Let's evaluate the highlights in Casey's progress towards his 30-day goal, shall we?
Oct 4: Sink-Or-Swim declared.
Casey has $1000 in credit left, $300 in PayPal, $100 cash, and owes $65,000 on his cards.
Originally Posted By: FlippyHowever, my best shot right now is to parlay my foreclosure experience from the last 2 years into a profitable Foreclosure Help business through selling ebooks/info-products, referring services, etc. It fits into my goal of building passive income and I’m passionate about helping people.30 days? Letsdoit! Itsallgood!
Oct 6: 7ForeclosureMistakes ebook ready for download.
Casey eventually gives up and just lets anyone download it for free. It's basically a laughable POS that's two years out of date and terribly written besides. He wants everyone else to proof and edit it for him for free.
Oct 7: Casey gets serious about earning money by putting up his Truth page.
Later changed to "Conspiracy," then "Conspiracy" with "and truth" cleverly concealed in the background. Black helicopters fail to swirl around and drop money on his motel room, but someone has to be a non-brainwashed news source, and it may as well be Casey. Responsibility lies heavy upon his shoulders.
Oct 8: Casey tweaks the sidebar, blogs about it.
Somehow, it generates no passive income. Casey is baffled.
Oct 10: Fraudcast! Barbeque!
Casey and Christsdummy do a talkcast on the eve of the Goldspring barbeque. Eager supporters fail to rush to the coffeehouse to press money into his hands.
The next day, Casey ambles off to Virginia City to avoid eating at a barbeque hosted by Goldspring. Transportation and lodging fail to be eclipsed by the income generated. GSPG continues to tank in the following weeks, despite having painted most of their equipment purple.
Oct 14: Ebook
The end result of months of work and a $65,000 investment of OPM is quickly leaked, and Haterz™ laugh themselves paralytic. $50 buys you a 19-page pamphlet that lacks a single word about avoiding foreclosure. It could easily be condensed to six pages. Most of it a sales pitch trying to convince the gullible to support his future endeavours. Casey is very proud of the cover, but apparently has never heard of a Photoshop layer mask, as the seascape just fades into the house and makes the whole thing look stupid. Casey claims to sell one at $50; at that rate, it will take him only two months to pay for one month at his present burn rate. No further sales materialize, and Casey later publicly doubts that he will work on it any more. 0% success for Casey.
He also feels overwhelmed. In other news, life is hard.
Oct 16: Talkcast the second
Surprisingly, the next talkcast still fails to make him any money. He defends his ebook, and claims (in a conversation with me) that he doesn't care if it gets leaked because people who want to support him will still buy it. No one stands up.
Comments on TC are disabled, and he blogs into a howling vacuum.
Oct 20-21: Truther and other drivel
Truthiness as an income generation tool has yet to prove itself, as Casey pontificates about Obama, survivalism, and blogging; strangely enough, no one pays him to do it.
Comments are turned back on, but only happy, positive, supportive things that tell him how brilliant he is will be allowed. Comments stating otherwise are deleted, unless they are couched in acrostics.
Oct 24: Hallelujah!
Casey seeks income at a 3-day church conference. Though he witnesses other miracles, God fails to provide. Perhaps his faith is not strong enough. He claims that the $89 fee was paid months ago, and his only costs have been food. He will return to Sacramento on Saturday, the 25th, leaving him approximately ten days to get his Foreclosure Help business to generate sufficient passive income to pay for another month in the motel plus gas and living expenses. He had better find some more church conferences to attend, more truthiness to blog about, and hold more talkcasts if he expects to do all that and pay off his credit cards Anytime Soon™.
Score as of Oct 24: Ebooks sold: 1 Info products sold: 0 Referrals to services: 0 Passive income: 0 People helped: 0
when the month is over, he'll just go back to "internet marketing", which is his euphamism for getting paid to pump stocks and spam people about herbal medicines.
Bwahahahaha. So correct.
Well, Goldspring can always hire him to repaint their equipment!
If he had just gotten even just a part time W2 he'd be in much better shape. He needs to move to Texas or Florida or somewhere that doesn't allow wage garnishing. With his credit cards defaulting he'll be getting served left and right and you know snowflake isn't about to go to court to defend himself. He'll have to file for BK and if it's biz debt it definitely wont be an easy chap 7. Fuking retard, even bums collecting bottles make more money than him.
when the month is over, he'll just go back to "internet marketing", which is his euphemism for getting paid to pump stocks and spam people about herbal medicines.
You forgot pe*is enlargement schemes..
So what happens to Mamma Serin's 401k once this Casey debacle finally unfolds? Didn't he leverage against that to fuel his current idiotic scheme?
And unfortunately, leveraging your 401k as collateral immediately nullifies any protections it might have had in bankruptcy proceedings.
Sweet! Mamma Serin will be the next victim of the Casey short bus!
We do not believe the 401K was used as a guarantee. She cosigned, which is not the same thing.
If you have any information showing that the 401K was explicitly used as a guarantee, we'd love to see it.
He can still sell his GSPG and live off that. So, he has a couple months left.
How come he deleted all the contacts off of his flickr account?
He claims to want to help the parents but he will ultimately break them.
Can anyone imagine owing $65K on their credit cards and not being bothered by that, just a little? Casey's only concern is he's rapidly approaching his credit limit!
For that kind of money, he could have skipped the Prelude entirely, bought a nice used Ferrari, and still had money left over for cheap motels and rabbit food.
It's good that Casey is going to church, because knowing Casey, one of two things are going to happen:
1) He finds other people at church to pawn off his useless crap. It's scary how often church congregations are used to run financial scams, all disguised as the key to financial success in the name of God. I could see Casey taking several people to the cleaners this way.
2) # 1 doesn't work so he eventually hits rock bottom. Then, through church friends of church friends, he runs across a "spiritual minister" who runs a large compound outside of town, where hundreds of people live at the compound in peace and history. Casey finds they are "Ultra-Supporterz" and he decides to join them. Eventually the "spiritual minister" starts referring to himself as the Messiah and things go downhill from there.
I seem to remember Casey cashed some GSPG for operating capital in the last two weeks, so he may have enough to pay for another month in the motel. Then again, I could be on crack.
Since he seems to have abandoned the ebook, I'm curious to see if he'll refund the one "preorder" he got.
Casey now has about 1/10 the comments he was getting a week ago. The only thing left in his story business wise, is for him to run out of money.
It looks like he is trying to cook up some scam or mooching victim through church. I guess that is his final untapped resource. Church people can be really gullible. He is at a disadvantage though, being a young healthy male, it will be a tough one to pull off, especially with family close by.
I don't know what else he could do..maybe injure himself so he is disabled, so he can collect disability.
He claims the comments don't matter to him. I wasted 1 minute of my life listening to his last "podcast." If you haven't heard it, he just wanted to tell us how great his church is and how great he feels with tons of pauses and heavy breathing.
Back to life back to reality on monday he says. Argh.
ewww... i listen to the 1 minute podcast and it creeped me out.
He says that he he isn't worried about anything and that's what he really needs right now. Isn't that the problem he's had all along? He racks up huge amounts of debt and doesn't worry about it or in other word he just blows off his responsibilities.
Note to Casey: It's time to worry. You are about to run out of money, which means no food and no shelter.
He doesn't care because he can always run back home to his parents. He's a parasite and the host always loses.
Please, someone tell me Casey is a made up troll that doesn't really exist?
He isn't real, right? Nobody could handle $65K in credit card debt at 39% interest. There is no way this can be real, right?
Anonymous 7:56 -- Casey may embellish his circumstances for trolling purposes, and he may currently have some small income stream which he lives off, but the general status of his credit cards and mortgages are all true.
The reason he "can handle $65K of debt" at ungodly high interest rates is because he's never faced any financial consequences for either the serial mortgage fraud or the multiple prior credit card defaults. The only reason he even *has* a "corporate" card is because no one would offer him large amounts of personal credit anymore. So he conned his mother into co-signing for a card under the name of a shell corporation (Able Buyer).
There has been no negative re-inforcement to date for Casey's extravagant spending of OPM. So he'll continue to not care about re-payment, and he'll continue to look for new sources of credit until he's forcibly stopped by the law. Why that hasn't happened yet is a sad commentary on our justice system.
So this guy who is days from being homeless spent over an hour babbling about figuring out what content to put in blog posts and podcasts.
The secret is apparently to just open the mouth and disengage the brain.
Hi Haterz,
Our boitoi has fallen off the face of the earth. He obviously does not like my name or avatar because he wont let me post ANYTHING. Since I am Casey's feminine alter ego, I am much too lazy to get yet another new name. But please read this and maybe someone else could post it on the fairy boi's site - I think it is fuckin hilarious.
The U.S. army is flagging the popular blogging service Twitter as a potential terrorist tool, Breitbart.com is reporting.
A recently released report by the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion contains a chapter entitled “Potential for Terrorist Use of Twitter,” which expresses concern over the increasing use of Twitter by political and religious groups, Breitbart reported.
“Twitter has also become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others to communicate with each other and to send messages to broader audiences,” the report said.
“Twitter is already used by some members to post and/or support extremist ideologies and perspectives,” Breitbart quoted the report as saying.
The blogging service and social networking site has previously sent out messages known as “Tweets” faster than news organizations during such major news events as the July Los Angeles earthquake and the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis.
“Terrorists could theoretically use Twitter social networking in the U.S. as an operation tool,” the report said.
BTW - excellent analysis WWTF!!
He'll be stopped but it won't be his choice. The credit markets are changing and even people with mid 600s (let's say any young girl he meets will have this) will not get the kinds of generous loans they used to get.
If he wants to buy another home on somebody else's credit he will need cash down.
Financial prison is his future. In it I see somebody who is so f-ed it makes me happy.
I garantee you Casey will be able to eek out another month or three of hotel livin' at the very least. His Goldspring, while not worth much, is at least worth a few month's hotel fees. And I'm sure the master manipulator has a few other cards up his sleeve as well.
For those of you expecting an end to the story in a handful of days, be prepared to be disappointed.
@ caseyella: Thanque and cheers.
@ bad speller boy: I believe you are precisely correct. He'll cash a little GSPG, he'll come up with a little something from somewhere, and it will drag on and on.
So, has anyone figured out what the hidden income stream is yet?
There isn't a hidden income stream. He has already admitted to selling some of his penny stock to pay for living expenses. He is just living off credit, indirectly at least, as he has been for the last 3 years.
The penny stock is his income.
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