Monday, October 27, 2008

TrueCasey has Become Boring

Apparently he's recorded about half a dozen podcasts, most of which are actually rebroadcasts of somebody else's podcasts, which he probably appropriated without permission, but it's OK because he's part of their cause, etc...

Most of it is more of the conspiracy "troother" crap that he's been pushing lately. Having failed to monetize his lack of real-estate experience with an online community, he's now planning to monetize his lack of any kind of survival experience into a survivalist community. Unfortunately, as his own actions suggest, there's plenty of this out there already and plenty of guys with knowledge doing survival stuff. Everything from "" to "Armchair Survivalist" already exists for the individuals who care to indulge in this. How a guy who can't survive without organic produce from Whole Paycheck is going to provide anything of use to anybody is beyond our comprehension, but that much is true for just about everything TrueCasey has ever done.

We think TrueCasey is getting close to the end. His shiny penny stock has moved up closer to two cents than one cent where it was a week ago, but he's still hopelessly screwed on this one after the taxes come due. He has made no progress on any sort of product that can be sold or offered to anybody who will pay for it. He most certainly doesn't have other income streams because people don't hire people who live in motels and blog about their colons. He'll have no choice but to move home, and has made it clear that "home" now equals "get a job and contribute your fair share, and by the way, eat our food or figure out how to pay for your own..."

Ultimately, we believe that TrueCasey really believes he is interesting and has something interesting to say. He has often commented on his "need to tell his story," but fails to recognize that anything interesting about his story ended over a year ago. The only thing that keeps him in the spotlight is his willingness to be a clown and to be hated. Take away the hate, as he has, and replace an open forum with a moderated and podcasted one, and there's no longer anybody interested. We certainly can't be bothered to listen to his inane ramblings.

And that's the way it is at FalseCasey World Headquarters where we're getting a slow start to the week, but at least we're awake which is more than we can say for TrueCasey.


Anonymous said...

When Casey reappeared some time ago to join Nigel on a special Koicast, we learned that the 'steady job' he had was selling herbal supplements. That information told me he hadn't changed for the better, but possibly for the worse. There were hints that he didn't remain at that job for long but mostly he was silent for a good long time after. Then after a few aborted attempts, a new blog opened- Even though I was one of those who gleefully compiled admissions and photos and forwarded them to government agencies, a part of me wanted to see that he had changed this time, and was slowly chipping away at his debt.

Instead it was soon obvious that he returned in a splash of euphoria and mania amidst a GSPG high. In the previous chapter, the 'ugly' moments that jump out of my recollection are his musings on having married a wife of the wrong personality type, and suggesting that she was inhibiting his full potential. Incidentally, it is possible that the wrong partner could do this. But tragically, inhibition would have been the single most useful thing that could have happened to Casey at that time.

I know exactly the first 'ugly' moment, to me, of this current chapter. It was during the Talkcast that ended with Casey watching Starwars (?) at a friend's house. Listening to the way he snapped at fair questions, seemed distracted, "threw back" questions in to the callers face, and generally seemed in love with himself, etc, made it vividly clear to me that he was the same creep he always was and if he ever is going to change it will take a lot more than a bus ride.

The only thing that doesn't puzzle together for me in this story is the SLC visit, and Nigel's report that Casey has positive qualities and works hard, including side projects that he doesn't share. A caller to his recent Q&A brought this up.

The caller or Casey stated that Casey has things going on the side that he does work diligently at, but chooses not to report them because some will seek to sabotage his work. The caller said that Casey is sharing the 'wrong half' of his story, obviously meaning that Casey should share both positive and negative events in his live, but Casey aggressively and inaccurately twisted these words with a statement like, 'so you think I should only share the good stuff? that wouldn't be real man, and this is real life.' Prick.

And what I see much more of in this incarnation of his blog than before is him actively framing his problems as being the haters. He put online a poll about how to deal with haters, but omitting the once action that would be most effective- him demonstrating positive change. It is an absolute certainty that he will characterize this past year's failure as the haters' fault- what with their advice proffered when not requested and negative energy.

I agree with all others that this will end with a whimper, and that there's no sign Casey has changed for the better.

Anonymous said...


Casey diligently working on side projects may or may not be true.

What I do know from watching Casey over the last couple years, is that he can work as hard as he want at a project, but 9 out of 10 times it will yield no results, because of the poor logic used to create these projects.

For example, he could have worked 24/7 on his handful of houses he tried to flip for a profit, but he still would have lost money. The plan was flawed from he beginning.

He could have written a better ebook, but that plan was too flawed also. He was late in the game again and there is too much free info on the internet for anyone to pay $50 for an ebook. Not to mention, he thinks his personal story would interesting to someone facing foreclosure. Having to pay $50 to read it would just make me want to punch Casey in the face.

When he finally did start to make a couple thousand a month off his old blog, he sold it. He just couldn't resist the quick buck.

When he stood to make a lot of money off a his penny stock speculation, he got greedy and lost it all.

Anyway, my point is that he is just not fit to be an entrepreneur. He is more like a gambler. His overall plans are flawed and when he does get some luck, he still loses.

Whatever side projects he has going on are simply a waste of time. If there is some "hard work" going on, it would be as useful to him as him running on one of those little hamster wheels.

Anyway, does anyone have the current numbers on Caseys gspg shares? I'm curious to know what he has left compared to his payments and taxes owed.

Anonymous said...

Casey has nothing on the side. Maybe he is working a w-2 job but no way he's a worker. The book would have been the way to silence his critics. He proves he cannot focus and get anything done.

Nigel is completely wrong by saying Casey "works hard." Sorry emailing people begging for them to invest in his ideas is NOT work. Work means getting PAID for your time and efforts.

Casey is pulling the classic "I've got many things going I don't tell you about" lie. Basically, every guy I've known who is a fast talking shuckster like Casey has a small, failing business and always has "stuff" going at once on the side. When quizzed on it, they will never divulge what it is they are doing and they use this as a way to show a potential client they are willing to work.

Sorry Casey, you can't fool us. I work in Entertainment and people like you are a dime a dozen (Yes, I have a script I am working on or yeah, I have some offers on the table - uh huh, sure).

BelowTheCrowd said...

Nigel implied (or maybe stated outright, I don't recall precisely), that the dick-pill people were still a source of occasional income. But that was six weeks ago. I've seen nothing in the past few weeks to suggest he's actually pursuing this.

As to any other "side jobs," I have no clue. Possibly some other odd 1099 stuff here and there, but again, his behavior has been so erratic recently that I just can't see him having done anything real. Of course, Nigel tells us that he hides this out of a desire to keep his employers out of the mess.

I don't think he seems to understand that everybody has been telling him to start doing some honest days' work for almost two years, and that nobody is going to interfere with him doing that. He apparently interprets the desire to stop his various scams as a desire to stop him in general. I think, most likely, because he just doesn't recognize that the scammy stuff is wrong.

I agree with FC's statement that it's going to wind up soon. Probably with a whimper.

Anonymous said...

Whether or not he has some bill by the hour side work or sporadic penis pill work, it not going to cover his expenses. It must cost him 3k at least a month post tax to keep up his lifestyle, including hotel, random trips, expensive organic food, and credit payments. So he'll need 4k a month or so post tax. We know he isn't working more than 30 hours a weeks at odd jobs, because of his sleeping schedule, travel, and amount of time he wasted taking pictures and playing around on the internet and talkshoe. I think he was getting $15 per hour with the penis pill people. Let's be generous and bump that up to $20/hr. If he works 30 hours a week making $20/hr, that $2,400 per month before tax. That won't even net him about half of what he needs.

Casey will be lucky to make $20/hr. with his skills in a poor economy. Most likely it will be $15 or less. He will need to work 60 hours a week and cut down his expenses. Sorry, but new credit is out. The kind of situation he will be facing in the next month or two, will last for several years. His scams are played yeah, I agree with him going out with a whimper.

Anonymous said...

He's got a new blog post. It appears that he copied podcasts from 5 freak truther bloggers and uploaded them to his TalkShoe page.

Somehow I doubt if he got permission before doing that.

He also wants everyone to find Jesus and for people to vote for Proposition 8, which will keep gays from marrying. After all, Casey is a model husband and all.

Anonymous said...

I voted already and Obama was my Prez choice and NO on 8.

True Casey Mod zinged me for saying Berg's lawsuit is frivolous, okay maybe I was trying to troll a bit on that to see what Casey would say but it's obvious Berg is wasting the court's time by drinking his own kool-aid (I don't drink kool-aid from either side).

As for Prop is Casey a libertarian? I am a libertarian (real one) and telling somebody how they can live their life if they aren't hurting anybody is totally against what we believe. Who are gays hurting? Especially somebody like Casey who couldn't hold onto his wife?

False Casey said...


TrueCasey is a "liberterian" in the same way that he is an "arbitraguer." It sounds cool, and he's using the term loosely.

One can only hope that he was equally "loose" about his income tax filings.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible Casey is a 'semi-libertarian' similar to his 'semi-vegan' stance?


Anonymous said...

To be fair, I wasted several minutes of my life watching Casey's adorable "Yes on 8" video. I almost wasted several more minutes attempting to post my rebuttal at TrueCasey, but then I remembered how horribly my sole attempt at introducing Casey to critical reasoning failed in the past. On the off chance that he pops in here to read about himself I offer two points:

1: Watch the same video again, replace "gay marriage" with "interracial marriage" and see if it still seems quite so convincing. While we're at it, let's pretend David Parker and wife are muslims and that the school gave their child a book that suggested women in our country should have the same fundamental rights as men and shouldn't have to walk around in burkas all day if they don't want to. Are you still on their side, Casey? Should the school still have to get their permission before introducing their children to ideas that they don't like?

2: Offer me ANY concrete proof that the Christian doctrine is true and I'll gladly consider jumping on board. Anything at all. Scripture doesn't count; if I'm to become religious on the basis of the ancient scrawlings of desert barbarians I might just as well become Zoastrian.

Of course, the best part of the video is when David Parker starts sniffling like a blubbering crybaby upon remembering the horrors of his single night in jail and then starts bravely talking about battling for the souls of our children. Of course, this in no way impugns his argument; I just found it funny.

Enough. Carry on, watchers of the trainwreck! YAH! (Insert sound of huskies being goaded forward.)

Anonymous said...

For me, the entire appeal of this thing boiled down to hearing commentors work to help Casey sort out his seemingly unsalvagable situation.

This I enjoyed because at that time we found a diverse group of fairly/very smart and accomplished people trying to help a guy I wanted to see pull out of his nightmare.

I'm finally at a point (sincere thanks to Casey for making this crystal clear) where I no longer want him to succeed. In fact, I want the opposite. I want him to fail. Badly.

I am disgusted with what has finally emerged, and I wouldn't even try to post as such on his current sad little blog.

Let me say this: I am not a Christian, and I don't claim to be. I do, however, subscribe to the larger part of the Judeao/Christian ethic.

Casey is one of the worst kind of hypocrites in the world, and has now publicly proclaimed himself as such.

Ick. Just, ick.

He is revolting.

Anonymous said...

@ Countdown:

Agreed; while I think most of us indulge in schadenfreude to some degree or another, I certainly don't want to see anybody suffer unduly. But there's the key word: unduly. I won't presume to judge Casey, but he seems like a person who could benefit from some real, tangible consequences for his actions.

Then again, the guy has basically become an online clown, and who knows how much is fiction?

Still, I'm not sure I would call him a hypocrite, at least not a purposeful one... I suspect sometimes he's so divorced from reality that he doesn't even recognize the cognitive dissonance.

Ah, well. Too much time wasted already wondering about this guy.