Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Casey's Boss Comes to Her Senses

All evidence of Casey has been expurged from her blog. True, a few pictures remain, but nothing that would show up if you searched on his name. Even the former reference to the "Staff Blogger" is now gone.

It seems that being a Real estate broker, even one with huge fake tits, doesn't make one so dim-witted as to not realize how toxic Casey is or how badly you can get hurt by associating your name with his.

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where we're anxiously awaiting the next eruption of Caseyness, which will most likely hit us when we least expect it.


Anonymous said...

I love those bazoongas, dammit.

WeWantTheFunk said...

Too bad they don't love you.

Anonymous said...

I bet someone at the tanning salon already left their sheriff's face cream on them.

Moreanonymousthanyou said...

Grow up, Anonymous! Angel was not raised to do such a thing! She was raised to launder money and drink herself silly and find a man to buy her lunch and boobs. So straighten up, Mister!

Anonymous said...

My only complaint w/r/t the ED reference is in the links to CH.C suggesting that one might register.

Alas, I was purged for being "uninvolved" during a busy RL season that coincided with a dredded purge if you didn't post before banning.

Alas and alack, I never got the memo before I was bounced.

Repeated knee level groveling to the Dude and other mods never even elicted a mocking reply. :crickets:

Is it even possible I could promise to suck on something or other to gain reinstatement?


False Casey said...


If you email us at falsecasey@gmail.com we will try to get one of our associates to pass the message on to the powers that be at CHC