Wednesday, October 29, 2008

TrueCasey Pulls the Plug

Well, It seems that TrueCasey is pulling the plug. We believe it's the bottom of his latest manic/depressive cycle and he'll eventually reconsider, but financially it'll be tough for him, as we know this will mean moving home, and it's been pretty reliably stated that he won't have any internet or blogging access if that happens. He will probably need to get some sort of a real job, whatever he can qualify for.

He also will probably have to deal with whatever food mommy can put on the table. There is likely to be a major belt-tightening in the Serin household and visits to Whole Paycheck just aren't going to be part of the deal.

In fact, there could be a perfect storm of disaster for the Serin household. His mom works for the local school district at a time when major education cutbacks are a virtual certainty. Nigel has reported that TrueCasey's dad also works for the state, in some kind of engineering capacity. While school districts and the state tend not to lay people off completely during crisis, they often cut back hours and pay less at least temporarily.

Add to the possibility of diminished household earnings the additional burden of TrueCasey and his $65,000 in debt. We note that in this regard, TrueCasey is lucky that his debt is on business cards. Personal cards must charge a minimum of 4% of the balance, which would be about $2,600 per month! Only his brother's car-rehabbing business is not dependent on the state budget, but could be impacted by recession as well. (Possibly to the better though, smart used-car guys can do well when times are bad!) And of course, it's unlikely that his parents would be able to refinance their house at this point to pay off the high-interest debt. Even if there is equity in the house, there's unlikely to be enough, and financing is rough. Maybe next year.

Things for TrueCasey certainly look bad right now. He has been warned many times over the years, and has continued to believe that the OPM is endless. Now he has hit the logical conclusion that one arrives at when starting from that premise. Inevitably, he has retreated into religion, conspiracy theories and all sorts of other odd beliefs to convince himself that:

1. It doesn't matter
2. It wasn't his fault
3. It'll still be allgood

It's a sad but predictable end. We cannot be joyful, but we can be satisfied that it's likely over and from this maybe a better Casey will emerge. Maybe his family will toss aside their religious convictions and Soviet-era distrust of mental health professionals and get him the help he needs. Maybe somebody else will. We wish him well, but doubt the next few years will be fun for him.

As an aside: We note that TrueCasey states he's given up on finishing the book.

Sort of odd, considering that CHJTS stated just a few days ago that "I have read Casey's e-book and I will tell you it is a nearly complete guide of foreclosure, exit strategies, and common sense advice on what to do. Yes it is rough around the edges (lots of edges), but with some massaging, proof reading, and editing, it will be a hit and will be an extremely resourceful guide to anyone and everyone needing assistance with foreclosure problems."

Sounds like he was reading something that the author states was never written. Nice going CHJTS!

And that's the way it is from FalseCasey HQ, where we believe that despite today's bummer of a closing hour, a temporary bottom has been put in and there's a month or two of gains to come for those who can position themselves carefully.


Anonymous said...

Here ya go...

First Name ALEKSEY
Last Name SERIN
Agency or University TRANSPORTATION
Base Pay $55,032.00

from this link:

Anonymous said...

Uh, his dad does landscaping and his mother is a record clerk at a school.

False Casey said...

Source for the landscaping gig?

We also had info that he had a massage license, but that appeared to be a sideline.

WeWantTheFunk said...

TrueCasey told me his dad's job (the main one, anyway) is a CAD draftsman, which ties in with the design technician angle. He may well do the landscaping, massage, whatever on the side. I have heard both of those, but I don't remember the source.

Anonymous said...

He'll be back. He is delusional to the point of obsession.

Once he is off his manic low, another high will come along and he will return.

The only thing that will end this saga once and for all is either therapy or the authorities.

Anonymous said...

Repomancer, are you WWTF?

I'll take your word on the matter. If you say that he's a draftsman, then I believe it.

Anonymous said...

@False Casey
"Source for the landscaping gig?"

My source was some post on caseyhaterz or exurbanation that I read. Perhaps I shouldn't be so quick to poo-poo the post of my fellow anonymous poster.

As I stated, WWTF has met Casey and talked with him. He knows what he's talking about and I'll take his word for it.

False Casey said...

Hey, no problem. We recall the discussion of the massage gig, but didn't remember anything about landscaping.

Of course, there's been so much to this saga that none of us can really keep track of it all.

We do believe there is a good liklihood of slim times around the Serin household. Last time there was a major budget crunch in California, everybody took a 10% pay cut for a while and got extra days off. If that kind of thing happens to both parents it would be tough enough. If one loses a job, even worse, especially with the flipper now back in the house.

WeWantTheFunk said...

@anon - Uh, yeah, WeWantTheFunk is me. I was doing some other stuff with my usual username (this one) and forgot to log out or change it.