Reading through the filings, it's tough to say how much of the amazing credit card debt is related to Casey, but we believe a significant proportion of it is. Obviously, we have no way of knowing whether it's that debt that pushed them over the edge, or whether it would have happened in any case. But its clear that a chapter in Casey and his family's life is now over. For now, the foreclosure proceedings against them have been stalled, maybe for long enough that his sister will be able to finish high school before they are forced to get out. Life will continue.
Sadly, life will also continue in a manner that allows Casey to mooch for the forseeable future, which is too bad.
The filings:
Bankruptcy filing and attachments
Repayment plan
Repayment order
And that's the way we are at FalseCasey HQ, where we still think it's better to rent right now.
Hey, Casey Konstantin Serin, the Serial Grifter: Didn't we ALL tell you this was coming? Why on earth do you still have that stupid insuling island 2012 countdown banner still going? How insulting to your parents. Oh that's right - it is THEIR problem. Well, next it is going to be YOUR problem.
Actually it looks like he is getting the last laugh. His parents are writing off around 250,000 or an extra 50,000 a year in tax free income for the last 5 years. That is a lot of Jamba Juice. And we are the ones who are paying for it. If the BK goes through, they even keep the house and have less than a 1/4th of their family income going toward debts.
I thought KC had a tiny spare bedroom upstairs.
They need to worry about their own collateral damage!
Casey said it himself. At 49:30 in this recording.
We were sure it was the basement. Wasn't there one videocast where he was constantly looking outside to see who was there in response to one of the callers?
"We were sure it was the basement"
The Serin's live in Sacramento. Generally speaking, houses in California don't have basements due to the earthquake threat.
FC, that was awesome sleuthing.
These fuckers pulled in almost $100K in gross income each year and owe various lenders literally half a million dollars. And the list doesn't even include the $150K that Casey defaulted on in the past. I have never seen a better case for debtor's prison.
BTW, on the list of creditors, US Bank is listed with an account number ending in "4570". Wasn't that the last 4 numbers of Casey's corporate credit card? I vaguely recall seeing those numbers somewhere. Maybe on the photos of him holding the credit card in Utah.
P.S. The most interesting information might be on the 1st page -- that would be the last 4 digits of Mom & Dad's SSN. Notice they're consecutive. The entire family was almost assuredly assigned SSNs in consecutive order when they arrived in the US.
We know Casey's SSN starts with 606, therefore the parents' do as well. The middle two digits should be easy enough to narrow down, since they're given out in a prescribed manner. The Serins' SSNs were likely issued in 1994 when they arrived.
It would be a lot easier to track these scammers with their full SSNs. Hypothetically.
Thanks for posting the info.
A few things I found interesting were:
- Credit counseling received at 'Black Hills Children's Ranch' ?!
- Attorney on the filing has a e-mail address
- Misspelled 'single' (page 16 of filing)
- Lists 'misc costume' valued at $30 as an asset (page 17 of filing), would this be the famous pirate costume from the kick-off party?
- Almost 1/3 of income spent on entertainment alone? (page 28 of filing)
- Serin's paying weekly tidings to church... where is it coming from?
- Own and operate 'Miracle of Touch' massage place in their home... hehe
The Wiz
Mispelled their daughter's name as well. (Page 29 of the pdf.)
Any experts out there that can tell us why they filed chapter 13 instead of 7? Their "repayment" plan is to stiff all their unsecured creditors, which is basically chapter 7 to begin with.
We've seen some split-level type things where there is a room or two partially below-grade and that's what we were thinking. But looking at pix of the Serin house, that's obviously not the case.
Looking at the pictures more carefully, and comparing the windows to some of the ones we've seen in some of his live streams, we suspect the room is either the one towards the back of the house, facing Will Rogers drive or part of the converted garage. Either of these would be consistent with Casey's stream behavior when he really seemed to think somebody was outside.
Of course, Google Street View doesn't give us much of an idea of what the back of the house looks like, but we're pretty sure that's where the better rooms are and not Casey's.
Too late and too sick the post the links, Google Map 4932 Dewey Dr, Fair Oaks, CA.
And there's also the mention of "deffered pay."
This guy's spelling is right up there with LossMit...
Haterz are salivating all over this, comedy gold!
The house is a single level ranch style. No garage conversion (the garage is still there).
Garage DOOR is still there. Standard "grey area" California conversion leaves the faux door in place, seals it from the inside and builds a room or two there. Developers in the 70s even designed the places to accomodate this by putting side windows into the garage, which you can see on the Serin house.
At any rate, the varous Google Streetview pictures show a variety of cars always parked out front or on the side. The Nissan truck and small sedan referenced in the BK are there, as is a small white Pontiac (?) and a white Caddy that appears in the driveway once and alongside the house on the side street in another image. (Heh, wonder which Serin was driving the white Caddy?)
Even if they didn't convert the garage, they sure aren't parking in it. Maybe that's where the money went: a garage full of unneeded and unwanted junk.
Sorry dude, we can and will delete what you posted here.
Feel free to post it anywhere else, we're not here to judge. It's not like anybody can use it for anything for the next 10 years or so. But for a lot of reasons, we'd prefer not to be part of it, OK?
Geekspeak is cool. Not like anybody on the Serin end will get it.
According to the filing, these con-artists are $20,000 in arrears on their mortgage @ $1992/month.
In other words, they've already been living in their house for free for the past 10 months. Unreal.
The garage is a garage. I live around the corner and drive past the house all the time. It is right on the way; no special turns required or anything. Knowing the fliptard lives there makes it hard not to look as I go by.
This weekend the weather was nice family had the garage door open for a while on both Saturday and Sunday. From my car window at 30 mph it looked like they had the usual pile of suburban garage crap, including a motorcycle and a seadoo (Steve's, presumably). Absolutely no sign of packing for a move. Papa Serin was working on the truck.
Lately the only cars in the driveway have been the nissans and the kidnap van which is usually parked on the side of the garage behind a new mustang with dealer plates (again that's gotta be Steve's). The mustang changes every so often, but the one there now is all white.
If I had to guess, I'd say KC's room is one of the two facing Dewey on the right side of the house. Long tall windows. Knowing the floor plans of the models in this neighborhood, that's where I'd put my otherwise homeless kid, if it were my place.
Who owns the kidnap van? I thought KC was homeless and vanless.
$5,000 on nordstrom's cc, nice!
I don't know who owns the van. My surveillance takes place only when I'm driving to and from home during the usual times for a W2 looser(tm), or during weekend errands. I've never actually seen Casey. It would seem that the only member of the family to do chores outside is Papa. As far as I can tell the van has been parked for a while, although last fall it was often parked alongside the house on Will Rodgers. Once or twice back then I saw it parked around the corner on Hillridge, presumably in an attempt to thwart process servers.
it's tough to say how much of the amazing credit card debt is related to Casey
Wouldn't that be $0.00...??
His parents can't file bankruptcy on his behalf, nor can they include Casey's incurred debts on their filing.
Casey himself racked up over $150K in debt, through credit lines issued in his own name/SSN/DOB. He was an adult, albeit a retarded/mentally-ill adult, at the time the debts were incurred. Just because his parents filed BK doesn't mean his own debts are absolved.
Well, that's quite a bit of information. So Casey pere et mere were also spending more than they earned?
Does Casey still have a job?
I confess I'm a bit out of the loop and I only occasionally use google to find out the latest on the Casey happenings. I was a prominent haterz back in the day, but I prefer to keep my anonymity for now.
I get an iTouch for Christmas. For the fun of it, I search for "Tavington" and lo and behold -- my trollcasts are available there for download.
I thought I deleted them.
His parents can't file bankruptcy on his behalf, nor can they include Casey's incurred debts on their filing.
Casey himself racked up over $150K in debt, through credit lines issued in his own name/SSN/DOB. He was an adult, albeit a retarded/mentally-ill adult, at the time the debts were incurred. Just because his parents filed BK doesn't mean his own debts are absolved.
That's why you should never co-sign on a loan!
On page 30, the daughter is listed as 17. Right next to it, does it say she's married?
Correct me if i'm wrong, did his parents rack up 146K in credit card debt? (unsecured) If so, how?
Don't worry, Obama will bail them out.
Correct me if i'm wrong, did his parents rack up 146K in credit card debt? (unsecured) If so, how?
They, and their lenders, were stupid.
On page 30, the daughter is listed as 17. Right next to it, does it say she's married?
I thought that at first too, but that page ("Schedule I") just lists the dependents of the primary debtors. They listed their only under-18 child, the youngest sister.
That "married" is not describing that kid's marital status, but the filing debtor's -- Aleksey Serin's -- marital status (right above the word "married").
if their daughter is only 17 yrs old, where did the Sallie Mae student loan come from? And there is a 6K CC from Wells fargo listed under Margarite Serin as codebtor, so their daughter is bankrupt too?
First it was Tavington... then MOCHA.
You can tell that this is big news when the trolls come out to play.
if their daughter is only 17 yrs old, where did the Sallie Mae student loan come from? And there is a 6K CC from Wells fargo listed under Margarite Serin as codebtor, so their daughter is bankrupt too?
My guess is mom went to massage therapist school. And the daughter probably isn't married, but damn that looks strange.
Correct me if i'm wrong, did his parents rack up 146K in credit card debt?
Actually, it should be "only" $137K... on page 24, the idiot bankruptcy attorney listed their Discover Card debt twice.
As to how they did it, I'm somewhat amused when onlookers ask how these scammers blew through $250K in five years. Is it that difficult to imagine? $250K over five years is an "extra" $140 per day over that period. Meanwhile, these bankrupt criminals have a mustang, jet-ski, at least one large LCD TV, parents' cars, a van, Casey's RV, etc etc. They take vacations to Tahoe while they're bankrupt. They buy expensive organic produce, and Casey's jamba juice while bankrupt.
These are people who should be eating Campbell's soup and Goya beans cooked over a hot-plate, not shopping at Whole Foods every day.
I assumed all along that Casey took advantage of his parents when he got them to co-sign his loans. Turns out that Casey is not the only one in the family who specializes in the the culture of debt.
if their daughter is only 17 yrs old, where did the Sallie Mae student loan come from
No, no... the 17-year-old is just their dependent; she has no debts.
The Sallie Mae loan was incurred by the older sister. Look on page 25, see the little "X" next to Sallie Mae -- that's in the co-debtor column. The other "X" is in the Wells Fargo column, as you pointed out. My guess is Mom/Dad backed up that specific line of credit for Margarita, and then defaulted.
Anyway, the co-debtors themselves are listed on page 27 (Schedule H). In this case, Margarita is the only co-debtor listed.
"Is it that difficult to imagine?"
I'm busting my ass off at work and trying to save every penny i can to get by in this difficult time, those fuckers just blew money like that, 140K in credit cards, 140 a day? try to fcuking earn it, in a honest way. of course i have difficult time to imagine it. un-fcuking-believable, the whole family are scums. they come to this country just to abuse the system.
I think it's time for another hatercast.
Heck, I'd settle for a lame trollcast with Pink Floyd music at this point.
I need my Casey fix.
If you like HATER Coladas
And getting caught in the FLIP
If you're not into TALKCASTS
If you have half a MURSE
If you'd like making love at NIGEL'S
In the dunes on the TAHOE
Then I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape MY HOUSE."
To the "anon" who lives around the corner from the scamming family: would asking you to slash their tires be asking too much? ;)
How about spray-painting "CRIMINAL RUSSIANS GET OUT" on their fence?
These f*cks need to be shamed out of the state. Copies of their bankruptcy filing need to be printed out and "accidentally" dropped all over downtown Sacramento.
Congratulations to all for getting closer to solving the Casey mystery.
Now we move on to the next step. Perhaps I can be your guide, but I will not solve the mystery for you.
You must open your mind and communicate, as this is the only way the answers can be revealed.
I may help you, but only if obstacles arise.
If I don't promise you the answers would you go.
Now we move on to the next step.
Quiet, troll. The "next step" for Mommy and Daddy is debt servitude for the remainder of their lives, all while being turned down for even the smallest $250 credit line.
It's a cash-only lifestyle for the Serins from now on. And given their complete financial irresponsibility, that doesn't bode well for them at all. All it's going to take is for one of the parents to lose their jobs, and they will be positively fucked.
I particularly enjoy that Google either Aleksey Serin's or Anna Serin's name brings up Caseypedia as the #1 link, with all the inevitable connections to Casey.
These folks better hang on to their current jobs, because between their age, credit scores, bankruptcies, and connection to known toxic con artists, no employer would ever hire either of them again.
There are two sisters. They make cakes but I bet their pies are tasty too (this message does not apply to the underage one). It is good to see Margarita's student loan funded education is going to good use.
It is good to see Margarita's student loan funded education is going to good use.
She majored in "Intercultural Studies" at a Christian Bible college (Jessup). See the PDF link on this Google Search.
"Intercultural Studies" is a mickey-mouse nonsense major at a fricking Bible college. Of course she's baking cakes for a living. :-p
To the "anon" who lives around the corner from the scamming family: would asking you to slash their tires be asking too much? ;)
How about spray-painting "CRIMINAL RUSSIANS GET OUT" on their fence?
I didn't de-lurk after all this time to commit criminal trespass in my own neighborhood. But the telephone pole in front of their house appears to be on public property and might be big enough to hold a sign or some public documents...
I wonder if any of Snowflake's personal or corporate credit debt was paid off by a "balance transfer" to one or both of the parents personal credit cards.
There is no indication that the student loan is not current by Margarita. Every claim against them must be listed.
Try again, hatefagz.
There is no indication that the student loan is not current by Margarita.
It doesn't really matter whether it's current or not, since the student loan isn't dischargeable in a bankruptcy anyway.
In other words, that $16,773 is going to be one line of credit that the Serin Crime Family will not be able to weasel out of.
Mortgage Fraudster,
Quiet servitude? I doubt it. If they abide by the BK repayment plan, they will own their home free and clear, at which point, they can start all over again with the cashing-out hijinks. No matter how many times they BK, they will still have their state pensions.
If Ma and Pa only cosigned on the student loan, they can probably get rid of their obligation in the BK. The borrower (the daughter) can't get rid of the obligation by filing BK, though.
they can start all over again with the cashing-out hijinks.
I don't think it's that easy. Firstly, credit is tight for average folks. Who's going to extend credit in this environment to scammers with a bankruptcy/numerous defaults/etc in their record?
Secondly, Section 6.02 of the repayment plan specifies that the debtors can't incur new debts over $1,000 without court authorization. No more cash-out refi's, no $10K credit cards, even if someone were dumb enough to approve them.
No matter how many times they BK, they will still have their state pensions.
eh, between them they have $25000 in CalPERS. Given their profligate lifestyle, that should last them about 4 months. They won't be retiring before age 90. :-p
they can start all over again with the cashing-out hijinks.
This country will be a vastly different place. Doubt this kind of nonsense is going to take place again on a large scale in our lifetimes.
Regarding the Serin sisters and their cake business:
"Piece a cake" = not an expression
"Piece OF cake" = an expression
Maybe it's just the grammar dork in me, but whenever I see an obvious error like that it just screams "MORON MORON MORON."
Sweet pix over at CI. I did not take them but I will say they look VERY recent.
I took them a little less than an hour ago. No, Casey, I didn't step on the lawn to take the picture of the trampoline in the backyard. I used an extended tripod held overhead from the sidewalk.
Thanks for the info about the house and garage, as well as other stuff.
Posting, as we are, from over 1000 miles away, it's difficult to tell what's going on and what the reality on the ground is.
Our hats are off to you!
Maybe it's just the grammar dork in me, but whenever I see an obvious error like that it just screams "MORON MORON MORON." was taken, but was not.
No problem. I've been content to enjoy the saga as a lurker for a couple of years. Now these people seem to have scammed their way into an inevitable foreclosure, which is going to screw with my own property values. Thanks neighbors!!! I need to blow off steam somehow.
ARSE took the sweet pix, though, not me.
I need to blow off steam somehow.
Root through their trash and find the last 4 digits of Casey Serin's SSN.
Believe me, it will pay off in spades figuring out what the hell these people are up to.
Mortgage Fraudster,
What I meant was, if they abide by the repayment plan for five years, they'll own the house free and clear with no mortgage. At that point they won't need the court's approval to borrow whatever a bank will lend them against the house. I guess that makes the rest of us responsible folks loosers.
At that point they won't need the court's approval to borrow whatever a bank will lend them against the house.
Right, but their FICO score will be sh*t until literally 2020. No bank will lend them anything until that point, at a minimum.
Their cash-out HELOC schemes only worked this time because a) their credit was reasonably good in 2005, and b) the banks were doling out credit to anyone who could breathe.
I'd bet that neither one of those situations will repeat during the Serin parents' lifetimes.
It still pisses me off immensely that the principal mortgage balance would be waived through a bankruptcy. WTF? I honestly don't see where the downside is for the family. They really should lose the house.
They won't own the house free and clear. They will have dumped 130K of mortgage debt, but they will still owe their mortgage.
Root through their trash and find the last 4 digits of Casey Serin's SSN.
Believe me, it will pay off in spades figuring out what the hell these people are up to.
You are probably right, and it is garbage night tonight. You think it's possible that snowflake won't be watching? I am guessing he likes to follow along with what the haterz have to say, and smell his own farts.
You think it's possible that snowflake will be watching?
The boi sleeps 20 hours a day. So not likely...
Besides the fact that looking through trash on the sidewalk isn't illegal, no one in that family is going to do anything about it. They're a family of scammers; they don't need undue attention from law enforcement.
@Social Insecurity
As for Casey's last-4, all the Serin's (according to legend) came over at the same time. It follows that all their SSNs will be sequential... If you look at the filings, you could probably count up from there based on birth order.
The Wiz
It follows that all their SSNs will be sequential
They're not. I checked the five numbers surrounding the parents (lower and higher); none belong to Casey.
Is it possible that the children may have been assigned SSNs only when they were first needed (first job, etc)?? Remember that Casey (the oldest) was only 12 when the family arrived here. On the other hand, it seems strange that the kids wouldn't be given SSNs immediately upon arrival. I just don't know, unfortunately.
I wonder what Casey is doing right now - it's not like him to stay and face the music and there hasn't been any word on his employment anywhere. Whatever his scum parents have done for themselves he has done far worse to the family unit.
I always gave Casey's folks the benefit of the doubt, especially as the other brothers seem pretty decent. Now we see the truth though - Casey is just a chip off the old scamming block.
Between Casey and his folks they've had what, 250k-350k of free money - but where has it all gone? They have nothing to show for it that I can see. I'm wondering if it hasn't been spirited away to an offshore account, the more realistic version of the box buried in the yard that people postulated Casey had.
If Casey wasn't so obviously mentally ill I might consider that theory a bit more seriously. Hey, how about this - Aleksy manipulates his retarded son into pulling a load of scams, pockets the cash himself, and then does his own re-fi cash grab. $400k would go a long way back in the old country.
You need a kids social in order to claim him/her as a dependent on your Federal income tax. When I was growing up, kids under 5 were exempt and most kids got their social security numbers when they first registered for school. As of 1990, the requirement includes all kids more than one year old.
The Serin kids would have needed SSNs when the parents filed their first income tax forms. The family immigrated in June 1994 and I'm guessing they didn't have work right away. The soonest they might have had a need to get the kids SSNs would have been early 1995 (for 1994 taxes), but if the parents didn't get work right away, it's quite possible that the need didn't come up until early 1996.
Not to say it didn't happen sooner, but there was not necessarily any reason for it to happen at the exact same time as the parents.
They'll still owe the full mortgage amount because Chapter 13 doesn't wipe out the mortgage, it just allows for a stretched out or delayed payment plan. Also, the bank can petition the court for relief to reinstate the foreclosure.
I stand corrected. The second mortgage will be wiped out. The first mortgage may be modified.
If they quit making the payments under their repayment plan, the foreclosure would probably resume.
FC, since you were curious, Mommy's whatchamacallit was leaked.
Not by me. ^_^
Do we know for certain that Casey himself has never filed bankruptcy?
He has a solid six figures of mortgage debt solely in his name, another six figures of CC debt in his name, the "Able Buyer" debt, and God knows what else we haven't found out.
Do people regularly scan the bankruptcy filings for "Last Name: Serin"? :)
Casey has a solid $0.00 of mortgage debt, haterfag. Non-recorse loan much?
Non-recorse loan much?
The guy took out mortgages in four states.
Even if they were all non-recourse states, he still owes upwards of $200K between personal and "corporate" credit lines.
I have a feeling the reason Casey went dark is because the shit is hitting the fan hard right now, for both himself and his family.
I have a feeling the reason Casey went dark is because the shit is hitting the fan hard right now, for both himself and his family.
Let's hope he's packing up to leave. There's plenty of water in the streams up in the hills right now. Come spring maybe he can get a job working a guerilla pot farm. Could be a dream job, but I doubt he'd actually do any work. Maybe he can be the gardeners' forest bride.
long time lurker, but just curious. are parents Serins really crooks? They've been in the US for over one and a half decades, the BK only really coincides with the aftermath of Casey's huge debts.
How come we are assuming that they are crooks with this BK filing?
Haven't they been honest and fiscally responsible for over a decade before the whole casey debacle?
genuinely curious.
How come we are assuming that they are crooks with this BK filing?
Are you serious? Read the list of creditors in the filing. Or the credit reports on CampIdiot.
A $5000 debt to Nordstrom's has nothing to do with Casey's debts. They also defaulted on a $200 balance to JC Penney's. $16K to Sallie Mae also has nothing to do with Casey.
To call them "criminals" might be oversimplifying things... but *at best*, they were being grossly irresponsible financially. AT BEST. At worst, this was a calculated fraudulent scheme to extract equity from HELOCs and cash and prizes (Nordstrom's) from various credit lines, with full intent to default and declare bankruptcy.
Given the family in question, I'm *not* inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.
they have an obsessive hatred for a guy they never met and whose "crimes" were par for the course in the 2000's Bubble.
Par for the course?
Can you name another single individual -- not a "fraud ring" or a company -- who purchased 8 houses by defrauding at least 10 lenders? No cheating by Googling. But even if you can name someone else, did that person brag about their crimes to thousands of people?
Casey's crimes were far from "average".
Can you name another single individual -- not a "fraud ring" or a company -- who purchased 8 houses by defrauding at least 10 lenders?
*yawn* Go read through this:
See what real scammers worthy of prosecution do.
*yawn* Go read through this:
So that'd be a "no, I can't name anyone else" then? :-p
But I checked it out anyway. Currently, the first article is about a large fraud ring. The second article is about an individual: "Olu Campbell, formerly known as Oluseun Oshosanya, 29, Laurel, Maryland, pleaded guilty to wire fraud in connection with a scheme to defraud a mortgage company of $428,000."
Serin conspired to defraud about five times that. Like I said, for a lone individual, his crimes were not even remotely "average".
Casey has a solid $0.00 of mortgage debt, haterfag. Non-recorse loan much?
Typical imbecile lurker.
#1: Not all states are non-recourse states. And fliptard took out loans in more than one.
#2: A non-recourse option only applies to the FIRST mortgage. Subsequent mortgages and loans are not subject to the non-recourse clause. And that includes refis.
Get a clue dumb-ass lurker.
The second article is about an individual: "Olu Campbell, formerly known as Oluseun Oshosanya, 29, Laurel, Maryland, pleaded guilty to wire fraud in connection with a scheme to defraud a mortgage company of $428,000."
Read the entire article, fucktard. He used identity theft, straw buyers, forged documents, and front companies to pocket $428,000 as cash (split between him and his partner). See, this is how real scammers work -- they get as much cash as possible, pay off the straw buyers, and run. They didn't make any fucking payments. Casey lied on loans designed by the banks to be lied on, got some cash back at close, and... made payments until he ran out of money. That is not the work of a scammer, just an idiot.
Serin conspired to defraud about five times that
Five times the total loan amount, but Olu & crew managed to scam nearly 1/2 million out of a bank for these three $20,000 ghetto palaces:
Thats almost a 100% total loss for the banks and probably comprable to the losses on all of Casey's houses (he sold three of the houses, and the Texas house was hard money with a high down payment - no loss for the bank on those).
hatefags = owned (again)
Casey lied on loans designed by the banks to be lied on
Yep, the same forms that plainly state "providing false information is a criminal offense". At least ten times over, since some of the properties had more than one mortgage.
and made payments until he ran out of money.
If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you. He may have made a token payment on some properties, but he pocketed the vast majority of the cash back he received.
For someone who "irritates the hell out of you", you sure like to defend him.
Look, I agree with you these crimes were commonplace a couple of years ago. The point is, even if he stole "only" $250K instead of $430K like these other two characters, Serin still belongs in prison just like this other guy.
I'm just amazed that people who have made reasonable efforts to disguise their crimes (through ID thefts, false front companies, etc) are facing serious prison time -- 20 years here! -- while borderline retarded people like Casey who did this in their own name and freely told the mainstream media about it (!!), walk free. It is natural to seek "vengeance" against him; he is a psychopath.
Casey lied on loans designed by the banks to be lied on
In other words, a burglar that breaks into a home without an alarm system and an unlocked door is exonerated because the home was 'designed to be broke into'? Or a rapist is free to have his way with a provocatively dressed woman because she was 'designed to be taken advantage of'?
Check it out folks. Dick Cheney is posting on falsecasey! :-D
On the upside, it will be fine to waterboard the fliptard. That ain't torture. ;-)
Look, I agree with you these crimes were commonplace a couple of years ago. The point is, even if he stole "only" $250K instead of $430K like these other two characters, Serin still belongs in prison just like this other guy.
You also have to look at this from the standpoint of Casey's actions. Not just the monetary amount.
This wasn't just straight up mortgage fraud. What about the corporate fraud with all the shenanigans that Casey perpetrated with his fake 'corporate credit'? How about the attempted pump and dump scheme and email that he idiotically spammed to hundreds, if not thousands of people pertaining to his Goldspring stock purchases? How about an endless string of contract violations with one person after another that he met through his online party? The No Limit Ladies. Marty the publisher. Loss Mit Pro. Granted, most of these folks were idiots as well. Regardless, that was once again Casey acting for his own selfish interests at the expense of everyone.
And the coup de gras: the island scheme for which he STILL has a website?
The point is this: Casey is a con man. I can't speak for his entire family per se, but I gather that his parents are pretty much cut from the same cloth.
The major difference between Casey and the other con men the lurker retard is linking is that Casey is 100% fuck DUMB. Casey is the internet persona of The Smoking Gun's World's Dumbest Criminals.
i have met casey serin. i have also met some of casey's family, tho not the 'rents. i have met smarter bricks.
i have met smarter bricks.
Bricks that have a stronger sense of morality as well, no doubt. :-p
There really isn't any way to look at Casey's family without concluding that they are complete idiots (for blowing through that much refi cash and credit on vacations, over-indulging the kids, paying down sweet corporate credit cards, etc) or they are moderately retarded scammers (with tins of cash or gold stashed somewhere). Either way they represent much of what was wrong with the last decade.
What I haven't figured out yet is whether it would be better if they just returned to whatever former soviet bloc republic they want to call home, or if they should just stay and work for the rest of their lives making some contributions to this society. Either way, I'm going to be working to pay for the damage caused by the Serins and many many more like them.
trustee has been assigned:
Trustee: Jan P. Johnson City: Sacramento Phone: 916-492-8001
there is no time yet for the 341 meeting, but so everyone knows the 341 "meeting of creditors" is public and could therefore be attended and mocked by anyone
I hope they have a crappy lawyer.
I hope they have a crappy lawyer.
They do; the guy uses an e-mail address because he doesn't have his own domain.
When the "341 meeting" time is established, someone local (ARSE.. heh) has to videotape it. ;-)
Writing 2500 miles away from Sacramento, I've done my part by emailing Casey, Steve, and Aleksey ( and clueing them in that the whole world knows they're deadbeats. I also expressed my fondest wishes that they lose their home and are thrown out onto the streets where they belong. No response thus far from the Crime Family Consigliere or his two Foot Soldiers.
FC, maybe a small post to reset the comment counter to zero...
trustee has been assigned:
Jan P. Johnson
Dunno where the above info came from, but assuming it's accurate, Johnson's e-mail address is:
Perhaps this guy should be notified of the Serin family's long-term association with defaulting on debts, committing fraud, and stealing from U.S. taxpayers... a link to Caseypedia might be in order. :-p
the info comes directly from the courts. BK cases can be accessed through PACER:
you need an account and there is a fee per page of 8 cents
Posted at CI:
Please stop making fun of my family. Leave them out of this. They did not do anything to deserve the horrible things you people are saying.
Casey Serin
The financial shennanigans of Casey's parents are fairly typical of what lead to the 00's bubble.
Instances as this make me want to scream at the top of my lungs. I save and I am responsible with my finances (ie: I spend less than I make).
Casey's parents are being stalked by the hater community simply because of his notoriety on the internet. Angel Lynn found out the hard way what happens when you get involved with CS.
I don't think we'll see Casey go back online ever again. It's fairly evident that he was admonished by his family for going online -- not for his sake, but to avoid drawing attention to themselves.
I notice my posts are gone -- not sure if they were deleted by the admin. I thought it was pretty obvious that I was being sarcastic.
Anyway, what is this "CI" that Casey posted at and what is the link for it?
I don't think we'll see Casey go back online ever again. It's fairly evident that he was admonished by his family for going online -- not for his sake, but to avoid drawing attention to themselves.
It looks like you might be right, at least until they kick him out for good. That's probably not a bad thing either. My dvr is getting pretty stacked up.
Anyway, what is this "CI" that Casey posted at and what is the link for it?
It looks like you might be right, at least until they kick him out for good. That's probably not a bad thing either. My dvr is getting pretty stacked up.
I confess that I get entertained by his online antics. There's a certain schadenfreude to his self-inflicted predicament.
I used to feel bad for his parents but now that the facts of the bankruptcy have come out, it seems like financial irresponsibility is part of the family business.
Perhaps it's none of my business, but I want to pull off an MSINGH on them and go on a verbal tirade regarding the virtues of spending less money than you make.
. . . I want to pull off an MSINGH on them . . .
Am I clear?
I have a stupid question that I am hoping someone can answer:
Several posts seem to indicate the possibility of the Serins keeping the house. My question is: if the foreclosure process is moving forward, doesn't that mean the house will be up for auction? And does that not also imply that a buyer will purchase it an kick the Russian scammers to the curb?
Or is everyone assuming that the auction will not yield a buyer?
Bankruptcy stops the foreclosure. If for some reason the bankruptcy fails, the foreclosure could restart where it left off, but that is unlikely. The bankruptcy plans they filed had them keeping $220,000 of the mortgage and continuing to pay on it. If they do this, they keep the house wit ha reduced loan.
If they intend to keep the house the first mortgage will not have a principal reduction. They can pay the arreages through the BK but must start making regular payments again to the first mortgagee in essence immediately.
The bankruptcy plans they filed had them keeping $220,000 of the mortgage and continuing to pay on it. If they do this, they keep the house wit ha reduced loan.
No, they are on plan for paying $1,922/mo, which is the monthly payment for the $332,000 refi they took out.
They are paying out the ass for some crappy house they don't need. Their youngest is almost an adult. What's the point of paying it off for the rest of their lives?
Their youngest is almost an adult.
Yet their oldest is still a toddler, paradoxically. :-p
@Casey Serin: Homosexual Con Artist
KC is much more of a mark than a con artist. The only people he successfully conned were the American taxpayers, by proxy.
FC is my hero.
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