Friday, September 25, 2009

Super Secret HaterzCon™ Picture

First, let's be real. HaterzCon™ is nothing but a name for BTC, Funky and Nigel getting together and acting stupid. As anybody who was listening to todays bore-cast with Casey knows, they did exactly that. It turned out to be a good thing because their drunken ramblings were the only thing in the whole two hours that wasn't putting us to sleep.

But we have received a photo from a Mr. Bandit, who purports to have inside knowledge of the affair and who has included the attached photo of preparations for a Haterzcon™.

We're not certain, but we think the one with the torch and pleater jacket is meant to be Nigel, but he's obviously wearing a toupee. BTC seems like the type who would have gone for the shotgun. Funky is just plain too weird for us to try to figure out.

We also like the island touches in the background and of course the iPhone, which is a necessity for any solvent blogger.

And is that a Chatzilla window in the upper left of the screen? Are the haterz quietly communicating and coordinating or manipulating things behind the scenes? Is there a new "inner circle?"

Mr. Bandit has also provided the following, purportedly showing the refrigerator at some point near the start of the event, which may or may not explain the state of the threesome when they called in.

And that's the way things are from FalseCasey HQ, where we wish WE could be up in the mountains for Octoberfest tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So Casey wants to sue us?

Go ahead fucker, make our day!

You see, we have analyzed the coverage provided by that Pre-payed Leagle scam that you have bought into, and it doesn't cover filing lawsuits.

In fact, the coverage provided in California as part of the self-employed business plan that you said you got, is detailed here:

Preventive Legal Services for your business
  • Talk to a Lawyer when you need assistance on business legal issues. You'll receive telephone consultations on an unlimited number of matters for business questions.
  • A maximum of three (3) letters written on behalf of your business to third parties each month. (State laws and contract provisions apply.)
  • Receive up to three (3) business contracts or documents of up to 15 pages each reviewed by your Provider Law Firm.

Other Legal Services for your business

Any other business legal services not otherwise covered by the membership are
available at a 25% discount from the Provider Law Firm's corporate rate.

Which is a nice way of saying that all they'll do is write a letter for you if you have a complaint or an issue. If you want to sue, you still have to pay them a retainer, but they'll give you a 25% discount off their "corporate rate." Usually the way they work this is that their "corporate rate" is about 30% higher than their "normal" rate, so after getting the discount you're paying about as much as any other client.

Not that it matters much. You don't have enough to pay any rate.

And they won't even have much to say in the letter. You see, lawyers who make idle threats and false allegations don't stay in the lawyer business long. And there's nothing we have published here that is not either 100% verifiable fact OR 100% opinion, both of which are protected under the first amendment. The most they can say is "we don't like what you said about our client and would appreciate you taking it down." And we can toss the letter in the trash if we wish. You'd have to sue us to get any kind of enforcement, and as we said, you can't afford to sue even at the "25% discounted rate."

So kindly fuck off. You're a scammer and always have been. You have self-documented your scams and crimes starting with the iamfacingforeclosure blog and continuing through today. You have made no secret of the liar loans and the sleazy strategies used to obtain your credit. You have knowingly associated with individuals (Lisa, Mike, Anthony, Mark, Marty, etc.) whose scammy histories are plastered all over the internet, if only you had bothered to Google them.

Don't complain that you've been tarred with the "fraudster" brush. Your own conduct has been plain for everybody to see. As you noted on today's talk-cast, you are personally incapable of doing anything -- even anything illegal -- without broadcasting it to the world, and broadcast you have! You have earned your reputation. No legal team can reverse your own stupidity.

And that's the way things are at the FalseCasey HQ, where we are looking forward to the possible fireworks likely to emerge from this weekend's meeting of the Salt Lake Three.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Casey breaks the law again

So, Casey has no problem computing and streaming while driving? That's what he seems to imply in one of his latest moronic videos:

"Is it illegal to drive with headset... maybe... hee hee heee... just tryin to have a good time.... maybe I'll find out later... who sez you can't stream while drivin'... hope I don't miss my turn here..."

He might want to pay attention to something going on around him from time to time. Hard to believe anybody living in California was not aware of this, because it got a huge amount of publicity around January 1st, including signs on the freeways and elsewhere:

The new Wireless Communications Device Law (effective January 1, 2009) makes it an infraction to write, send, or read text-based communication on an electronic wireless communications device, such as a cell phone, while driving a motor vehicle.

The law is fairly broadly written. If all he were doing was streaming with a camera that is set up before he started driving, that would probably be OK. But throughout his various streams he made it obvious that he was also checking the chatbox and even banning people while driving! This most certainly qualifies as "writing, sending or reading text-based communication."

Here is another great example where he clearly is leaning over to play with his laptop while behind the wheel in traffic:
And yes, he appears to have done it mostly when he was stopped or moving at low speed. But per the law, he is considered to be in control of the vehicle until he is safely parked and out of traffic. A red light doesn't cut it. "Low speed" doesn't cut it. "No other traffic on the road" doesn't cut it. Listen to his narration. He's yammering on and on about what's going on in the neighborhood he's driving through, making it clear that these are areas where pedestrian traffic is common.

He was behind the wheel, in an active lane and he was playing with his chatbox. Guilty!

His second infraction is the headset. Headsets are legal -- in fact they're required for cellphone use by a driver in California -- but are only allowed to cover one ear. His is a two-ear stereo model and the video clearly shows both earpieces in place over his ears. Again, Guilty!

[Edit: Here are the actual rules, for those of you who want to check for yourselves:

Requirement to use a hands-free device:
May not cover both ears with any device:
Prohibition on text communication:

- FC]

If he got into an accident and hurt somebody, he'd be paying it off for the rest of his miserable life. Not that he'd have much to pay it off with.

However, whoever owns the vehicle he was driving would probably be on the hook too. As Nigel knows from his experience with Casey a year ago, the boi is not exactly all that responsible about the vehicles he borrows. Maybe anybody who decided to lend him one for the afternoon needs to reconsider.

Of course, if he hurt or killed somebody we loved, he wouldn't have a chance to "pay it off" and neither would the owner of the vehicle. Whatever remained of their lives would be lived in excruciating pain. And we'd stream it.

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where we can be thankful for a few brief moments that we are not anywhere near a place where Casey might be driving.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Island 2012 Project Is Dead

Our buddy Casey last posted about the Island a week ago, when he commented on the 12 things he had to do. (How's the list going, by the way. Inquiring minds want to know.)

Since then he's consumed himself with planning his birthday party, something most adults rarely put more than a few minutes into. And of course, he's been hanging out with his new grifter friends.

We strongly suspect that by the time the party rolls around this weekend, the whole island idea will be on the back burner. He has two new "islands" on his mind and the money is likely to follow them.

The question is whether he'll actually get around to telling his assembled guests (who at last note include the big-tittled fraudseter herself) that he's dumped the whole island idea in favor of investing his money in some form of a scam.

We should note that it may or may not actually be a pay-phone scam. While these are not all that uncommon, it's quite possible that the twin hucksters (the one with her own twins, and the fat guy) have something else up their sleeves, or down their blouses, as the case may be.

We were thinking it could even be fun to show up to Casey's party just to meet her. We'd be interested in finding out exactly how far she would go if presented with a sufficiently valuable "mark." We suspect that a weekend sans-Mike in Tahoe would not be out of the question.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey HQ, where idle thoughts like that are just idle, because we really have better things to do, and our friend Claire is far better endowed than either Lisa or Angel.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Reader Poll: Which pair would you choose?


- OR -


Casey apparently has little interest in either.

While the youth of the second set is clearly evident and the belly-button ring certainly gives her a certain sluttiness that we can appreicate, we nonetheless feel certain that good ol' AngelTits would give us a nice run for our money. Fake, firm, fabulous and more likely to be frustrated at home.

Your thoughts? Be open with your opinions as we will not be censoring this thread.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey HQ, where a long fun day is coming to a close.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Casey just "invested" $10K in a pay-phone scam!

You heard it here first.

In these these tough economic times, of course, pay phones are sure to regain all the ground they lost to cellphones in the past 15 years. They're going to the moon we tell you! That's why a budding excrapreneur like Casey would want to be involved.

Evidence at the following photo set:

If you are not a Casey Serin contact on flickr, please access this with the following URL, which includes a "guest pass" for the directory:

Photo #2 in the set:

Photo #3:

The rest of the set is photos of him at his "friends" Mike and Lisa's place.

Lisa has particularly nice "assets" (No, we're not talking about the poor dog who is forced to live with people who are known associates of Casey Serin. Her other assets.)

Strangely enough Mike and Lisa run this outfit:

Who describe their business (Executive Consultant Group LLC) as follows:

Our company was formed to address this country's financial crisis and provide an innovative solution to fulfill our clients ever changing needs. Our concept is simple;

We work with you, one on one, to achieve maximum funding and in turn offer you high yield low risk investment opportunities.

Did you know that there are low risk investments available that yield as much as 20% per month?

Did you know that you can obtain large amounts of unsecured funding at low rates?

Putting these two winning solutions together can create an incredible passive income opportunity.

Let us create a custom proven plan that allows you to earn a passive income of at LEAST $5,000-$10,000 per month (keep in mind.....this is a minimum).

[The emphasis is ours. We know our boi!]

Yeah, that was our first thought too: "They sound like scammers."

And by the look of their incomplete and somewhat faulty website, fairly recent ones too. At least in this current incarnation.

As usual, Casey is going along. He's probably a great mark.

So why does a careful analysis suggest that he invested $10K? Mostly because that's just a bit less than his GSPG stock was worth when he sold it a few days ago. After setting aside $999 to be scammed by Sarah Prout (A scam we will dissect later), he'd have about $10K. In exchange he gets to go wine tasting with them for the day and hang out by their pool for a BBQ. You'd think he'd at least have gotten the opportunity to fondle Lisa's tits, but as we know from the whole Angeltits debacle, he's just not all that interested.

There's no other way for this to add up.

[And OK, we admit it. The whole "payphone scam" idea is very definitely a slim possibility. But Casey loves "foreshadowing" his activity with carefully placed hints in his photostream, so it's definitely fun to think about. Regardless of the nature of the proposition that Lisa and Mike are pitching to him, we suspect that it's designed to enrich them at his expense, and not the kind of "win-win" he always claims to be looking for.]

And that's the view from FalseCasey HQ, where there is still smoke in the air and we are amazed that Casey has most likely found a worse place to put his borrowed money than GSPG.