Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TrueCasey in Utah, and a Special Photo

TrueCasey continues starving himself in Salt Lake City, courtesy of Nigel, WWTF and BTC. We continue to be skeptical of his motivations and liklihood of success, whatever that means to him.

Some photos of his antics have begun to leak out, largely courtesy of BTC and WWTF.

We find this one fairly hysterical:

Apparently the lady was encountered at the top of the Snowbird resort at 11,000', which seems to us like an odd place to be turning tricks. Of course, TrueCasey strikes us as an odd person to be soliciting.

However, the following picture does not appear to have been published anywhere else yet. We cannot reveal from where it came, but the list of possible contributors is obviously no more than four persons long. It purports to show the inside of BTC's ski locker at Snowbird. We find it interesting, to say the least.

And that's the view from FalseCasey Headquarters, where we are wondering why there are no skis in there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, how about a post on Casey's douchecast with Nazi Moderator??