Saturday, December 31, 2011

Any reports from the Island?

Island2012 supposedly is opening tonight with a huge NYE bash.

Any of the people who joined this enterprise care to report back?

Here at FalseCasey HQ, we're planning to do a big fat nothing.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas. Again.

Casey's not a millionaire. Again.

We haven't been saying much lately, because there's not much to be said. However, this milestone is worth commemorating every year.

And that's the way it is here by the beach where it's 72 degrees and sunny, with not a sign of snow, unlike the scene at the former Serin Residence. (Courtesy of our good friend WeWantTheFunk.)


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Circling the Wagons?

Neighborhood Dot reports on CI this morning that the Serins seem not to be out completely. The cars are still there, as is Steve's motorcycle. However, the Miata convertible that some haterz believe to be Steve's is no in the driveway up on jacks, with bricks to block the thing from rolling. The motorcycle blocks access towards the front of the house. The Nissan blocks the side.

Seems that they are circling wagons and trying to make it difficult to remove them, or even to approach. How this is going to help against an armed Sheriff's deputy (who knows, maybe even AngelTits' husband???) handing them an eviction notice and telling them they have 24 hours is unclear.

In the meantime, Casey has followed up on the removal of the Island2012 website by removing the website as well. In the past it was a redirect from his Iamfightingforeclosure (IAFF2) site. All the content, including a classic "bankruptcy is beautiful" post, is now gone. Perhaps a response to the fact that he fought foreclosure and apparently lost.

But none of this should be a surprise. In the past, Casey's standard mode of operation has been to have a lame idea, throw up a website promoting it, dick around for months by going off on ridiculous tangents like trying to avoid foreclosure by drinking fresh juice or cleansing his colon, then realize at the last minute that a wave was crashing in on him, skip town, and quietly remove any of the websites, pictures and other evidence from the web, while whining about needing privacy. Once again, he found a lame idea (mortgage elimination/foreclosure avoidance), tried to portray himself as an expert, failed miserably, and is slinking away.

The difference, this time, is that his lame idea has cost his family their house. They could have kept it, had they not failed to follow through on the terms of their bankruptcy. Now they have both a bankruptcy and a foreclosure on their credit records, and if they aren't out of there fast, they may yet have an eviction recorded against them soon enough. That latter one will make it virtually impossible for them to ever rent a place.

Perhaps Casey isn't going to be the first of the Serins to live in a van by the river?

And that's the way it is here at FalseCasey HQ, where the sun is shining bright.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We Won! We Won!

Not to rain on the parade following this week's foreclosure sale and the events that have followed, but though all the celebration amongst haterz™ today, we're reminded of Chris Rock's reaction after OJ was acquitted and thousands of African Americans chose to celebrate in the streets, shouting "we won!"

"What did we win?"

As reported on CI this morning by "neighborhood dot," it seems that the rented Budget truck was outside along with an SUV, dad's pickup and -- inexplicably -- a couple of convertibles.

Yes, the Serin Crime Family have been evicted from their home. Casey bears much of the blame for that, both by convincing his parent's to guarantee much of his recent debt, and then by convincing him to follow all his "mortgage elimination" crap, file multiple bankruptcies, try to transfer the house into his name, and engage in all sorts of other actions of dubious benefit and questionable legality. It must be remembered that when they first filed for bankruptcy, the parents were offered a pretty sweet Chapter 13 repayment plan that wiped out all the rest of their debt, left them in the house and set them up with a monthly payment that their salaries could afford, especially if they had some contribution from Steve. But they couldn't bother with that. They continued to not pay, to sit in the house, and to file again, and again, and again.

We were convinced they would file again to delay things further. After all, the parents filed. Then mom filed independently, and subsequently the interest in the property was (illegally) transfered to Casey who filed chapter 7 himself. It seemed that Papa Serin could still file on his own to delay one more time, but for whatever reason he failed to. Maybe he was just fed up. Maybe Casey was bored. Or maybe the odd dismissal of Casey's bankruptcy for reasons unknown put them on warning that there were possible consequences to the continuing fraud.

In fact, we have to wonder if the odd dismissal of Casey's bankruptcy also explains his sudden disappearance, apparently to live in a Jamaican shithole as we mentioned earlier this week.

And that brings us back to the question: "What did we win?"

We're not sure.

Certainly, there is some pleasure in seeing the Serins punished for their apparently endless support of their son long beyond the point where it was obvious to everybody with a brain that his activities were at the very least questionable, if not actually illegal. And it's hard to find a problem with kicking them out after they troubled the bankruptcy trustee to come up with an equitable settlement, then failed to make a single payment.

But through this all, Casey was still not punished. The haterz™ may have won a small battle, but we haven't really won.

Casey, as far as we know from his Facebook posts, remains a free man-boi in Jamaica. He hasn't been forced to admit his failure, or to be punished for it. True, he's living in a shithole while masquerading as being an island entrepreneur and has no home to come back to. He may be forced to become a drug mule to escape and his life is likely to remain miserable by any normal standard. But as we've often noted, he doesn't live by normal standards. He's gone to Jamaica without paying for it and the haterz™ have not, therefore he's superior in his mind and will continue to be so.

That ends up being the most frustrating thing about this saga. It's hard to declare victory over somebody who can't acknowledge how pathetic and miserable he's become. We may have won. By any normal standard, we won long ago, but somehow Casey isn't defeated. We await that.

And that's the way things are here at FalseCasey HQ, where we can't be foreclosed on because we don't own the place and we pay the rent every month.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Serin Crime Family lose their home!

In a shocking development today, the Serin Crime Family's home was auctioned off in a foreclosure proceeding. It was sold to a "third party" for the princely sum of $118639.01.

It's not clear yet who bought it, and there is already some suspicion that at such a low price, it may have been a family member or relative who picked it up, effectively killing off the family's debt. We will know rather quickly whether the Serins need to be out in three days or not.

Compounding the suspicion that this is the end is the fact that Casey got the hell out of Dodge just before it happened. We should remember that Casey had staked his reputation with the Crime Family on his ability to save the house. He failed. Now, if his Facebook wall is to be believed, he has disappeared to an off-the-beaten path location in Jamaica, staying with a guy in a "Paradise Villa" that on closer inspection seems to be what in Jamaica probably passes for a cheap tract home in an undistinguished location high in the hills and away from anything a tourist would want to do. (Look at the last picture in particular.)

In considering this, it's worth remembering that in the past when Casey took off for parts unknown, it was always in response to some impending disaster like his wife leaving him, or somebody suing, or any other demand being made. We think it's quite possible that rather than sitting his parents down and telling them that the gig was up, there were no more delays possible and the house was toast, Casey chose to just leave and not tell them anything. The first news that they may have received to suggest that anything was wrong may well have been posted on their door in the past few days.

In the meantime, Casey's ex-friend and native Jamaican Nigel Swaby reminds us that the place Casey has gone is a "shithole." As was the case with his sojourn into the woods, we believe Casey will find his "Island Paradise" to be not quite what he expected. Some have suggested that his only escape may be as a drug mule, though it remains to be seen what he will escape to, given that the family home may be gone and his parents could very well find themselves sleeping on various relatives' sofas.

Finally, as far as island paradises go, we should also note that the website has been shut down for unknown reasons, possibly including the fact that there is no chance whatsoever of Casey ever owning an Island, let alone next year.

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where the only island we're concerned with right now is at the mouth of the Hudson.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Well, there's really not much to say

Casey continues to be Casey.

His parents still have their house, and he has so far managed to file bankruptcy for the pair of them, who then immediately welched on their Chapter 13 payment plan; then for his mom individually, which was dismissed; then personally under Chapter 7, which was also dismissed.

The latter was kind of weird. He transfered the house to his name using a quit-claim deed, then halted the foreclosure sale by filing bankruptcy himself. No matter that they didn't have the right to transfer title without the approval of the lender, the delay tactic still worked.

He's no longer living at home though. He's squatting at some other house whose owner is pulling the same sort of shit taking Casey's advice. Where they all go next is anybody's guess.

In any case, the next trustee sale is due on April 12th. As of yet, dad has not filed individually. Expect that to happen shortly.

In other news, Casey claims to be engaged to some mentally-defective individual, and further claims that they will be leaving California. We hope this will involve a trip to a Federal lockup in another state, but that's probably not his plan.

Realistically, there's just not much out there. For the first time in years, Casey is keeping a fairly low profile. We continue to watch. We have patience.

And that's the way things are at FalseCasey HQ, where there's a cat asleep on the desk.