Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So Casey wants to sue us?

Go ahead fucker, make our day!

You see, we have analyzed the coverage provided by that Pre-payed Leagle scam that you have bought into, and it doesn't cover filing lawsuits.

In fact, the coverage provided in California as part of the self-employed business plan that you said you got, is detailed here:

Preventive Legal Services for your business
  • Talk to a Lawyer when you need assistance on business legal issues. You'll receive telephone consultations on an unlimited number of matters for business questions.
  • A maximum of three (3) letters written on behalf of your business to third parties each month. (State laws and contract provisions apply.)
  • Receive up to three (3) business contracts or documents of up to 15 pages each reviewed by your Provider Law Firm.

Other Legal Services for your business

Any other business legal services not otherwise covered by the membership are
available at a 25% discount from the Provider Law Firm's corporate rate.

Which is a nice way of saying that all they'll do is write a letter for you if you have a complaint or an issue. If you want to sue, you still have to pay them a retainer, but they'll give you a 25% discount off their "corporate rate." Usually the way they work this is that their "corporate rate" is about 30% higher than their "normal" rate, so after getting the discount you're paying about as much as any other client.

Not that it matters much. You don't have enough to pay any rate.

And they won't even have much to say in the letter. You see, lawyers who make idle threats and false allegations don't stay in the lawyer business long. And there's nothing we have published here that is not either 100% verifiable fact OR 100% opinion, both of which are protected under the first amendment. The most they can say is "we don't like what you said about our client and would appreciate you taking it down." And we can toss the letter in the trash if we wish. You'd have to sue us to get any kind of enforcement, and as we said, you can't afford to sue even at the "25% discounted rate."

So kindly fuck off. You're a scammer and always have been. You have self-documented your scams and crimes starting with the iamfacingforeclosure blog and continuing through today. You have made no secret of the liar loans and the sleazy strategies used to obtain your credit. You have knowingly associated with individuals (Lisa, Mike, Anthony, Mark, Marty, etc.) whose scammy histories are plastered all over the internet, if only you had bothered to Google them.

Don't complain that you've been tarred with the "fraudster" brush. Your own conduct has been plain for everybody to see. As you noted on today's talk-cast, you are personally incapable of doing anything -- even anything illegal -- without broadcasting it to the world, and broadcast you have! You have earned your reputation. No legal team can reverse your own stupidity.

And that's the way things are at the FalseCasey HQ, where we are looking forward to the possible fireworks likely to emerge from this weekend's meeting of the Salt Lake Three.


WizardofIB said...


Well said FC. I'd like to see him use up all of his 3 letters a month to write to the owners of haterz(tm) blogs. Maybe I will get my own pretend law firm to send him a letter for almost giving me an aneurism while listening his talk cast with the bluetooth guy(tm) and "G-Money" the Serial Entrepreneur.

Anonymous said...

Rhetorical question:

If a small business owner (say Casey Serin, of Hammar Investments) was to publicly threaten a lawsuit against a series of websites clearly posting newsworthy, and topical content, clearly within the confines of what is proper in terms of copyright, defamation, satire, opinion, commentary, etc, then would the purposeful attempted chilling of such protected free speech by said business owner, attempting to frighten the sites into silence via public threat of legal action, [i]especially in light of the unclean hands and overt attempt to hide the disclosure of further illegal activities[/i], constitute an actionable offense?

WeWantTheFunk said...

Casey is having a bad week on Talkshoe.

Looks like jerk chicken at Nigel's Friday. We will call in to the talkcast while simulating the reaction of the audience with my angry mob playset.

False Casey said...

In California, the laws protecting you are pretty broad. It will cost to defend against such a suit, but if you win (and in most cases you will) the other party owes you all costs. This tends to reduce the tendency of such individuals to sue.

Now, we are probably unique among the groups possibly named because like Casey we reside in California and are using a blogging service based in California.

CHC is based elsewhere. Caseypedia is based outside the United States entirely, and is owned by an individual in a third country. It will be virtually impossible for somebody with Casey's budget to go after them.

CampIdiot is based in Canada and the individuals involved are Canadian citizens. Again, it'll be very tough for anybody to go after them.

Realistically, if Casey comes after us, the suit will probably end up at Google, in the form of a demand to pull this blog off their service. We have little faith that they'll back us up particularly well, but it'll be tough for anybody to prevent one or more of the contributors to this blog from popping up in a different place, using a different name, probably based outside the US as well...

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to migrate all content over to wordpress and keep that site private until Google theoretically takes this one down?

Anyway, should it come to pass (Casey follows through with something?), I'm down for a contribution to your defense.

Eric S. Mueller said...

I'd love to see Casey go after somebody who knows how to use the power of subpoena. He wouldn't make it 30 seconds into his first deposition before he decided to drop the suit.

Once he realizes that his bank records and mortgage contracts and corporate documents were under subpoena, he'd fold.

Anonymous said...

Will you be reporting the results from the big G3 Fraud Summit in

Will there be pictures of WWTF's playset?

As always,
Appalled and Curious.

shterenta said...

Hey, is it possible for me to be a guest author on this blog. I find Casey to be quiet fascinating. He has quiet the disorder going, it's clear to any half assed psychologist. Also, he is just unbelievable unfocused and sheer laziness of his is phenomenal. In fact, I have incorporated him into my daily routine as all I have to do is look at his project and a few minutes of streams and that's all the motivation I need to work hard on my businesses. Simply not to be like him. He is the quintessential example of a loser and will be for life most likely.

Stephanie J. said...

FYI: WeWantTheFunk

This is Stephanie J. I was on a plane flying back from the Northeast on 9/23; so whatever 'sighting' you mentioned on my caseypedia page is wrong I'm afraid. Whoever that person was, it wasn't the Jeep Girl. Sorry. ;)

I can't remember my CaseyPedia password, so I can't edit that or refute these charges.


dean said...

Google will only take action on a court order, so I wouldn't worry about them taking down this blog. Ain't gonna happen.

WeWantTheFunk said...

Steph J.: bummer. I so hoped it was you. Great to see you here, though!

I never posted my game design for "Grand Theft Real Estate" -- partially because when the S finally HTF, the final boss drives a green Jeep, and the joke became hollow and without meaning since your departure.

So is the latest Flippy incarnation LOONY or WHAT?

False Casey said...

Sherenta, email us. Falsecasey at gmail.

Stephanie, if you want to be reactivated on CHC, we can pass it along to somebody who is there.

As for the Utah three summit, we will be able to post whatever they feel like emailing us. Funky and BTC both have our email...

Anonymous said...

Casey couldn't even sue for the Marty tapes the two morons left unattended in an unsecure location.

Massive Focused Action said...

Dean: Court orders aren't cheap either and you have to have cause (DMCA complaint or scam issues).

:-\ said...

As I'm not on CHC, what's the story behind Casey's parents and their house? I've seen little snippets mentioned on Steve's blog that they refi'ed a number of times since 2003 and that they're likely underwater, and possibly in danger of losing the house.

Those are the salient details apparently, but are there nuggets that haven't been discussed? Are they days/weeks/months away from foreclosure or something?

False Casey said...

We don't know much about the house. It appears from public records that they bought in 2002 and refid several times, most recently 2005. They are most likely underwater if they took out any cash, but nobody really knows.

There is no evidence that they're behind on things, but mom works for Sacramento schools and dad works for State of California, so they've both been facing mandatory days off, etc.

Add in Casey's debt that they guaranteed and they may have a real tough time with the combined payments on all of this.

That's all we know.