Thursday, October 16, 2008

The E-Book, Reviewed

TrueCasey has again moved the goalposts.

A week ago he was planning to write a book with the "mission of helping people." Now he's a community-builder for cash.

All this comes out in his magnum opus. We have received a copy and it is pure drivel, as we had expected. We will not violate his copyright, but will review this piece of garbage, in a manner consistent with fair use law.

He starts out the book telling us of "The Secret Plan, Exposed. The secret plan is simple: "I want to build a community. A place where you, me and people who need help can connect confidentially and privately and provide support for each other...

"So I'm talking about a membership site!"

He goes on to babble on about how brilliant the idea was, then spends about eight pages detailing his history and the history of him coming up with this brilliant idea and who his target market is and how he really wants to help people.

He eventually provides us a link to his "story" in the form of the public archive of all the old IAFF posts, which he apparently does not realize is quite easy to find already from links in Caseypedia. He spends four pages reproducing his first post.

Then there's a page and a half explaining that this "book" is really just a rough draft, thanking people for supporting his cause, making excuses for the fact that after several months of purported "work" all he has produced is a link to his old blog, and promising that anybody who bought the thing will get free upgrades in the future, if and when they are ever produced.

Of course, the whole thing is in a large font with wide margins and lots of white space, which is the only way he could stretch it to 19 pages. It's also full of typical Casey misspellings and poor grammar, as if anybody expected otherwise.

That's it. 19 pages including the cover and a page of disclaimers. It's not even really a book, it's just an advertising pamphlet including a link to his archive, which is available free to anybody who wants to search for it. Actual useful content for somebody who is in foreclosure? Zero pages. For $49.95.

We think TrueCasey really has gone crazy. Other than that, we will withhold comment at this time because frankly we're not even sure where to start.

And that's the picture from FalseCasey HQ, where the DOW has re-re-re-reversed itself and is now up 236.


Buttplugz said...



Anonymous said...


19 pages? Really?

I guess he did that in honor of 19europe.

Anonymous said...

You can quote fairly extensively from a book and not violate copyright. Please post some examples of the more laughable Caseyisms.

But the upshot is that it's about the same length as the free one, and that it appears mainly to have been thrown together based on his epiphany of yesterday??

Did you get a password to the new for-pay community site?

Anonymous said...

Casey needs to call himself a "community organizer". Hear that that is popular these days.

False Casey said...

OK, a few quotes, We believe that quoting these few passages from a 19 page book certainly falls under "fair use" as the point here is to discuss and illustrate what's in the book, for the benefit of any potential customers. Anything in Italics is his.

"I love to build communities! Especially online.

"I seem to be pretty good at it.

"Look at the success of IamFacingForeclosure! What if I focus on that passion of mine and turn it into an asset?! I don't even have to be an expert: I just need to have the courage to spearhead a community around a topic... in my case foreclosure experience.

Of course, the only thing that "built" those communities was people's desire to ridicule him, and nobody will pay for that, but whatever....

"I kept brainstorming and experimenting until an idea come:

"'I Survived Foreclosure!'

"I checked the domain. It appeared taken but was actually available through GoDaddy, on the domain aftermarket for only $10 on top of the regular registration fees.

"Sweet! I registered it and added to my huge domain collection. I get impulsive with domains, and tend to snap them thinking somebody may get there before I do.

"Paranoia, maybe.

"Another domain that was clicking for me was

"Because I was starting to think I need to focus on 'my foreclosure story' more than a 'How-To.'

Uh yeah, he has no idea what he really wants to focus on. If he actually did focus, it might be the first time in his life...

"But it's not all about me."

This is such a ridiculous statement as to not even be worth discussing.

"I don't have time to write a lot of original stuff."

Because sleeping keeps me so busy.

"So that's why I thought 're-purposing' existing content and creating something valuable and interesting out of it is a good thing.

"Why don't I just re-tell IAFF experience in a book with more details, insight, lessons, and neverbefore-heard “back stories” plus all around 'juiciness'?

"This recent idea gave me a lot of relief. I was overthinking the ebook concept before. The solution is right under my nose!"

Yup, a solution that requires doing almost nothing.

"With Marty it was just going to be my story. Then with Damion we got more into a 'How-To' guide. And I sort of stuck there.

"Now I'm going back to my story.

In other words, it IS all about me!

And what could be easier than just copying everything from IAFF, pasting it together, adding a comment or two and calling it a book?


False Casey said...

We received no password to any sites, in part because no such site exists, but mostly because we never paid for the book. We recevied a copy, we would not pay for it.

Gordon Sanders said...

I think that it is cool that Casey sent you a Complimentary book to review. I mean that is how all of the big name publishers do it. Get it out there and talk it up. In fact, I suggested that very same thing to Casey earlier, I am glad that he followed up on it.

Anonymous said...

So, Casey is charging $50 for a 19 page pamphlet?

unbelievable said...

It's not even a pamphlet, It's more like a 19 page advertisement. Actually, I'm not sure WHAT you'd call it (a steaming pile of crap perhaps).

False Casey said...

No Tav, it's an e-pamphlet.

Page 1: Title
Page 2: Copyright and disclaimers, same as the free e-book
Page 3-10: Casey explains how he came to be putting this product together. Sort of new content, but who cares?
Page 11-12: Link to IAFF archive and a bit of detail about what Casey plans to do with it.
Page 13-17: Reproduction of the first IAFF post and link to it.
Page 18-19: Explains that it is a rough draft, but you're entitled to updates and membership in his site, if either ever happens.

For $50 it can be yours.

Anonymous said...

That's awful. Casey's performance is even lower than expected (and I didn't expect much).

And I noticed the discrepancy between "I want to build an online community" and "It's all about me!"

Did he sell all of IAFF's content, or just the domain name?

How bizarre. I don't know why he won't eat a bug, it's saner than anything else he's done this month.

Anonymous said...

Even for him, the violent flipflopping is odd. His original rought draft (sic)--the free one--at least purported to give information on avoiding foreclosure. Now he's going to tell some warmed-over version of what we got on IAFF?

Do you remember the Simpsons episode where Lisa gets addicted to the 'Corey' phone-in line? The recording offers inane tidbits like "words that rhyme with 'Corey.'"

This little Casey project seems similar. He seems to think he has such star power that "fans" will be interesting in his aimless ramblings.

On another tack, what is the special bonus that supporters get for their $50?

There is not much content in there (its a "draft") however there is a message with my vision for what's to come & I give supporters a bonus

He seems dangerously delusional. I know the point has been made before, but there are very comprehensive resources on avoiding disclosure from people who have actually, you know, avoided disclosure. Can someone help me wrap my mind around what the angle is here, in his mind? From my perspective, getting foreclosure advice from him is like getting bulimia intervention from Karen Carpenter.

WeWantTheFunk said...

Anon: the "special bonus" is the link to the IAFF archive -- which has been easily available through IAFF itself, the Internet archive, or Caseypedia for some time.

Anonymous said...

When Casey put out his 40 page free ebook -- I assumed that it was just a portion of what he had written so far because it was filled with many spelling and grammatical errors and he focused on writing down more volume rather than correcting the mistakes.

If this 19 pages is all that he's got for a paid version, I think it's fairly evident that he's reached the end of the line and that this stunt was a desperate grab for money.

If he was good at writing books, he'd have churned out a lot more material than he has shown us so far.

I'm not really a supporterz/haterz--more of a fence sitter but I hope that Casey finally learns from his failed ambitions and pursues something that he's good at. He once had a $50,000 a year job--he must have some competence at whatever he was doing there and just stick with what works. But I'm under no illusion that he will do this but I think he should.

Anonymous said...

Just as an aside, I have always found something Willie Loman-esque about Casey's "$50,000"/yr job. Not to put too fine a point on it, I call bullshit on it.

I find it very hard to believe that an outfit for retarded adults would pay anything like that for an inexperienced "programmer" with no education. I have never seen any evidence of his technical skills, and his pathetic inability to set up a shopping cart underscores the fragility of his claims to be a coder. When a guy goes out of his way to emphasize that he wants to "leverage" pre-written scripts, it's usually because that person is bluffing: he uses others' work because he can't produce his own.

Coding would be uniquely poorly-suited to Casey's abilities. One doesn't need to be a genius to be a program writer, but one must be able to concentrate for extended periods of time. In my view, Casey is probably of average intelligence at best--probably right around 100 IQ--and lacks anything like a normal attention span. Good programmers--or better to say, working programmers--are quantitatively competent. They usually have a decent aptitude with mathematical concepts. Does that sound like Casey to you? More, they are the ultimate in details people: if a programmer doesn't pay attention to every variable, the whole mishmash won't work.

If the argument is that Casey really wasn't a programmer, but a webdesign monkey inserting borrowed code when programming was called for, I still call bullshit. Again, a non-profit is not going to pay top dollar for that "skill" so soon after the dotcom bust. His struggles to come up with his new "brand" put the lie to the whole thing.

In short, $50,000/yr "PHP Programmer," my ass.

No Mystery Here - I'm "41" said...

"Gordon Sanders said...

I think that it is cool that Casey sent you a Complimentary book to review. I mean that is how all of the big name publishers do it. Get it out there and talk it up. In fact, I suggested that very same thing to Casey earlier, I am glad that he followed up on it."

Gordon, I am curious, do you think $50 for his 19 page "book" is in any way on par with how "big name publishers do it"?

If you do, your credibility is in question, at least with me.

unbelievable said...

I have always suspected that Casey earned 35K or less at Pride. He tends to exaggerate :)

Anonymous said...

So where are people going to get their Snowflake discussions going now that TC is closed down? I would have thought this place was as good as any...

WeWantTheFunk said...

Anon - The main place for Snowflake discussion has been CH.C for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

how does one get access to chc?

Anonymous said...

Anon - The main place for Snowflake discussion has been CH.C for quite some time.

I'm askeered of that place.

--Another (different) anon

WeWantTheFunk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
False Casey said...

FalseCasey agree that Funky is the scariest thing about CHC.

Just avoid any discussions of fire extinguishers.

See previous posts if you don't understand.