And this time rather surprisingly and shockingly.
We suspect a family "surprise" awaited him in his email box or voicemail when he got away from his weekend soiree with buddy Christshippie.
The routine is familiar. Everything gone, including his flickr, videos and blog.
The only surprise is the speed of it happenning, just shortly after he approved some blog comments, thus the suspicion that whatever happened hit him fast and hard.
He'll be back. Then gone. Then back. Then gone...
In the meantime, check out Brother Steve's blog.
And that's the way it is at the mobile FalseCasey HQ, which is moving west again tomorrow.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
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Something had to go down -- he was way too upbeat and positive right up until a couple of hours before the blog went dark. I think Casey last posted around 11:30 pm, and the plug was pulled at 1:30 am or thereabouts.
It's too bad, because the whole thing was approaching some kind of . . . well, if not a "climax," per se, at least an "inflection point." Between his financial obligations (i.e. keeping up the minimums on the cards and paying rent), the scuttling of his job, and the bizarre concept of making money through building a sufficiently large blog audience fascinated enough by his home movies they'd pay him all he needed just for the privilege of watching, it was coming to a head pretty quickly. Since it's Casey, we have no idea what could have happened, but something certainly would, and it would have been funny. 'Tis a shame to miss the show.
The way it all happened was just weird; an outside influence is a certainty. What form it took and what the consequences were (besides the obvious ones) we may never know, unless Steve is feeling charitable sometime. Or Casey triumphantly returns in a few days, which I doubt.
One wonders how many chances or opportunities Casey's going to get from his family.
Ten? Fifty? Four thousand??
Steve would quickly cobble together a decent audience for his blog, if he kept up a 100% factual narrative of what's going on behind the scenes there... especially with regards to Casey's debts, mental illness(es), living situations, etc.
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