Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Final TalkCast! Tomorrow! (Thursday)

Our friend BTC informs us that due to popular demand he has decided to host a final 'cast of the Casey saga before the dim-witted flipper flips the switch and disappears into the ether again.

Thursday, October 30, 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern)

It is neither a Haterz or a Supporterz 'cast. It is open to anybody who wants to say hello, goodbye or make a few comments. BTC is going to keep things short, reasonably friendly and not let anybody drone on. Comments will be open and he says he'll go as long as people want to.

As always, we will be listening anonymously, but will reserve our comments to this space. An open comments thread will be made available shortly before the talkcast starts.


Anonymous said...


I'll try to make it.

Anonymous said...

any one care to make odds on the following:

-casey comes back
-casey stays off the internet forever
-casey gets back with his ex-wife
-casey finds a job
-casey meets his creator
-casey is kicked out of church
-casey runs scam on church
-casey finds success (in his own definition of success)
-casey moves back in with nigel
-casey lives off-grid


Anonymous said...

-casey comes back 1:1
-casey stays off the internet forever 500:1
-casey gets back with his ex-wife 10,000:1
-casey finds a job 100:1
-casey meets his creator 4:1
-casey is kicked out of church 50:1
-casey runs scam on church 3:1
-casey finds success (in his own definition of success) 1:1
-casey moves back in with nigel 7:1
-casey lives off-grid NO ODDS

Unknown said...

"casey meets his creator"

He's already met Robert Kiyosaki. ;-)

Really, that guy and his ilk have done more to create and shape Casey's current persona than anyone else. Remember when Casey appeared on his show, and RK essentially congratulated him for getting away with mortgage fraud, and told Casey that everything would turn out fine if he maintained his positive attitude?

I'd love to see a followup program with Casey, where Kiyosaki sees that he was completely wrong, and how another one of his many disciples is now an unemployed blithering mentally-ill conspiracy fanatic. Wouldn't surprise me if many of RK's followers are in similar dire straits.

Anonymous said...

98% -casey comes back
0% -casey stays off the internet forever
0% -casey gets back with his ex-wife
60% -casey finds a job (when he gets hungry enough he will work)
0% -casey meets his creator
30% -casey is kicked out of church
99% -casey runs scam on church
0% -casey finds success (in his own definition of success)
2% -casey moves back in with nigel
0% -casey lives off-grid