Saturday, October 18, 2008

Open thread for comments

Not a whole lot new today. TrueCasey has decided to take revenge on the haterz and shut off comments.

And hits to his page have declined by about 99%, according to sitemeter.

Not much new to say. We'll eventually listen to his talkcast and say something, but in the meantime free free to comment on his latest announcement which basically says that he is looking for a haterz-free environment and shutting off all comments.

And feel free to consider:

Current Day TrueCasey stats -
Previous Seven Days TC stats -


WeWantTheFunk said...

Considering that one of the things eliminated (besides comments, sweet links, and the twitter feed) was the sitemeter, the results are not too surprising. However, data extending until the sitemeter's afternoon removal bears out the 1% traffic hypothesis.

We may all rest easier, as he has restored the (previously deleted) "conspiracy and truth" page. The illuminati lizardmen Jews are coming to sap our precious bodily fluids, and it's comforting to know TrueCasey is on guard. Eternal vigilance is the price of etc.

Anonymous said...

He has a hard time grasping that 99.99% of his audience are those whom he considers "haters." I have actually moved from bemused disdain--i never found his fraud to be all that amusing--to active dislike. His claims that he has "already" helped people by putting out his various shitty pamphlets is not just weird, it is cruel and callous. I think we saw the real Casey during the TalkShoe when he lost his temper with the first caller and boy! Angry Casey sounds a lot like the asshole Galina described.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone transcribed the talkcast ?

Caseyella said...

hey Boiz,

Catch the last line of Casey's new "About Casey" ...... what the fuck is this about? Has dingdong been lying about his purple balls?

I’m a 26 year old Forgiven Follower of Jesus Christ… Inventor Rationalist (ENTP) + Promoter Artisan (ESTP) personality… Survivalist, Truther, Patriot, Libertarian… Positive Thinking / Personal Development / Alternative Medicine / Natural Health / Raw Organic / Plant-Based Diet Proponent… Serial Entrepreneur, Investor, Speculator, Internet Marketer… “American Internet Personality” and “World’s Most Hated Blogger”… Real Estate / Credit Bubble / Economic Collapse Survivor (in progress)… a lawful United States citizen living in the Sacramento, California area since 1994… born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan a former Soviet Union republic on September 10th, 1982… oldest sibling to 3 awesome brothers and 2 beautiful sisters… son of 2 loving and supportive parents who are still together after 27 years… husband-to-be to 1 sweet lady, the most special / attractive / amazing person in the world, the love of my life, a gift from heaven, an angel, the one and only ______.

Caseyella said...

Yes, the little prick has spent the last 36 hours tweaking his "about page" - guaranteed to make him big bucks in the upcoming months...some more gems from the Casey Serin trainwreck of thought:

My dream since high school…

To develop multiple streams of passive income through high-return investing, and building internet-based highly-automated businesses with the help of various forms of financial / outsourcing / technological leverage:

… in order to escape “the rat race”, to never have to work a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and to become truly secure, self-sufficient and independent

… in order to give back to my parents for raising me and providing me a safety net, to reward them with early retirement

… in order to have the freedom of time to build many close relationships and develop various skills/talents, and to have the freedom of location to travel the globe in a low-profile, “Perpetual Traveler” (PT) kind of way.

Caseyella said...

He also states one of his life purpose/missions is :

"to love, help, inspire and empower people in my growing circle of influence"

That boy is taking Twitter just a little too seriously......

Anonymous said...

"That boy is taking Twitter just a little too seriously......"

Hey - he's lessening his Twitter spam - instead of following 2,000 people on Twitter, he is now following 1,994. (The other six probably threatened him with restraining orders.)

Caseyella said... is still available.......

Caseyella said...

I guess Caseyella's avatar is stuck in cyber space - just as well - looking at that pencil necked geek kinda made me queasy anyways.

PPboi is coming to the rescue - back in the fucking saddle beyotches!

Anonymous said...

Is there anything else on the talkcast worth hearing besides the temper tantrum?

WeWantTheFunk said...

Not really. I wanted to build up slowly and eventually put the screws to him with the Hard Questions, but he started ducking and it was no use.

Anonymous said...

Casey is having a breakdown. I used to feel a little sorry for 5% sorry and 95% hate. Now it's 100% hate. The problem is he never learns. He keeps on scamming. The ebook is a scam, the corporate credit is a scam, everything he does is a scam. The request for a free iphone with free service shows how entitled he thinks he should be. In the last couple weeks, he just completely disgusts me. I even had a hard time looking at blog post where he shows his photo. It just makes me cringe.

I'm glad he is where he is because he is finally getting what he truely deserves...divorce, no income, ruined credit, and living in a hotel. I'm glad not because I enjoy watching people suffer. I'm glad because he needs to have nothing, so he won't have a means to hurt more people.

Anonymous said...

"I'm glad he is where he is because he is finally getting what he truely deserves...divorce, no income, ruined credit, and living in a hotel."

Well, it would be nice that he could have an epiphany, and realize that disdaining work and feeling superior to the rest of the human race has not been a successful strategy for him, but the chances are 99.999% that he will be like this at 50 (probably after concocting some disability claim or something).

From Casey's new "About Casey":

"… in order to give back to my parents for raising me and providing me a safety net, to reward them with early retirement"

Considering what he is actually doing to his parents financially, this is stomach-turning.

Anonymous said...

So Casey is starting a "survivalist club."

Coming up, guns.

I worry.

False Casey said...

Maybe he'll shoot himself?

Anonymous said...

Homey da Clown wantz to seez da Case livin' off da land in da mountains. Homey da Clown thinkz da man which freeze hiz punk azz into a casey-cicle

Anonymous said...

Homey da Clown meant to typez will. Da man will freez hiz punk azz to hiz sweet prelude to a ferrari, livin' in da moutains.

Anonymous said...

What's next for Casey? I don't think he will be able to live off the land as a survivalist for long. My guess is that he finds a lonely middle aged woman with low self esteem to move in with. He'll leech off of her until she runs out of money/credit. Casey won't share this on his site because the woman won't be attractive like Galina.

Eventually he'll get arrested for something. I can't believe he's avoided prosecution for as long as he has. I think tax evasion will be the one that does him in.

It's funny that he's so averse to getting a job that he's willing sell out friends, family, and even basic necessities. How bad could it be to work a modest job for 40 hours a week? He could even do it half-assed like he does everything else.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he shut it all down. I listened to the entire 2.5+ hour talkcast whilst doing other work. Kind of painful. Looks like the saga is over.

I'm not especially disappointed. For a long time, I had hoped he'd make something of himself. But as someone else here said earlier, the "asshole Casey" revealed himself on the TalkCast. He really sounded kind of whiny. I have better things to do than follow his sad little story any further.

Anonymous said...

Casey is sick, really, really sick. What do you make of the mentality of someone who boasts bragging about his leverage of "OPM" like he's some kind of business guru literally the day he discloses that the "OPM" comes from his mother. He is a sociopath, pure and simple, he really does not care about anybody but himself, and added to this he is dangerously deluded as to his own skills and abilities. One can only wonder why christshippie is currently enabling him, when it is blatantly obvious that he is very damaged goods.

As if things couldn't get any worse though, he then comes up with what I think is his first true scam, the moment he really crosses over - the E-book. How he sinks any lower than bilking desparate people for $50 for the drivel he produced we will have to wait and see.

I started off really wanting him to turn it all around but in the last couple of weeks he has really shown his true colours (tbh the treatment of his wife towards the end went a long way towards my hate too). Now I just want to see him in jail, he is beneath contempt and needs to be stopped for the good of society - the world is shitty enough without yet another scam artist taking advantage of those who need help the most. To anybody in law enforcement here - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR, A WRITTEN FUCKING INVITATION? ARREST THAT PIECE OF SHIT FOR ANY ONE OF HIS MAY CRIMES.

Anonymous said...

Clown boy thinks he wants to help his parents. He's trying to rewrite the story and pull in a new audience.

One problem, his arrogance turns off people and NOBODY cares about a 25 year old lazy dumbass who has ZERO skills outside of parroting guru books.

Anonymous said...


He is sounding like those idiots selling their free tapes on the infomercials. He thinks he's a damn guru. He's nothing but a scam artist who figures that if the haterz are silenced (fat chance) that he can go about finding new suckers he can monetize.

Caseyella said...

Nothing from the idito all weekend - the professional blogger is taking a break from personal blogging. One wonders - does he even offer to mow his parent's grass for them?

Casey to lawnmower - NO DEAL!

Anonymous said...

Mow their lawn? I'm sure he is SUCH a good guy that he generously offers to hire someone with mom's credit to do it for him.

Do you understand why using credit (margin...leverage) to buy GSPG is such a bad idea? The company is itself leveraged to the infinitieth (why isn't that a word?). It apparently has no earnings, but lots of liabilities. So you are buying a chunk of what is itself a hugely-leveraged asset with...leverage. More, Casey's losses are magnified to the extent the share sinks below his purchase price.

They better start pooping Tiffany cufflinks up there in the Comstock, because I don't see them getting any more credit. Much like certain twinks I could name.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a big SINK.

Now Casey can get to his secret money making venture...selling his stock little by little to live off of.


That's great that in your religion you are forgiven. But guess what? That don't count for shit in this world. That's why there are so many of your types in prison.

Aelfscine said...

Whether he's purged the 'toxic negativity' or not, one thing's for sure - he's definitely purged his traffic!

WeWantTheFunk said...

Aaaand GSPG closes at 0.0135.

According to what comes out of that little pumper clown Danny's dick garage, this is a wonderful development.

GSPG goes down: Great News! A buying opportunity!

GSPG goes up: Great News! Tremendous profits ahead!

Management promises to begin production next year sometime; given the company's current assets, that means they'll have to dilute again to raise funds, driving the price still lower. Personally, I don't think they'll get around to producing anything before the heat death of the Universe, but Danny will spin that as a Good Thing somehow.

Entertained said...

So, if the only e-book advertising Casey has is his site, and his site only has 2 visitors per day, what do you think will be his sales estimate?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Casey considers what he could have done with the $100,000.00 he let slip through his hands?

Haterz told him to sell back in August at .05-.06. And again just recently at .02-.03

How he manages to sleep at all is beyond me. I'd have to drink myself to sleep every night if I was in his shoes.

Anonymous said...

Casey was talking about putting out an e-book clear back in early 2007. He renewed those claims back in August.

After all thistime he ends up with that pathetic piece of trash?

I have to wonder if he's building a case for pleading insanity for when he's finally charged with a crime.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that the "Haterz" practically begged him to sell at .06+, again in the .04s, and again in the .02s.

The "Supporterz" told the "Haterz" to stfu and go away and stop being so negative all the time!

And so we have another rendition of the old saw "With friends like these..."

Anonymous said...

He's baaaaack. . ..

Anonymous said...

Don't ask about whether he's still planning on moving into his car. All I asked was if that's still a likely outcome, and if so, whether he's thought through the practical matters (showers, where to park, etc.) Deleted.

Anonymous said...

What a tool! Casey's response to a "Supporter":

"@42 Frank Acetious

Thank you very much for that encouraging comment! I’m glad supporters are finally starting to speak up! All it took was getting rid of negativity. Negativity breeds negativity right?"

Uh Casey - take the F from Frank, and put it together with Acetious, and you have "Facetious". You'll fall for anything, won't you?

Somewhere is Uzbekistan, a village is missing an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Casey shows his mad technical skillz:

Crap… I think WordPress ate up a bunch of good comments I approved. I appologize if yours got deleted. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. Please repost.

Casey struggles with morality, and not surprisingly, emerges the victor:

While I’m all for paying back debt there is some discernment to be had here. The lenders who created the deceitful and dirty system, like lending out money created out of thin air, probably don’t deserve to get REAL money back in return. I probably shouldn’t not have played their game. But I did. I lost and they did too. But they actually didn’t lose anything of real value.

If you’re my lender and the loan you gave me didn’t cost you anything and you made me believe it was real money than that’s FRAUD. If you go ahead and foreclose on my house and take a REAL TANGIBLE asset for giving me a fake loan that’s an even BIGGER fraud.

So I’m not sure where the morality lies there. Still struggling with that one.

Anonymous said...

@Uzbecki Durak - Regarding Casey's technical skills.....

Like many here, I was on for a while until I got banned for....something, I'm not sure what. At any rate, Casey was also on the board at the time.

He tried to post one night, but couldn't figure out how to by himself. The mods had to walk him though how to post in the CHC shoutbox. He didn't understand why he couldn't edit threads and posts either.

Keep in mind, this is someone who was supposedly a Web programmer not too long before this occured, and he couldn't figure out how to post to a simple messageboard.

Anonymous said...

He has really crossed the line with the new rationalization about his liar loans. His core personality is starting to emerge.

Anonymous said...

Think I should post this?

You obviously understand about reading enmity. A true obvious troll always lies about something. Sometimes hope outshines latent evil.

Anonymous said...

This is cityredux. I'll post here instead of at Casey's site. I'm sick of being moderated.

It is a simple manner to determine what the next step is for Casey.

You might think "He'll start a new grifting business"

I don't think so. I think he is quickly running out of options. He only has a couple weeks.

His moronic stock purchase is in the garbage and will soon be worthless.

His corporate credit has run out. And I'm sure his parent's can't afford to cosign for him any more. That bridge should be burnt.

So, what can Casey do? Where can he turn? He has no time.

Only one option.

He has to hook up with someone with reasonable or even.. good credit so he can get loans in their name.

Now is the time for him to hook up with some chick with rocks for brains.

He'll get cards in her name and be billing it up again. And he'll keep doing that until he can't any more.

So, that is the next step, ladies and gentlemen.

There will be a new character. She will be stupid, gullible and she will have moderate to good credit.

When Casey is done with her, she will be dead broke and, just like Galina, will be deleting everything she can off the Internet. And so will her family since they will come in to bail her out but end up getting burned by Casey too.

Anonymous said...

....this is the end, beautiful friend, the end..............

J. Morrison

Anonymous said...

I just do not understand you people. You loathe him (as do I), you know he is absolutely deaf to any kind of reasonable discourse, you know he is a liar, a fraud, and a user. You know all there is to know about him, and it's all appalling.

And yet, even despite having created all these fora to discuss him, you continue to visit his site, to give him tons of traffic, to keep writing to him. Hammering on his criminality while he blithely stares into the distance and happily takes your traffic, thinking furiously about how to monetize it. (There will be ads on his site very soon, I bet.) Even his interactions reveal his complete indifference to your critiques, your concerns, your frustrations, your efforts. ALL he cares about is having someone watch the show. And you oblige.

Aelfscine, you seem so smart. What is your motivation in talking to this moron? If you want to help others, why don't you persuade them to follow you elsewhere? Anonymous (single or plural, I don't know), you feel active dislike -- thoughtfully based, it's clear -- but you go back and back to the well. Asking probing questions that aren't ever going to be answered (what answer is there that might be acceptable? not one we've heard over the years) Are you hoping the leopard will change his spots?

If it's the trainwreck angle, why not watch from here, or ch (I've never visited), or elsewhere? You people really are moths to a flame. As, of course, am I. But I have ZERO hope that he'd ever listen, or feel shame, or change. I watch to have all my deepest, most cynical, most misanthropic fears justified tenfold. That's my problem. But at least I don't contribute more than a pageview a week to that piece of dreck. And it still amazes me that he can get you -- smart, seemingly decent folks -- to hang on his every last word at his site, on his terms, and in spite of all that he is and does.

Entertained said...


I've been thinking the same for some time now. The only hope for the dumb girls with good credit is that with his limited network (most people he knows now actively hate him) his opportunity to meet such women should be somewhat limited.

I mean, unless he's living in a metropolitan area known for a high population of...uh oh.

Anonymous said...

Most dumb girls already have trashed credit.