Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There's been nothing new since our boi Casey was apparently taken out to the woodshed by his short-sale specialist boss, sometime late last week.

All that has happenned is that he has removed pretty much all comments from her blog as well as his BloggerCasey fiasco, and shut up completely.

We think this is not over here, but who knows? He mentioned something about a financial decision that needed to be made soon, and we suspect that he's running scared. Perhaps he's caught between the desire to blog free and the need to have a paycheck this month. In which case, we say "welcome to the real world Casey," as this is the kind of choice pretty much all of us need to make from time to time.

We strongly suspect that his role has been clarified as "office assistant who also managed the blog and replaces toner cartridges," not "full-time blogger and comment moderator."

Eventually he'll break out. He can't stand not having the publicity.

And we're waiting, watching the blogs (with scripts blocked, of course) and biding our time.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey HQ, where things are really slow today.


Anonymous said...

Replacing toner cartridges...HAHA

Nice post.

WeWantTheFunk said...

For a few days there, Casey had his ultimate job -- blog just like he did on IAFF, TrueCasey, etc., only get paid to do it. Reading between the lines, it looks like Angel realized paying him to spend his time blogging and moderating comments was not producing anything of value, and pulled the plug.

I had expected to see entries from Casey today; he may have been slapped down harder than he let on last week. He's been able to go without blogging before, but he's never been able to blog without commentary for more than a day or two. If it weren't for his mysterious haterz-bait "money decision" that he dangled, I'd expect him to quit the job in a few days if it really requires him to do actual work and not spend the majority of his time blogging and taking pictures.

unbelievable said...

Hopefully Angel has the boi busy mowing lawns and cleaning toliets.

Casey Serin said...

Hey Everybody,

I just decided to take a break from blogging to get caught up on my printing. I have to stand next to the printer and catch the pieces that come out since I lost the trays. Also the floor was getting dirty and needed to be vacuumed, garbage cans emptied and of course dusting. Jeesh I never really thought about how all that stuff got done in a business. I really hate cleaning the bathroom, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

It's all good.

Dolph said...

Casey, when did you decide to restart bloggercasey as bloggycasey? Man, I never realized how funny you could be!

Anonymous said...

Please link me to the slapdown because I didn't really hear one on current Haterzcon...just crickets over the boob question.

Was that the smackdown or did my ADD prevent me from hearing what came after that?
