever speaking to her again. The only reconciliation yet to come is him reconciling himself to the fact that at this very moment she is writhing in an ecstacy she couldn't have ever imagined when she was with Casey, with some dude's tongue probing into areas Casey never could have imagined existing.
Very Substantial, Pleasantly Unexpected, Perfectly Timed Financial Blessing
This one sounds a lot like the Spanish Inquisition: Unexpected, except by those who have been watching for it.
It's one of the stupider examples of Casey's belief in things "manifesting" themselves just because he daydreams about them, which is what he's taken from "The Secret" and other similar garbage best-sellers. [A more appropriate lesson might be that if you really want something bad enough, you'll be willing to work your ass off to get it, and thus the real secret is to dedicate yourself to those things that you really, really want.]
And for the record, the next California Lotto jackpot is $36 million and we're going to buy in because one of us is Jewish and we're superstitious about multiples of 18. We expect that we have just as good odds of our $36m "manifesting itself" as Casey does with hiswishes fantasies. In fact, we have better odds because we're going to buy $18 worth of tickets and Casey can't afford that many.
Incidentally, if wishing for something could miraculously cause it to manifest itself, then the hundreds of people who have been wishing for you to be in FPMITA Prison should have caused something to be manifested by now, don't you think?
Confidence/Wisdom in New Leadership Roles
Dude, last we heard you were scrubbing dishes or something like that. You don't have a leadership role except in your own mind as leader of a nonexistent group that is daydreaming about raising nonexistent dollars to buy you a nonexistent tropical island.
Further stupid comments and useless fluff
Only if you FEEL it, please DO share and amplify. - Ugh. More of his BS. Talk to me if you agree with me. Unfortuantely, he's lost any grasp on reality, so there's nobody to talk to him except for a few crazy people who have befriended him, pretty much all of whom appear to be complete trolls. Seriously, why would any of these hot women waste an instant of time with him except to entertain herself during those rare periods when nobody is vying to get under her desk to do her bidding. The only thing that's more phony than his "friends" is his own stupid act.
I'm just like a child in a world of fantasy and endless possibilities, playing with these ideas and having some fun. Please refrain from projecting your own doubt and limited perspective. I don't want it. - No, you're just like a really, really, lame, balding almost-30 guy who scrubs dishes and takes out the trash for a living, has no skills, no perspective, and no desire to hear that everything that he's pursued for his adult life has been a complete lie.
Please take this as an opportunity to seek a closer relationship so we can compare notes and see any areas of disagreement and find common ground. - So if we disagree with you we're supposed to seek a closer relationship and compare notes? We thought you just said that if we disagreed with you we should shut up. Which is it? We're confused.
Thank you in advance for your feedback. - OK. We think you're a moron. And you're welcome.
In fact, even Casey can't seem to decide what they are. They started as "December Objectives" then "Christmas Wishes" and finally simply "For Christmas." As he notes below, tweaking is continuous but this is the latest snapshot forwarded to us by a fan:
Here is my Christmas wish list.ANALYSIS
Just keep in mind, there may be some tweaking and refining, as I play with just the best words to use:
1. Closure/Reconciliation in a Key Emotional Area
2. Very Substantial, Pleasantly Unexpected, Perfectly Timed Financial Blessing
3. Confidence/Wisdom in New Leadership Roles
So there you have it. It's generic enough to prevent being too open/vulnerable, yet I know exactly what i'm referring to. And you might too.
The seeds for all this have been planted a while ago, and it's all now beginning to "sprout". That's why I've been more and more excited lately.
"Your Wish is My Command" -- through LOVE, Prayer and Gratitude.
Knowing I'm encouraged to ask whatever I want and most importantly, give thanks before it even comes, moves me into alignment towards the wanted outcome, and brings it into reality.
Thank You!
Sorry if the way I talk about all of this is a bit... um, weird.
It is really nothing new. I've been instructed in this my whole life. I'm just now expanding my horizons a little bit and playing with new labels/words -- more generic, less loaded, more inclusive -- to see how it comes across. I'm taking a risk, here amongst my friends! I hope you understand me!?
Does any of this resonate with you??
Only if you FEEL it, please DO share and amplify.
Otherwise please remain silent and keep your LOLs to yourself. I'm just like a child in a world of fantasy and endless possibilities, playing with these ideas and having some fun. Please refrain from projecting your own doubt and limited perspective. I don't want it. I'm Sorry.
Also, please Forgive Me for offending you in any way through the way I describe things. Please take this as an opportunity to seek a closer relationship so we can compare notes and see any areas of disagreement and find common ground.
Wow, what a crazy/beautiful life this is!
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Much love,
~ Casey Konstantin Serin
We will dissect this statement for our readers who may be less familiar with Mr. Serin and his words than we are:
Closure/Reconciliation in a Key Emotional Area
OK, we all know what this one is about. He wants his ex-wife Galina to come back to him. This will allow him to close the book on that nasty divorce thing and and reconcile with her. What he doesn't realize is that he's already got closure, in the sense that she has permanently closed the door to him ever speaking to her again. The only reconciliation yet to come is him reconciling himself to the fact that at this very moment she is writhing in an ecstacy she couldn't have ever imagined when she was with Casey, with some dude's tongue probing into areas Casey never could have imagined existing.
Very Substantial, Pleasantly Unexpected, Perfectly Timed Financial Blessing
This one sounds a lot like the Spanish Inquisition: Unexpected, except by those who have been watching for it.
It's one of the stupider examples of Casey's belief in things "manifesting" themselves just because he daydreams about them, which is what he's taken from "The Secret" and other similar garbage best-sellers. [A more appropriate lesson might be that if you really want something bad enough, you'll be willing to work your ass off to get it, and thus the real secret is to dedicate yourself to those things that you really, really want.]
And for the record, the next California Lotto jackpot is $36 million and we're going to buy in because one of us is Jewish and we're superstitious about multiples of 18. We expect that we have just as good odds of our $36m "manifesting itself" as Casey does with his
Incidentally, if wishing for something could miraculously cause it to manifest itself, then the hundreds of people who have been wishing for you to be in FPMITA Prison should have caused something to be manifested by now, don't you think?
Confidence/Wisdom in New Leadership Roles
Dude, last we heard you were scrubbing dishes or something like that. You don't have a leadership role except in your own mind as leader of a nonexistent group that is daydreaming about raising nonexistent dollars to buy you a nonexistent tropical island.
Further stupid comments and useless fluff
Only if you FEEL it, please DO share and amplify. - Ugh. More of his BS. Talk to me if you agree with me. Unfortuantely, he's lost any grasp on reality, so there's nobody to talk to him except for a few crazy people who have befriended him, pretty much all of whom appear to be complete trolls. Seriously, why would any of these hot women waste an instant of time with him except to entertain herself during those rare periods when nobody is vying to get under her desk to do her bidding. The only thing that's more phony than his "friends" is his own stupid act.
I'm just like a child in a world of fantasy and endless possibilities, playing with these ideas and having some fun. Please refrain from projecting your own doubt and limited perspective. I don't want it. - No, you're just like a really, really, lame, balding almost-30 guy who scrubs dishes and takes out the trash for a living, has no skills, no perspective, and no desire to hear that everything that he's pursued for his adult life has been a complete lie.
Please take this as an opportunity to seek a closer relationship so we can compare notes and see any areas of disagreement and find common ground. - So if we disagree with you we're supposed to seek a closer relationship and compare notes? We thought you just said that if we disagreed with you we should shut up. Which is it? We're confused.
Thank you in advance for your feedback. - OK. We think you're a moron. And you're welcome.
casey serin,
The Secret,
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